Hydrocele May/2021
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i just had a right side hydrocelectomy on 5/12/2021 I've heald up very good and i like the size its normal now and i dont have to be embarrassed about walking around with a big buldge poking out the front of my pants trying to hide it... i had the hydrocele since i was 17 but found out it was a hydrocele when i was 25 its got bigger since i was 17 but im 30 now and just got it fixed got it out the way... im very comfortable now my stitches heald and i only have 1 problem... it feels as if my testicle is sewed to my nut sack where the incision was made and i dont like it and it looks and feels weird... does anyone know if it will detach and hang again like normal or what? also i use neosporin on the incision where the stitches was and a wound cleaning spray from cvs that kills bacteria and staph and other infections, so it wouldn't get infected which is probably the reason i heald so quickly after surgery... my only problem is my testicle stuck to my sack sitting up... does that resolve or what?
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Bob318 lence00343
Hey Lence,
When did you get the surgery carried out? I've read various forums posts from here and elsewhere and the general consensus is within 6-months post surgery.
I read that the 'stitching' you are experiencing is what the surgeon does to stop the testicle from acting like a cow bell during the healing time. But that the stitching should break down.
I am in a very similar position to you, except I still experience a lot of discomfort and it's too sensitive to move in certain movements or sleep on my stomach. Walking is also an issue for me.
Am I right in thinking your testicle is feeling attached really high up compared to your other one?
I don't want to scare you unnecessarily, but I also read a few guys saying they experienced the same and they left it too long and to deal with it and the scar tissue from the testicle sack itself adhered to the inside of the scrotum permanently. I phoned my GP a few weeks ago and explained my situation and he said he doesn't know the answers fully as it's not his speciality, but that he knows the right people to ask about treatment for the scar tissue that doesn't involve another invasive surgery. He mentioned a water treatment and I had asked him about rubbing directly on the scar, but he couldn't confirm anything at the time and would get back to me.
Keep in touch and all the best, you're not alone.
lence00343 Bob318
i just got surgery 5-12-2021 everything went fine everything feels fine except the left nut hanging up on the stitched incision and it does feel weird in certain positions and movements especially when i try to sleep on my side... i emailed my surgeon and he's going to schedule an appointment for me to come in for an examination but he said it takes months to go back to normal but i want to explain in detail i might even get 2 bags with 2 ping pong balls and make an normal example and our example so he understands and i will super glue one of the ping pong balls to the upper part of the bag to the fake incision... ill keep you updated when i go to my appointment soon
"right nut" (right side)
lence00343 Bob318
also if the surgeon doesn't understand what we are trying to explain to them then it makes you wonder whats really going on with the problem at hand.
Bob318 lence00343
Hey Lence,
Yeah, it really makes you think what is going on because no medically-orientated person I have spoken to has ever heard of this happening, but then I go online and I see other forums with guys all experiencing the same thing. So maybe it's just that guys experiencing this don't vocally raise it as an issue or don't have the confidence to follow up on it? I dunno, but I know that my normal life is significantly negatively affected by the location of it. The pain and discomfort are annoying but they wouldn't be as big a thing if it was free to move, but because it's rigid, it doesn't have that movement which is causing me so many problems.
Yes please, keep us all updated and I'll do likewise. What I've found so far is three methods of helping breakdown scar tissue (assuming the scar adhesion to the scrotum lining is the issue), however they include acupressure, frictions and trigger pointing. I don't know about you but I can't do much with it, or put much pressure on it, without getting that gut punch sicky feeling, though the acupressure option - where you block bloodflow and then release and the sudden increase in pressure helps break down any scar tissue - is the one that I think I could put up with the most. I'll be posing these options to my GP when he calls and see what he says
lence00343 Bob318
doc just scheduled for me to come in on Tuesday so ill let you know what he says, but the fact that he didn't seem to know what i was trying to explain to him (something that he should know right away) makes me worry now... once i go in on Tuesday for examination i will look into getting a second opinion and check up and ultrasound at another doctors office. but the surgeon that did my hydrocelectomy has been doing this since the 90's so there's no way he doesn't know what im talking about unless he did it on purpose idk...
Bob318 lence00343
Don't worry, I had the exact same issue trying to explain it to my GP, the surgeon and another GP, all of whom were male so I had hoped they would understand exactly what I was meaning.
