Hungry Hippo
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Hi ladies hope all is better
I hav been experiencing huger an cravings non stop..i eat an yet am hungry again. Witout eatin my acid acts up..
Can anyone assist wit an answer for i hav no clue on wat am doin..oh yes dizziness cms along as well.
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mary27278 wendy36287
Hi Wendy..
It could be due to the hormonal imbalance or the acid reflux. I've been hungry alot too but i dont eat too much throughout the day because of the acid reflux and daytime is my worse part of day. But i still force myself to eat because the acid will get worse. During late evening acid leaves and hunger increases. I just cant get enough to eat. By this time, its almost bedtime but i can' t contine eating and then go to bed then the acid reflux will be worse in the morning. I think this is why i have it every morning, because sometimes i eat late but i cant help it because im so hungry.
Sometimes i feel like staying up all night just to eat. Before i wasnt eating much and lost alot of weight because of gastritis and gerd. Since im doing much better with it now, im hungry alot , dont know if its from not being able to eat before or my hormones.
You mention that you re dizzy too. I know acid reflux can cause dizziness. I experience that too then could be hormones or both.
Is there a certain time for you or is it constantly?
wendy36287 mary27278
Sochima822 wendy36287
When you feel hungry after eating a full meal its because you're not hydrated enough. Drink lots of water. For acid reflux or gerd, I always recommend cabbage juice, if you can juice it, even better but if you can't then just eat it, about a cup of it and eat it plain if you can or with a tiny bit of Apple cider vinegar. It will neutralize the acid n get rid of it if you juice it.
wendy36287 Sochima822
sharon50601 wendy36287
hi all, I thought it was only me , I'm so hungry all morning into afternoon, just have to eat a huge brekkie, n lunch , feel more balanced , must be hormones, I turned 49 last week, so in this for years now. also having dizzy ,unbalanced feeling , makes me feel so tired n weak if I don't eat enough, cant even walk far. this happened yesterday morning , n thought I was going crazy for been so hungry.
Its the only piece of norma for me now during this horrible time., so I feel I deserve it
Wildfire123 wendy36287
I've actually lost my appetite and have been loosing to much weight. But when I do eat I can't seem to keep the weight on.
DaisyDaze wendy36287
OMG. Always hungry here. I try to limit it, but it seems like I get lightheaded if I don't eat. Plus the cravings-I have them a lot. I crave salt, chocolate, and bread. UGH.
I tried the potato suggestion from someone, as it has a high satiety level, but quickly got tired of it.
I drink more than enough water too.
wendy36287 DaisyDaze
kelly55079 wendy36287
Try different ways to get that water down.. It's so important for our bodies.. I don't have aches and pains as much and I think it has to do with the water. It hydrates everything including joints.
kelly55079 wendy36287
Yes, I have been t he hungry hippo as well.. just nonstop eating then fatigue.. dizziness, feeling foggy like I'm slow and not with it. Had blood tests done thinking it's thyroid, etc.... But it always comes back clean. So yes it's my hormones playing games with me. There are many hormone diets out there which is basically lean protein, fruits, veggies with some good carbs and fats.. So I have been trying really hard to do this as well as drinking almost a gallon of water a day. I have gained 10 lbs as well so I'm hoping I can stick to an eating plan to help my weight as well as hormones...
wendy36287 kelly55079