Husband trying to come off Tramadol!! Advice!

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My husband is currently trying to cut down and eventually come off Tramadol! He has been on tramadol for 7 years now after he suffered internal injuries after a motorcycle accident ,and has a daily dosage of 600mg per day!

We're looking for some advice on how best to cut down and also to cope with the withdrawal symptoms. We've heard some people saying you can mix aspirin with a lower dosage of tramadol to, in a way, trick your mind it's getting all tramadol!! Any one else heard of this  method for stepping down dosages?!!

Any help/advice is much appreciated! (",)

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there. For 6 years i have been on Tramadole. I have gone cold turkey now for 5 days. and yesterday i did not go back to bed once tosleep. the side effects has been bouts of sleep 5 m 30m couple of hours several times a day. we had to do our shopping etc in between  the sleep. I still need sleeping pills at night to sleep.

    Told my Dr on Monday and asked if there was another type. he said just take two at night instead ,which i still have not . My paian wakes me up but i get up spme times orwhat ever  But i just decided not to take them any more, My Pain still gets extreml sore etc but i tolerate it SOFAR HA HA SO FAR but i am trying  very hard not to take even the 2 DR suggested saying it is the best for the pain bla bla

    But i am having my hip done so no doubt will be more of that tramadole

    so to sum up i have just gome cold turkey for 5 days i think


  • Posted

    Hi and good luck, 

    I've now been tramadol free for 2 weeks after going cold turkey, first few days were a real challenge, little sleep, diahorea, paranoia, the restless legs were the worst, lethargy, hot and cold sweats, well I think that about covers it, last week was getting much better, however over last weekend a little of the symptoms returned I obviously have yet to get the drug completely out of my system.

    so some tough days ahead, I didn't bother weaning myself off and in hindsight probably should have done, but I just wanted them gone.

    Good luck in anything you try and do and I hope your husband recovers soon.

    PS my ex drive hasn't 

  • Posted

    The question that always comes to my mind is "without Tramadol will the pain be bearable" and the answere is usualy " because I take them when the pain gets bad and not just for the sake of the drug itself,No"

    We all depend on many things in life just to survive so I see it as being no different depending on a pain killer as long as the reason is genuine need and not just feeding a habit./

    • Posted

      Hi Steve

      Yes the pain since no tramadole is getting very bad so i may dpo waht DR says just 2 a night but it is that sleep thing plus some head aches i put down to the tramadole

      many thanks

    • Posted

      You are right. But sometimes people can't tell the difference or their pain tolerance goes down and they need more. And trying to go cold turkey..which I don't know why people do, is bad because of with draw effects. I tried to go down too fast and it makes it so I can't sleep at all and I ache. 
    • Posted

      Hi Daisy it is tough. But i am going to go back to two a night as what my dr said as he says it suits my pain dreading the hip op that is coming up.

      I am very sore from hips and get other pain at times. Sleep. My Dr did not believe me as he said i look to well for some one supposedly not sleeping. We did a sleep chart and he said well you are sleeeping during the day . I argued with the guy and said it is not normal for so much day time sleep.!!! I was really angry with him , as i am 68 was 67 then and been through life. He was only allowing one sleeping pill a night called Zhocalume at 5 mg i think got to get some more today. So one day i went to his mate (two Dr'S ) there and he ws great . gave me enough for two weeks at a time with repeats  and said take 2 of course when i explained to him. The sleep did continue for a while till this week. have not had any tramadole since saturday how ever i will now take 2 at night as my dr said to do.yesterday was first day i had to go back to bed for 30 m so may have been the tramadole the hospital heart lady here has also booked me into the respiratory clinic plus the SLEEP CLINIC as well. Some one is listening !! All the best Some times i find i have to be really very angry with my DR and i mean angry. to get through to the guy

      Good luck and it is bad thing when we ca not sleep. If i do not take two sleeping pills each night, i simply do not sleep. i use to fall asleep in front of frends and visitors .

      luck again


    • Posted

      Hi Peter, and  yeah i tried benedryl and it makes me sleepy. I only take 50 mg so its not that bad as others on here that say they take 500+mg!   I am def glad that you got help, respitory failure is a killer with pain pills.  I get mad at my doc too, shes military so it hard to get what I need.  Guess if they do not go through it they do not understand.  Hope you are doing better, sorry this is  so late. school takes up all my time.

      <3 debbie>

    • Posted

      many thanks debbie not looking forward ro the hip replacement either

      I am having to take two tramadole morning and two at night. for the bad pain. tried to go cold turkey for 5 days. but pain got to much. I wake up 3 in the morning with pain from my hips after lying down alll night i guess

      i am lucky my wife and i are both retired , as i am sure i would have lost my job through all this as no one can really beleive , the sleep pattern.

      it has taken them about 6 years to get to do the replacement . anoother sympton i have forgotten to mention is trowing up a lot. Some times stuff. some times just drw retching . Yes DR gave me yet more pills but seem to work

      I envy the people i know that are still working older than i am they are the lucky ones

      all the very best and thanks i had two sleeps yesterday



  • Posted

    Hi guys. 

    Firstly go to your GP and tell them what you're planning. Mine helped me devise a weaning program which helped me. 

    Then these few tips helped, very hot baths ( can't tell you how good they feel, sometimes I'd soak for hours just topping up ) energy drinks, a high strength multi vitamin supplement, exercise, feel the burn, it helps make your brain produce its own endorphins. 

    Take it very slowly 7 yrs is a long time to be on trammadol so it's going to take a long time for your body and brain to adjust.

    I'd cut down in 50-100mg increments. Try 500mgs for a week, if that's ok then 400mgs then 3 then 2 then 1. Keep adjusting up or down by 50mgs depending how you feel. Once you finally stop you might need paracetamol and/or brufen( if you can take it, with some ranitidine to protect your stomach) 

    i was on trams and buprenorphine patches I found getting off trams easy because I had the patches to help but then getting off the patches was pure hell. I'm completely free now, I still take a long acting brufen and 2 paracetamol at night as I'm recovering from hip surgery but I'm feeling great. 

    Best advice. One step at a time. Be patient and don't be too hard on yourself 

    great that you've got family support

    Be well 


    • Posted

      My DR suggested to go  to two each night which is what i am now doing and trying to keep to

      many thnaks every one


  • Posted

    There is a anxiety medication that they prescribe people but it doesn't have all that addictive stuff in it,I found buspar to help getting off tramadol. Never cold turkey! I never had that high of a dose,I take 50 or so. I just try to take less, one in the morning and if I hurt bad during the day I take another. It all seems to be will power. Taking aspirin or any other pain relievers only doubles the effects of tramadol.  I was a cna, and a firefighter for 9+ years so I know a bit about this kind of stuff. Can he cut then in half and get used to a lower dose? I know my sister did that and it helped. 
  • Posted

    OMG! Having been on 600mg's a day his withdrawal symptoms will be terrible! His body must be craving it having been on such a high dose and for so long!

    I've never heard of the "Asprin" fix but, as I've enquired in another discussion about Tramadol, I read a few people had been given a patch to help ween them off - but, for love or money I can't remember the name of it. Maybe you could ask your doctor? I know I'll have to as I'm back on Tramadol now due to a back bad... Yes, it works, but as you know, the side-effects of coming off of them is pretty scary.

    Please let me know how you get on.

    Take care,


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