I'll admit that I got a bit frustrated trying to get all three of them to understand what I was saying .. i.e it should not be this high and it shouldn't be so rigid in movement, it should be able to move up and down but it seems stuck and that is causing so many other issues.
My surgeon is a string of qualifications and acronyms after his name and has similarly been practicing this for many years, so I wouldn't think he would do it deliberately. But I am concerned about how little they seem to know about this as an issue compared to how many guys and forums of guys I'm finding of men in a very similar position to us
lence00343 Bob318
what did they tell you when you described it to them? did they say it will detach and hang freely again? i have my follow up/check up on Tuesday.
Bob318 lence00343
The first doctor (female and not my normal GP) I spoke to said that they were supposed to be different heights so not to worry about it.
The second doctor (male, but not my normal GP) I spoke to said that he hasn't heard of this happening before but it's very unusual and the degree of impact to my life would mean it should be seen to ASAP. He referred me for an ultrasound scan as an urgent outpatient. Unfortunately, the scan didn't show anything abnormal. I wanted them to find something because then there'd be some sort of plan to fix it.
The surgeon who actually carried out the procedure said that he hasn't heard of this happening before but it sounds quite serious. Because of Covid, he was going to personally write to the urology consultants at my local hospital to get me seen to see what can be done.
My own GP said that he isn't familiar with urology conditions as he specialises in cardio, but that he could only imagine how it would be affecting me and the range of impacted areas (walking, sleep quality, sexual and mental health) means that it should be seen to quickly as my quality of life is highly impacted by it remaining like this. He mentioned the possibility of a water bath treatment, but couldn't give any more details yet and despite him not knowing the best course of action, he knows the right people to ask who could advise better. So I was to leave it with him and he would get back to me. That was over 3 weeks ago now.
I'm very apprehensive about leaving this too long only for them to turn round and say that unfortunately it has adhered permanently and invasive surgery to fix it is too risky. One post on a forum said that was what his doctor had told him because he had left it too long to sort it out without another surgery and another surgery could lead to the exact same situation if it adhered wrong again, so there was nothing that could be done
lence00343 Bob318
one guy or 2 from what i read they said theirs was the same way and it eventually detached after 6-8 months but i seen like 2 other people that said its been 3 years... but i dont get how the actual surgeon doesn't know about it if he's been doing this for years and went to school, like they dont teach them the things that could happen in school after hydrocelectomy this whole s**t is just very strange its like we are invisible like we are the only ones understanding whats happening but not the surgeons who actually performed the surgery and have a degree... very strange...
lence00343 Bob318
i cant wait until Tuesday for my follow-up i need closures or answers to where do i go from here... my surgeon didn't seem to know or really have an answer when i emailed him so im not really expecting good answers at my appointment in the back of my head i probably just gotta except that fact that i might be f****d... crazy how you go to get one problem fixed in return for another problem.
lence00343 Bob318
my nuts would be perfect if they weren't attached up to the inside of the scrotum everything else is fine no pain just minor discomfort from it being attached during certain moments
Bob318 lence00343
You've just said exactly how I feel. It really is strange how all these medical professionals don't seem to have heard about this happening before. And it does feel like we're invisible when we raise it with them and they don't seem to understand what the issue is. It takes going into painful and simplistic detail for them to grasp what we are telling them.
Again, I totally get what you mean by that second comment. We went to get something sorted and that one issue may have been resolved but it sounds like it's created many new problems that never existed before. Solve one and create several others doesn't seem like a good tradeoff to me! I think I've also seen those comments you refer to about 6-8 months and the other mentioning 3 years and still not improved. I totally feel your comments about it being messed up. I've had many nights where I've struggled to get to sleep because of the discomfort and wondered why I ever went through with it. I have always been fairly fit and active, playing lots of sports, exercising and a regular at the gym and now I'm unable to do much that involves my legs. I'm planning on phoning my GP on Monday to schedule another telephone appointment, though my waiting times seem to be around 2-3 weeks before he's free to talk.
