Hurting heel!!!

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I am in my menopausal stage where all the symptoms are pouring in.My latest symptom which is bothering me is my heel which is hurting so badly.I cant stand.The pain comes and goes but sometimes it is unbearable.I thought it was muscle pull and will subside itself but it has been there for a month now.Has it to do with hormones?I cant walk properly.Pain is worse after taking rest for a long time.Help me please

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11 Replies

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    It sounds like you have heel spurs. They can be painful. It is not a menopausal symptom. It's associated with plantar fasciiatis. Do you run or do some sort of exercise or are you overweight?  I had this and it is very bothersome. I, like you had the pain for a long time, about 2 months until I finally caved and went to a podiatrist who gave me a cortisone injection.  Mine came on after going from high heels to tennis shoes where it tightens the bands and causes tears in the ligaments.  Google it, you'll find lots of information.

  • Posted

    Im having this issue with the inner part or inner side of my knee? Could it be peri, weight issues, arthritis, or something else going bad with my knee? I didnt do anything to injure it either. Seemed to just start hurting one day or about a week or so now. Pain is somewhat tolerable, but I do hobble. When I rest for awhile, then start walkingit begins to hurt and steps are killer. Like Im an old woman. Only 51. I am a bit overweight, but not extreme.

    Your heel issue sounds similar to my knee issue. Wish the pain would just go away, or know if it's peri. Related before I make a drs. appt.

  • Posted

    Welcome to my nightmare. I am 47, 56kg and have been fit and active all my life. No meds other than low dose ssri and now progesterone for last 3 months. I quit the pill in March 2016 and had no period for 3 months which was heaven. Then the hot flushes started so I upped my dose of ssri and like magic hot flushes went away but I still couldn't sleep. I had 0 estrogen and 0 progesterone readings. So I started progesterone and I'm having deep REM and dreams in the dozens every night. It's good because I wake up rested. Especially as it is cumulative. I cannot tolerate estrogen as I'm estrogen dominant. I hate it in my system anyway (bloating, flatulence, food cravings etc). Progesterone also stopped me from thinking I had dementia because I couldn't learn, remember and I was an anxious bundle of nerves. I am now calm and happy. Cortisol is made in the brain and when it is depleted by stress, it cannot be replaced. It chews through progesterone which must be replaced. I have both hip pain and gluteal pain which is ruining my quality of life and my work (I'm a nurse). I also frequently get neck pain from sleeping heavily. I refuse to take painkillers because that's a slippery slope, given how long these symptoms are supposed to go on for! I just stretch non-stop, get out of bed early these days to stop hurting and wear good shoes. Let me know if you discover anything that helps!lol

  • Posted

    Could it be Plantar Fasciitis? I know a number of women including myself who developed symptoms of this in early menopause. My symptoms mainly occurred when I got out of bed but sometimes when I got up from sitting for awhile. Thankfully, they did not last long...knock on wood! They disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared.
    • Posted

      Hi aged, It starts out as Plantar Fasciitis, and with time if not treated, you get heel spurs from the ligaments and tendons tearing to the bone causing heel spurs. Hers obviously needs treatment because she's in a lot of pain and has been in pain for a month. I had to get cortisone injections which cured it and given an orthotic to put into my shoes to help with heel support. This is not a symptom of perimenopause or menopause.

    • Posted

      I'm sorry to hear yours got so bad! All I know is that this subject came up with a group of women in their 50's and there were several of us who had recently started with this type of pain and those who saw their doctors were told it was or sounded like plantar fasciitis. So it's possible that the drop in hormones is a contributing factor. Joint pain is also a common complaint as hormones levels fall during perimenopause and menopause. 

    • Posted

      Yes, age I can understand if it were mild and comes and goes, but she's in extreme pain where she can't stand. This was the same issue I was having, making it impossible to walk without extreme pain. When I went to my doctor, he never asked or suggested it was hormonal but that the ligaments were tearing at my calcaneous such that the bone was being exposed or something to that effect and that a cortisone shot would help.

      Joint pain in other parts of the body is very common during peri/menopause and comes and goes. But somethings that lasts for months needs to be looked at by a professional, imho.

    • Posted

      Does that go for knees too? Is it a joint issue? I started taking these glycosomine/ joint relief tablets. However, they say on the bottle that they generally take 4-6 weeks to norice a change. Only been on them a week, so haven't noticed too much of a change.

    • Posted

      Didi, how long have you had this pain and where exactly is it located? Does it come and go or is it constant? In perimenopause old injuries or inflammations will come back to haunt you. You say you were active and fit, were you also a runner? I do knee exercises. I found them online not sure I can say the name here. But if you type in google Relieve Your knee Pain without surgery or knee exercises you will find some helpful ones. Your knee pain could be hormonal if it's not causing you extreme pain. I also took glucosamine and it did work. Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      It just started about a week or so now. Just the inner part of my knee. I'm not a runner. However, I just did a walk on Ssturday, and feel I aggravated it more. It is fine when I'm resting just when I get up from sitting too long, and it's hard going upstairs for me. I dont overexert myself when I do exercise , but maybe I need to stop doing squats and this step thing I do at the gym. I don't stand too much. In fact, I have a horrible desk job, so I sit more than I stand. Im trying the glycosomiine tablets, but only been on them about a week, so not a huge difference yet.

      Although, today my inner knee was slightly more tolerable, so maybe they are starting to help. We'll see. The pain is tolerable and I can bend them, just when I get up from sitting too long or steps are kind of difficult. I feel like an old woman sometimes when I get out of bed. Makes me wobder how bad its going to be when I am really old. I'm only 51.

    • Posted

      You're not old, and it will all go away with time as your hormones balance out. 

      As for your knee I would suggest you stop all exercises, as you can aggravate the tendons and cause more harm. I recall having something similar in fact, I stopped going to the gym until it was completely healed because after talking to the my trainer he said I didn't want to cause any tears to my tendons if they were inflammed and that I should rest the knee until it healed.  I rested for 2 weeks. As you know I'm sure, if the pain lasts for more than 2 months then you need to see a doctor.

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