Husband in hospital now with possilbe Achalasia

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Last night my husband and I left a dinner dance because he had had a mouthful of chicken, felt it get stuck in his gullet and then spent an hour making himself sick to try to dislodge it - sometimes this works but last night it didn't. We left, he spent an uncomfortable night at home and went to A&E this morning. Sunday is a bad day because there is no-one in Endoscopy - so he had to be admitted with a view to having an endoscopy in the morning which will push the offending bit of chicken down.

It is not the first time this has happened. As I say, usually he can dislodge the piece of food by being sick, not a particularly healthy way to deal with it! This is his third endoscopy to push food through. His surgeon suspects achalasia but is not convinced. My husband is nervous of anything to do with doctors so will only go when he has too - not a good combination with this problem. When I left him this evening, he was swearing that he was going to deal with it properly this time.

He has had a barium swallow - but this was pretty inconclusive. He has been taking Oesomeprozol(sp?) as the surgeon felt that the over production of stomach acid may be a contributing factor, but he's not very good at taking it regularly - and it doesn't seem to solve anything.

His major problem is that once the food is stuck, he cannot swallow anything, even spit. All today he has been spitting into a pot - it's amazing how much spit one man generates in a day. He is now on a drip to help with rehydration. He will not be able to sleep properly tonight because if he doesn't spit out his spit, the pressure builds up in his gullet until he has to heave to eject the build up of spit.

I am sure that stress definitely plays a part and in some ways, I think he was tense last night because we were out with friends and it was not an occasion on which he wanted to experience achalasia - almost a self fulfilling prophecy.

I've left him in hospital tonight, pretty miserable. We really must get to the bottom of this. Any help/advice would be appreciated. We are in West Yorkshire if anyone knows of any specialists.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    This all sounds very familiar to me. The same thing happened to me just over a year ago. After one meal I could not swallow anything - even my own spit! As you say it is amazing how much you produce. It was a piece of meat that caused the problem for me. I was admitted to hospital and eventually (after two days!) manage to dislodge the food myself, but not a nice experience and very frightening. I had had symptoms for two or three years. Often got stuck eating rice, but tried to ignore it (Foolishly)

    One Dr at hospital put me on tablets, but that did not improve things. Had barium swallow, and result did confirm condition achalasia.

    I then saw the hospital specialist (Excellent) and he suggested operation. (Hellers Myotomy) Had this done in early summer 2009. Now very much improved. I always take care to chew my food, eat slowly and drink plenty of water with my meal. It is also better to eat smaller portionsd and take my time. My specialist was in Grimsby and he has a good reputation for the operation. Hope all goes well with your husband.

  • Posted

    Dear JYew

    Sympathise with your husband. I suffered for 21 months constantly regurgitating food and then even liquids. Had 2 barium swallows, 2 CT scans, 5 endoscopies at my local hospital and 6 months ago the last endoscopy showed a diagnosis of Achalasia. The surgeon quite obviously did not have enough experience of the operation as he told me they only saw a case every 3/4 years and proceeded to tell me he would not be operating for a further 3 months although by this time I had gone from 9st 10lb to 6st 10lb and still losing on a daily basis. I then asked my GP for an urgent referral to Newcastle RVI and had the operation 3 weeks ago. It is wonderful. I am able to eat anything (I would mention however, I am not a red meat eater anyway) and barely any trouble with acid. I feel great. After my first appointment with the consultant at Newcastle (I got an appointment within a fortnight through a Choose and Book cancellation) he arranged for all his own tests, including manometery, which Hartlepool, had skipped and quickly established (the Newcastle tests were much more thorough) Achalasia and performed surgery within a fortnight, as he considered me an urgent case.

    If your husband can get to Newcastle on Tyne I would advise him to do so.


  • Posted

    Hi JYew,

    I went through Leeds General Infirmary in 1997.

    The diagnosis was a little slow but once they'd established it was achalasia I really can't fault them. I was given the choice of treatment and chose the Heller Myotomy.

    I really can't remember the surgeon's name but after the op I went for for 6 monthly checkups for many years and have now moved to annual checkups.

    (Not sure this site may sensor this) ... I am currently under *******. He and his team seem fully conversant with achalasia so they should be able to sort your husband out.

    Hope this helps.

    Regards ...... Richard


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  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your help. Husband is out now, the offending piece of chicken has been pushed through and is no more - phew! Our consultant took some biopsies (20!) whilst he was able and has sent them off for tests. He now thinks it is either achalasia or another thing which is only described as Oesophogial inflammation - apparently a new condition (which I think he didn't name so we couldn't google it!) that has emerged in the last 5 years. This new condition can be controlled with medication which may or may not be long term depending on how the patient responds. Anyway, he's back in two weeks to find out what next it may be the pressure test.

    Thank you everyone.

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