And to your final comment I agree also. If the testicle was not attached, and free to move, then the other issues I'm facing wouldn't exist because it would be possible for it to move out of the way naturally like the other one. But because it doesn't move properly it's causing so many more issues that never used to exist
lence00343 Bob318
i believe there is a surgeon specialist out there that can help i believe there is a solution, also i still haven't went to my appointment yet on Tuesdays so hopefully there is some good news about the issue and they dont be like it is what it is just accept it and learn to deal with it... but if i dont get any good news i will be going to emergency rooms and lots of urologist specialists i will get to the bottom of this... by the way how long has yours been this way? mines just a little short of a month.
lence00343 Bob318
to be honest i wish i read all these comments and issues before i had the surgery because then i could have asked the surgeon about it and if he didnt know about it i would have not proceeded unless he was knowledgeable about the exact issue...
Bob318 lence00343
There must be someone who knows about this. I don't believe that not a single doctor or surgeon is aware of this being an issue.
I got mine done in October 2020. By November 2020 I knew something was up due to lack of movement, so I spoke to the female GP who told me without medical records she couldn't comment as my vas deferens may have been cut and shortened and that they were supposed to be at different heights. Really infuriating trying to explain to her over the phone what the issue was and it being dismissed. My surgeon was supposed to phone me by December 16th but he never did. The clinic closed for Christmas (private clinic) and so in January I started phoning daily to get a hold of him and eventually I did. After talking to the surgeon, and him claiming he had never heard of this before, he wrote to the urology consultants near to me, but I'm still waiting to get my appointment. Urgent cases have a waiting time of 18 weeks and routine cases are 80 weeks. So it depends on what he described my case as being for when I'm going to get a second urologist's opinion.
I totally regret ever mentioning the hydrocele issue to my GP. I've spent many nights full of self-hatred about why I did that because the whole process has caused me nothing but problems and now there's the prospect of having to compromise the rest of my life because of this. I can honestly say that I've never had such dark and morbid thoughts about the future than I have in the past few months. It doesn't feel like I'm living my own life any more and instead it feels like I'm living a false lifestyle that is just not who I am or what I enjoyed out of life
lence00343 Bob318
dont trip we gonna get through this there is an answer out there and when i find a surgeon with the answers and solutions ill refer you to him also but i still need to hear what my surgeon is going to say he might have the answer and solution and he might not but theres no way after he told me he's done hundreds of hydrocelectomys that im the only patient that brings this issue up to him... like this must be like some kind of rare condition that happens to a small percentage of people or something idk maybe its a rare side effect condition ima get to the bottom of it...
Bob318 lence00343
I spoke to my GP today and he said that he explained the situation to the urology staff at the hospital and based on their responses, there isn't any sort of rubbing or technique that is likely to produce any useful results. He said that he left it with them and if he hears back anything then he'll let me know but as far as it stands, he thinks the most likely outcome is a second surgery to correct it.
We spoke about waiting times and the fact urgent cases are 18 weeks and routine cases are 80 weeks. I asked if he knew what list I was on because I had been waiting about 16 weeks so was checking the post daily incase I got a letter for an appointment early. He confirmed that as the initial surgery was completed, unfortunately what we have will be classed as routine and as a followup. So I'm looking at an 80 weeks wait for an appointment to confirm what is wrong and what needs to happen, before another wait on the surgery list.
He said that the surgery list is significantly lesser than the appointment list. He said that one option that is open to bypass the 80 week waiting list would be paying to go private for a consultation with a urology consultant. Once the consultant confirms what needs to happen, they can write to my GP and then I'll get put on the surgery list instead of continuing to wait just for an appointment.
He said that he knows a private clinic that he has sent a few patients before to get an earlier consult and get a surgery faster. I asked how much it'd cost and he said he doesn't know as he has nothing to do with payment, but consultancy fees would be expected to be "a good couple of hundred".
After the call, I had the idea to contact the surgeon who carried out the initial surgery and I got the receptionist who emailed the surgeon. If the surgeon accepts to take me on again, then all costs will be covered by the NHS as this is a complication from an NHS surgery. I'm hoping he accepts purely because I've had to explain the issue to three different doctors already and each one of them picks up on a different aspect and not the entire thing. I find it exhausting having to explain it all over again from scratch, so if the surgeon that carried out the initial procedure says yes, then he will already know what he did, why he did it and if there were any issues at the time that may have caused this to occur.
If he doesn't accept then I'll have to choose between paying for a private consultant or continuing to wait for the 80 weeks, by which time I think I'll have already moved to a different health board.
