Hunger Help
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Hi Ladies,
Since all these symtpoms started for me about 5 months ago, I lost a lot of weight. Some was due to anxiety and losing my appetite, then I changed my diet to help with the symptoms.
Normally I eat a lot in the days leading up to my cycle. I have cravings for cretain foods and definitely a lot of sweets. With my cycles being irregular lately, I haven't had the food cravings. I just went off my cycle yesterday and today I am extremely hungry. I'm craving all sorts of foods and especially sweets. Is this normal? This morning I have eaten yogurt, trail mix, and bananas. I really want to get an omelet and fried potatoes, and I want ice cream and cake.
Has anyone else expierenced this? I'm just really hungry.
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Zigangie jamie50513
I was like that in peri, lost weight which was quite worrying especially as I had an appetite like I had never experienced before.
After a few years of it I began to gain weight and now post meno I am about 20 lbs heavier and can't seem to shift it.
jamie50513 Zigangie
elaine33371 Zigangie
jamie50513 elaine33371
Zigangie elaine33371
I have my fingers crossed that now I'm on HRT including testosterone that some of this weight will come off!
I used to only really have to think about my weight in order to loose a few pounds. Lately no matter what I'm trying it won't budge. I've almost halved my portions and if I have a cake or something sweet I only have that so if we are eating at a café and I fancy cake I have it for dinner, whereas beforei could eat a meal and have cake.
I'm just over 3 months on HRT I am 5 lbs lighter than I was before Christmas.
elaine33371 Zigangie
thats great that you have lost the 5lbs, maybe the testosterone has helped then, i have noticed in myself, its harder to drop the weight, everytime i eat, im thinking best go out to walk that off, its finding the energy with me, feel like such a couch potato nowadays,..............that was negative wasnt it?............ha
elaine33371 jamie50513
When you have finished your cycle then, how long do your symptoms normally last for afterwards?
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
jamie50513 elaine33371
elaine33371 jamie50513
Yes i get the head pressure also, and no i dont get my migraines like i use to either, i seem to get other neurogical symptoms instead of pain, i was told by a specialist that, this was deferred symptoms, by that she meant, the nerves send you other symptoms other than pain, so whilst it seems new, its stil migraine, or, headache related, did you use to suffer migraines by any chance?? trouble is jamie, we get so much conflicting drs advice, and opinions, so, in the end, who, or, what do you believe!!
However, my daughter had abdominal migraines from age 4 years, then when she turned 8 they started to move into her head, but, before they finally went into head migraines, the pain would dart from her tum, then into her hands, then into her head, then back into her tum, her gp said, it was the nerves sending the signals elsewhere until it settles into its new place, and thats why, we at the moment get the pressure but its without the pain, so, that might be why we dont recognise this pressure thing as a headache or, migraine, does that make sense?? but anything out of the ordinary, that isnt what you have been use to since peri dont leave, go and get it checked out if your worried.
what i do with chocolate is, i have a dark single chocolate, dark with it being a more natural sugar, makes me think im being good then..............ha but then i follow it with a very small handful of nuts, to balance the sugar fall later, dont do it every day, works for me.............sneaky or, what!! i darent risk it with a chocolate bar though, its so easy to see how we put the weight on during peri time though doesnt it.
jamie50513 elaine33371