huge appetite….grrr
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Hello its been awhile since I have posted! Very busy in finsihing up Nursing school , but wanted to ask you all if anyone is experiencng increased appetites...not sure if I am thrilled as my belly is getting a bit poofy...I have been in peri menoapuse since 2004 and slowy getting to the point where I don't get periods, went through tons of anxiety - I seem to be doing a lot better with all my symtoms I have had over the years but now this increaesed appetite is scaring! Thanks for any advice!
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elle127 lisa65434
I woundn't worry too much. I think it's normal to put on weight with the menopause. I've come off HRT at the end of January and all I want to do is eat! Consequently I've put on a stone and it's still increasing
My belly looks like I'm 6 months gone but I have fibroids too so that doesn't help.
I'm still getting periods but they are getting shorter. I've been in peri for the past 4/5 years and I'm 51 next month. Will be glad when the periods finish!
Seriously thinking of joining a slimming club as I really need to shift this weight.
E. x
wen06862 lisa65434
Most of the weight has gone on my tummy, which I can't "pull in" as my stomach was and still is numb since op.
It's like all my menopause symptoms have been concentrated all at once.
And I'm soooooo hungry, all the time, I'm really trying to eat healthily. (honest)
(I have other health problems and disability, which adds to the fun!)
natalie_63922 lisa65434
been reading stuff on here for some time ,and yes lots of laides have said the same having a hysorectomy next mth and it is one of the things that worries me to on top of all other symptoms it just dont seem fair !
anita31460 lisa65434
On the plus side I'm feeling tons better since starting the HRT and have to keep reminding myself I'd rather have a few extra inches of flab than live life on a knife edge of anxiety and be thin 😊
Chin up ladies ... Or should that be chins!
Anita x
lol64 lisa65434
jennifer01077 lisa65434
I am not sure if this will be relevant to you at all. I always overate. When I was in my thirties, I went through a stage of practicing mindfulness when I ate. It was a really good time. I also practiced yoga and meditation. It was great. I found I could go to sleep really easily. Then came perimenopause. I have strong estrogen dominance, and the lack of progesterone . . . it made me really bad tempered, I couldn't sleep well, I ate a lot . . . most of it before my period. I put on a lot of weight.
But now, I am a bit more balanced. I reduced the stress in my life. I mean, not everyone can do that. I feel really lucky. I changed my diet, I eat carbs more sparingly and more often during the day. I got gastritis quite badly, and that made me eat more moderately. Actually, it made me stop eating raw vegetables too, so it's kind of not what Gwenneth Paltrow recommends!
I think I am tired, and so I am rambling on. I wanted to mention the idea of mindful eating, you can ask mr. google about it, he has a lot of information. It has a lot to do with reducing stress by thinking in a different way. I am not saying it will help for sure! It's been a rocky road for me. But I don't gain now, and I have lost a bit over the last year. Of course, I do exercise when I can.
It's just a thought, and I wish you luck lisa.
kathy46259 lisa65434
I had a comlete hystorectomy when I was 44 and did not gain, I was also doing HRT. Now? Everything tastes so good, I have put on some pounds, mostly around the middle. I am 56 and I do not do any exercize, that could be my problem or it just comes with age?