My GP ended the call by apologising, saying he knows how much of an impact this is having on me and he wishes he could do or offer something but there's nothing he can do right now except prescribe me something to deal with the pain and discomfort and hope that helps live a normal-ish life. Not going to lie though, I'm not keen on the idea of paying for a consultant to then advise surgery, having my body cut open again and running the risk of this not even fixing the problem, or even making it worse somehow.
What are your thoughts? Would you go for another surgery even if there was no guarantee that it'd solve the problem? What if you were asked to pay anywhere between £300 - £600 for a brand new consultant to confirm what you already suspected?
lence00343 Bob318
let me see what my surgeon says tomorrow first and then ill give you my opinion on what i think next based off what ever my surgeon tells me be it good news or bad news... i really hope he knows what the hell is going on man this st is stressful i dont want to walk around the rest of my life with my nut sewed to the side of my sack and nobody knows what the hell is going on... i never wanted my balls cut open to begin with and im not trying to have em cut open again... thats the thing with me i did it to get it over with and put it past me and never look back and it being normal now we deal with this st... but ill know something tomorrow at my appointment.
i would ask what are the risks of another surgery to fix the problem and how many like these has he done and how did theirs come out and health risks and possibilities and all that is it a simple fix for them or can it get complicated and can it happen again after this surgery and why did it happen in the first place and why we was never warned or notified of this issue before the hydrocelectomy.... and can this surgery to fix it affect me in any way possible... are all the things i would ask what ever surgeon you go to that claims to know..
lence00343 Bob318
i would like to know how this could have been prevented... because i would hate to get my balls cut open again for no reason for it to do it right again after ill be very upset and devastated. if the surgeon is very sure and educated and knows and deals with this issue a lot ill take my chance but if he basically guessing or not sure on some 50/50 maybe this maybe that an might and might not then im cool im no doing shiiiiiiid
lence00343 Bob318
im not about to let them just keep cutting my balls open
Bob318 lence00343
Good luck tomorrow with your surgeon. I found another forum on this topic and there were hundreds of comments of guys in our situation. Some comments were quite difficult to read from guys who had spoken to their doctor, who had told them that basically, this was what is normal as part of the procedure and that there was nothing that could be done. Essentially - deal with it as best you can, but there's nothing that can be done.
I'm not going to let that shape my determination to get the issue sorted and get a normal functioning life back again, but my confidence and hope took a bit of a bettering.
I'm still waiting for the surgeon to get back in touch with me. It's really awkward because he's a consultant urologist and appears to work at quite a few private health clinics, so the best I can do is leave messages and keep following up on them.
I am really annoyed about this if it is the case that this is 'normal' and to be expected. I, like you, was never warned that this could happen. It's easy to talk in hindsight, but I truly believe that if I was warned that this was the likely outcome, then I don't think I'd have gone through with the surgery to begin with. My hydrocele was noticeable when wearing shorts at the gym or whatever, but at least I could actually work out and move freely.
I've done a bit more research on the actual procedure, and some comments were saying that as long as your cremasteric reflex [the reflex that causes the testicle to move up and down] was working for that testicle, then that is what the 'finished product' of sorts will be like. If that wasn't working then they can operate again and try and fix it to move, but if you have any movement post-hydrocele surgery then that's as much movement as you're likely to ever get from it. So basically, if it moves up and down even a little, then that's the best you can hope for, but if it doesn't move at all then you can look to get another surgery to fix that, but the actual amount of movement will be determined by how they deal with the vas deferens.
For myself, the testicle sits right at the base of my penis, as in touching the shaft and overlapping my thigh all the time and doesn't descend any lower than that. But if I tense then it moves even higher up and onto my groin even more out of position. I don't know if because it technically moves because of the cremasteric reflex, that this is the most movement I'm able to get out it, or whether that's still abnormal enough that something can be done. Another paper I read was about stretching the vas deferens, but the paper suggested that long term damage to the testicle could happen because of that.
So anyway, I'm now over 8 months post-surgery and I'm no clearer what's happening or how I'm supposed to get on with having a normal life. I can't stress enough how much I truly regret ever getting this done. If this is unable to be sorted so that I can move as I did before the surgery, then this will be the biggest mistake of my life. It solved one problem and created several more significant others. Good luck tomorrow and hope your surgeon gives you some positive news!
lence00343 Bob318
so for some odd reason my appointment got pushed back to next Tuesday the 15th when it was supposed to be today... but im just gonna call a few urologist tomorrow and ask them and email and bug my surgeon about this... but i know this s h i t can be fixed all they have to do is make another incision parallel to the last incision when the testicle is stuck and cut the bonding tissue or whatever that attaches the problem together or use that small burning tool they use to burn off extra skin and just carefully go around it to detach it... anything can be done it shouldn't be a big risk to do that if they can do hydrocelectomys in the first place all they are doing is just separating what got bonded i dont see how that would be a big problem when you have brain surgeons that cut people's heads open so this should be simple i dont understand this is making my head hurt...
its like they intentionally tried to turn us into some kinda weird freaks or something... ball stuck to the side of our sacks while they laugh and act like they dont know what we are talking about and give us the run around and guesses with different answers...
lence00343 Bob318
And cold part is you can google and YouTube any and everything and find information on everything except for this issue, you cant find any information on this topic by no doctor urologist surgeon or any kind of knowledgeable medical professional like this s h i t dont exist just only to us its crazy and we was never warned about this issue before hand... i think this could be a lawsuit...
Bob318 lence00343
I'm really annoyed that we were never warned that this might happen. The rest of the procedure has been fine but this is causing too much hassle to just be ignored, but now I feel ignored and the waiting means more of my life is in limbo until I can regain normal movement again.
It's also really annoying that nobody seems to know about this or have any meaningful answers. we have to resort to online forums to get information, which is never ideal but I feel like I'm being totally failed by the people I'm supposed to trust with my health and wellbeing.
I have toyed with the idea of contacting a medical negligence solicitor and seeing what they say. I know these things are time-barred and I can't go to them without all the information, but I'm also aware that I'm expected to wait 80 weeks to get part of that information. I just feel really lost right now and unsure who to turn to for help
lence00343 Bob318
my appointment is tomorrow Tuesday the 15th ill keep you posted on what the surgeon says.
lence00343 Bob318
he did tell me in a email last week that its normal after any surgery regarding the testicles and that people complain that it rides up but he said it takes time to go back to normal but eventually it will he says.. he says that once the tissue returns to normal and the hard spot goes down he said it can take a year to be fully normal again but ill be talking to him in person tomorrow.
Bob318 lence00343
Good luck today! I think you probably have some really good questions lined up that will hopefully give some clarity about the situation when answered.
I got a text from my GP saying he has contacted urology and asked me to me seen to sooner than the 80 weeks due to how much it is impacting my day to day life, but he couldn't give any indication of when I'd be seen.
Even that information would have been useful to be told at the time, to know that it will rest high but then go down in time. I think my biggest worry is being told something like that, waiting for it to go down and then realising after that actually something is wrong with the way it is healing and now it's too late to fix it because it has all healed over
dmoney2000 Bob318
I have been following this thread and I just wanted to note that I went in for a hydrocelectomy surgical consult and the surgeon confirmed they do stitch the testicle to the scrotum wall. They do it so it doesn't get twisted. I noted that I have heard (from this forum) that this can create discomfort and he said that the surgeon will do their best to place it appropriately in its original location but he has not heard of anyone experiencing any long-term issues or discomfort with it though of course it is possible (and noted here). This is just to confirm this seems to be a real and legitimate part of the procedure but it is not intended to have any long term discomfort effects.
Bob318 dmoney2000
Hey Dmoney,
Thanks for your comment and I'm sure it'll help others who are also reading and following this thread.
I think my issue is that nothing was mentioned at the time or after about the testicle location, so naturally I was freaking out! I was told that it was sewn to prevent "cow belling" into the other testicle during healing, which I understand now though would have been far better to know at the time. But my issue is that by now the stitching should have come out and the testicle resorted back to a normal level, but that's certainly not the case and mine is still sitting far too high for comfort. It has got to the point my mobility is impacted. I can still walk etc but I constantly feel the testicle being knocked by my thigh, which after a while gives you that sicky feeling in your stomach. Sleeping is difficult because I can't sleep on my stomach without it being crushed, and it's possible to be awoken during the night from the feeling if I roll over. Another impact is sex and masturbation. When I have an erection the testicle basically sits on my hip very high. So either is very difficult to perform because it is forever being knocked or bumped into.
I'm 29 and have always been very active (competitive football, 10k runs, gym a few times a week) but because of where the testicle is, I feel like I can't do any of those purely because of the location where it sits. If it were to he able to move freely like the other then it would still be a bit sensitive at times but would be manageable. I should also add that my work involves me sitting in an office, which is fine so long as I man-spread my legs (don't envy the person who has to sit beside me on the next plane I'm on!) and also has an element of going offshore. My employer doesn't know about the surgery because I was able to work from home last year when it got done. But I know that if I mention my limited mobility then I'll be classed as a liability and no longer permitted offshore.
Everyday I'm hoping and checking to see if there's any improvement overnight but so far there has been nothing that improved my life considerably.
Thanks again for your comment and keep in touch, please. It's only through forums and comments like this that I have found out half of the information that should have been explained to me prior to the surgery
lence00343 Bob318
so i went in for my examination with my surgeon he examined me and said everything looks fine it healed well and im a fast healer i brung to his attention my problem about my testicle being attached to the scrotum which he was aware of he told me it was normal and it takes a year plus to go away and be back to normal like it used to be before surgery he said that it was your body reaction to the surgery and it holds itself to that area in place and assured me it wouldn't be like that forever but said it will take time and that everyones time period of when is different from others he said that any kind of surgery regarding having scrotum cut it can happen he said a lot of his clients complained about the same issue but eventually it went back to normal... i asked him did he sew it in place he said he didn't and that it was just my body reaction to the surgery he said something about some bonding protein i forgot but something of that nature he basically said when the hard ridge smoothes out on the scrotum itll be back normal but it can take a year plus. so as far as people saying the doc sewed it in place idk about that because my surgeon said he didn't sew it there an that way my body reaction to the surgery, i believe they only sew it when the testicle twisted and you needed surgery for that.... but not for our situation. so i would say if you are 8-9 months since surgery wait another 8 months it should be normal again, did your hard ridge on the scrotum go down back smooth as normal?? or is it still hard and raised? basically once that smooths out it should be normal again. he did say 12-18 months but everyone is different.. he did tell me the speed mines was healing he didn't think mines would take that long to be back normal... at first after my surgery i experienced the same pain and discomfort you described i only felt comfortable laying on my back and when i move a certain way it hurt or was uncomfortable very... especially on my stomach or side and walking to fast or certain movments but the past 2 weeks i dont experience any pain or discomfort at all i can run jump lay on my stomach and side and it feels normal but only thing is its attached to the scrotum. i also keep mines very clean and applied neosporin i use this wound cleaning spray from cvs it kills bacteria and infection causing germs i never had an infection since my surgery but i would just wait a year plus like my surgeon said he said thats how long it takes 12-18months but everyones healing time is different... just like a lot of people have swelling after surgery but i didn't have swelling just pain and discomfort but no swelling.
lence00343 Bob318
my surgeon also scheduled me for another follow-up in January 2022 so ill keep you updated on anything else and if mines finally detaches and drops by then.. but as of now it is still attached to scrotum but im not feeling any discomfort or pain not even from certain movements or even sex my sex i would say is better because i dont have a big bulldozer swinging and knocking everywhere that used to be painful during sex with my hydrocele now i can go harder since im not experiencing any pain or discomfort my only problem now is that its stuck to the scrotum
lence00343 Bob318
But did the hard ridge on your scrotum smooth out and go down where the incision was made??
Bob318 lence00343
Hey Lence,
That sounds like some really good news?! It's good to know that he is aware of others complaining of the same issue to him and that we're not alone.
As far as I'm aware, mine wasn't twisted but It was still mentioned that it may have been sewn to stop it from "cow belling" during healing.
I was the same .. no swelling, just rigid and non-movement. I guess as this was my first operation down there, perhaps that is my body's natural reaction? I'm not aware of any hard ridge on my scrotum but I guess there could be a part of them internally from where it was opened? There is still a small and soft lump along my scar but I wouldn't call it hard as such.
Your surgeon mentioned it could be 12-18 months for the body's natural response to healing and letting it drop? Did he mention any way in which it could be sped up, or is it just a matter of waiting and seeing? I still eat pretty healthily, drink lots of water, perform minimal exercise (whatever I can before it hurts) and get a reasonable amount of sleep each night.
The idea of waiting 8 more months of this doesn't sound great, but I do think my movement has improved a bit from maybe 2 or 3 months ago, so I guess that's progress. I'll give it a few more months and see how things are. Thank you for keeping me (and anybody reading) updated. I think it's really reassuring news from your surgeon that this is temporary and unfortunately just a matter of waiting for our bodies to recover fully
lence00343 Bob318
my surgeon did not mention anyway to speed up the process as i did ask he said you have to just wait but he did reassure me it wouldn't be like this forever i also asked has any of his other patients had this problem permanently he said no so i feel a lot better its always good to talk to the surgeon 1 on 1 who actually did the surgery and knows.. but i think you should just stay active and wait now we know your getting more movement than from 3 months ago thats progress and we know 3 more months of being active we'll see more progress until eventually it detaches and drops back to normal its all up to our bodies when it will go back to normal but the fact that your getting more movement than 3 months ago and i have more movement than i did since surgery and my surgeon said itll eventually go back to normal is really looking good for our future.. i think you should take yoga classes to help out a little..
lence00343 Bob318
there's a firm raised area where the incision was made on the scrotum its not soft and thin like the rest of the skin on the scrotum, its that firm raised part when the testicle is attached to on the scrotum, i believe once it goes all the way down back smooth like nothing was there smooth and not raised anymore like the normal skin on the scrotum then i believe the testicle will finally drop off the attached part.
Bob318 lence00343
Hey Lence,
Just thought I'd check in and see if there were any updates from your end - any news to share?
I've spoken to my GP a few times about scheduling a consultation with a urologist. I think I'm going to have to go private in order to get it seen in a reasonable amount of time.
For myself, there has been no real improvement. I've tried exercising but the location of the testicle location makes it feel really uncomfortable if I do anything mildly intense, and then for hours after I experience a dull throbbing uncomfortable feeling. Sleeping is still impacted but lesser so now - still unable to sleep on my stomach due to crushing of the testicle under my bodyweight. Sex and masturbation is still out of the question, which has really impacted my relationship as it's coming up to almost a year since the operation. It doesn't feel as attached to the scrotum any more, but it still doesn't move and descend to the normal height.
So I don't think my testicle is attached to the scrotum any longer and I'm more inclined to say that I have a hyperactive cremaster muscle. I've read up about the denervation of the cremaster and spermatic chord and it doesn't sound pleasant, and could potentially cause issues at the other extreme of the testicle not lifting at all. When I find out more and speak to the consultant I'll let you know. I think my GP said I should be seen in 2-3 months
lence00343 Bob318
Yeah my testicle detached from the scrotum and it hangs regular now and freely i noticed it about a week ago and i did a thorough examination and its detached i dont even feel the rough ridge or raised part on my scrotum anymore, so all in total for me its been about 5-6months before it detached and hang back to normal. i dont know if its because i stay active and eat healthy and my body recovers fast or i have a lot of sex idk but my ball dropped now lol. i still have a follow up in January 2022 but everything is fine with me now pain or abnormalities or anything and my testicle detached from my scrotum.. also when i shower i grab my penis and gently stretch my nut sack from the shaft of the penis to the bottom of the sack with the soapy wash cloth when i wash my nuts like if you were to pinch it gently with the rag to wash.
lence00343 Bob318
Yeah my testicle hangs freely now and no longer stuck to the scrotum i can grab the skin where it was attached at and its no longer stuck it free and loose and my scrotum shrunk to a normal size to my testicles not no more extra loose skin its just perfect now im happy with my results i was worried at first but everything turned out good at the end of the day. i hope everything works out for you some progress is better than none it just might take a little longer.
lence00343 Bob318
And yeah i think u need a second opinion from a specialist and more x-rays/ultrasound... even if it means you have to save up a few thousand worst case i think it would be worth it u might have something else going on that seems like it needs attention from a specialist in that male reproductive area and look for an older doctor in the 40s-50s maybe 60.. did u ever see another doctor yet since your last procedure or even get another ultrasound?? i would just go to the emergency room and tell them you have sharp pain down there really bad even though its a lie but do it for the ultrasound so they can see if there is anything wrong, i think thats the best route until u see a specialist at least you'll know that day in the emergency room if you have anything you should be worried about or if they see any big issues..
lence00343 Bob318
I've been to the emergency room like 5years ago for pain in my groin and the did a ultrasound that day in like a hour or 2, so u should go to emergency room tell them you have bad pain and put extra on it and walk like it hurts.
Bob318 lence00343
That's fantastic - I'm really pleased for you!
I got contacted about a cancellation for a consult appointment which I took.
He said that essentially nothing can be done, it's been too long since the procedure and any issues that arose have now had time to settle in and establish themselves. He said that by the sounds of it (and checking my medical record) I possibly didn't need the surgery when I got it, but there may have been an accumulation of fluid over the next 20-30 years in which case there would have been a higher requirement for the surgery as opposed to voluntarily done now.
I mentioned all the issues I was facing (sex, masturbation, exercise, sleeping etc) and he said very bluntly that I just have to find a way to adapt to it. He would not recommend the hyperactive cremaster muscle denervation, which essentially cuts the nerves and means the testicle never moves and will forever hang low. He said that doing that would likely cause even more problems and it's irreversible and it's another surgery which introduces more risks of complications and infection.
In short, I'm stuck like this for the rest of my life. I'm turning 30 soon, so I've got another 50+ years to live with this discomfort. My sex life is practically all but over, as is my ability to play sports to the level I have done all my life, or even exercise to the same extent as I have done. I feel broken and dismayed that this has happened. I feel so angry and betrayed by everyone who either recommended I get the surgery or encouraged me along the way, because as soon as it was done, the enthusiastic help, advice and guidance just stopped and I've been on my own trying to get answers ever since. I feel unable to "deal with it" or "get over it", as that means I have to change so much of my life that it's no longer living my own life, and is instead living a second life where everything is compromised from what I like or enjoy. I don't know where I go from here to be honest
lence00343 Bob318
im confused.. so you had a large hydrocele that you got taken care with the surgery and so whats happening to you now? didn't you say yours dropped also and wasn't attached to the scrotum anymore? i thought your issue was it was riding so high up the scrotum that i hurt with different movements? so if its not attached and riding up your scrotum whats going on now?
lence00343 Bob318
and also never listen to just 1 doctor there's others out there that know different things and solutions keep looking and searching for more doctors.. im lost as to whats your problem now if your could give detailed update.
Bob318 lence00343
Yeah I had a hydrocele, about the size of a large lime that was taken care of by the surgery. In comparison to other stories I've read, mine was small in comparison and likely from a sports injury (football or krav maga). It felt like the scrotum and testicle were attached, and not allowing for movement of the testicle after the surgery. The testicle hasn't dropped as such, but it can move more than it did before. Though the entry scar still moves in unison with the testicle, and it can only move about 2cm and it still rests very high. It stills sits high enough to touch the base of the penis/groin area most of the time and it takes a conscious effort of slow breathing for about 20 seconds before the testicle will lower the 2cm or so. So even when relaxed, it still sits high enough to cause issues, but realistically, doing any sort of movement action causes it to tense and remain very high.
The issue is still the testicle height causing issues with sleeping, sex, exercise and impact with my thigh when moving. I explained to the consultant that it's not just cardio exercise, as an example, that triggers the discomfort, even core exercises like bicycle crunches mean that the testicle is sitting on my groin and unable to move like the other one can, and so gets crushed easily with any movement.
The consultant said that too much time had passed and that however it was like now was how it was likely to stay as. I was cold and wet on the day when he saw me so it was difficult to show him what I was meaning in normal conditions, but he said it looked fine and wasn't attached, but I strongly disagree with him on that. The testicle and scar move at the same time, which suggests attachment.
As for what happens next, he said he would send my GP his notes and observations so I assume that my GP will get in touch with me in the next few weeks. As it stands, my GP arranged for a consultant to see me, though that's still a few months away. There seems to be nobody to help or offer advice or answer questions.
So long story short; testicle moves slightly and still sits high. I suspect that it is still connected by the scar tissue to the scrotum entry scar, or that something has happened with the cremaster muscle to cause it to tense all the time and keep the testicle sitting high. Been told that all the healing process has done and what it is like now is what it will be like forever more. The consultant would not recommend further surgery as nothing can be done to sort the issue I presented to him. So as it currently stands, I'm stuck like this until I speak to the second consultant and see what they say
lence00343 Bob318
Google this: "How to get rid of internal scar tissue naturally" ... i seen a lot of helpful information and things that will help
lence00343 Bob318
i also seen something about a laser treatment to get rid of scar tissue... but at this point you should be focused on scar tissue specialist now because the urologist dont seem to know even though they should but i would look up scar tissue treatments now... you gotta go a different route now.. we know what the problem is, the scar tissue is still there holding the testicle in place so u gotta research treatments remedies and specialist in that area.