Hyperactive Thyroid with perimenopause
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Hello Ladies
Well i did find out why my heart palpitations , anxiety , stomach issues, weigh loss, nervousness , and perimenopause are so ongoing and severe. My thyroids are overactive. I've never had thyroid problems before this perimenopause. In addition, while having my echo and stress test for my heart, they find my left lung has fluid on it.
Now being sent to a lung specialist. This is really freaking me out. Im not a smoker, not around smoker , etc. My doctor did say that hypothyroid can cause this, but i am hyperthyroid. I could have been hypo at one time. I just started having problems with the breathing and chest hurt after taking the beta blocker last week that the doctor prescribed for the heart palpitations. I went to see cardilogist for heart palpitations not the breathing or chest hurt... But after taking beta blocker there's fluid on lungs along with chest hurting, and shortness of breath. I was not prescribed anything for my thyroid. The dr said didnt want to because it may mess thyroid up even more because she thinks the underlying problem is actually the adrenal gland. Now, question has anyone experienced thyroid issue , or fluid on lung? or just saying anything to help calm my nerves about all of this. No more google because it has really cause my anxiety to be in overdrive. The weirdest thing about all of this is that before my stomach (gastritis) was the major issue but it has calmed down tremendously. I can now eat without being afraid of having a side effect.
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Vix72 mary27278
Hi Mary,
Its so funny to read your message just now. I have had the same or similar to you and my first symptom was SEVERE anxiety and gastritis that we blamed on food reactions so i culled back most everything!! massive weight loss etc but did manage to regain 4 kilos since July ( lost 8 in 6 weeks). Im off to see endocrinologist this week, maybe there is something going on there too if you think that's what has made your symptoms so severe... and i agree NO MORE GOOGLE!!!! it messes with us more than anything else....
mary27278 Vix72
Yes, I do think that is why my symptons are so severe and daily
When i say daily, i mean literally everyday since March. It started off with gastritis, and anxiety followed. It seem nothing i tried would work or alleviate symptons. Yes, i think its worth getting your thyroid checked out.
I know right and seem like google will list the most dreadful things instead of "maybe something minor".
Keep me posted...
Gigi368 mary27278
I myself have had no problems with my thyroid but my mother-in-law has.. she had nodules her parathyroid which is behind the thyroid. She had some crazy symptoms and they removed those but left the thyroid itself. She's on a thyroid medication now and doing great.. she's 85, this was a year ago.
I myself take beta blockers bc of bad valves and A-fib, I've had no problems with them. I've been on them 4 years now.
Are they going to do anything about the adrenal gland, such as look more into it and see what can be done?
I obviously don't have any advice expect try to relax and try not to get too anxious, I know that's way easier said than done, but at least you didn't ignore what was going on and you're getting it sorted out! I'm new to this menopause stuff too and ask a lot of questions and research way too much! Google is also my enemy!
Take it day by day and if you don't feel you're getting the answers you need don't be shy about getting a second opinion!!
Sending big hugs and positive thoughts your way!
Please keep us updated!
mary27278 Gigi368
My naturopath also put me on a natural supplement that support the heart and help the anxiety. He told me to not to jump to conclusion and stay positive about the fluid. It could be any number of causes such as an infection, cold i had flu, etc. I pray that is the case. All i want them to speedily do is drain it off because it is so uncomfortable .
gema57497 mary27278
Yes I do have Graves’ disease which is hyperthyroidism plus perimenopause . What you describe is probably panic attacks . I had them too so bad . I also never had any problems . All started a year ago . It took I while to diagnose me as my symptoms were mostly burnings like an insect sting all over the body . I was in emergency because of this . It was so scary not knowing what was going on . Finally they found that my theodicy levels are not normal I am on medications for this . But I still have my burnings and severe aches all over the body . Then went through almost all possible tests and scans . The rest was normal . I may have fibromyalgia as well but this diagnosis is exclusion of all other diagnosis . I was loosing weight as well . Had diarrhea, palpitations and panic attacks . In addition to this I have all 66 symptoms that were described in one of the forums . I still have periods but every 20 Days . The last one’s bleeding was less . I am on thyroid meds , prenatal vitamins as they have iron , calcium with vitamin d . I eat healthy , walk and exercise. Long walks help a lot . My GYN also gave me an article that talk about Zoloft benefits even for PMS. I am blessed with him . He is a nice human as well as a very knowledgeable doctor . I am taking a minimal dose of 50 mg a day . When you start going through menopausal changes the level of serotonin drops . It leads to mood swings . The same thing happens approximately 10 days before your period . That is why we are developing PMS. I always had severe PMS that is why I am not surprised that I am having a difficult transition to menopause . Google used to give me panic attacks . I do not do it any more . I know that this is a hard time for you but you are not alone . I am sure that doctors will figure out what is going on with you . It just takes time . Please be positive all with turn out good . There are many reasons for water in lungs not necessarily bad . Please do not red google . Just wait for your doctors to figure it out . My best wishes to you .
Gigi368 mary27278
I'm so sorry you're going through all this!
I wish I had some words of wisdom to help. But take comfort in the fact that you're being pro active and are taking action.
Best wishes hun!
susan58415 mary27278
kim93615 mary27278
I need have my Dr. To check what did you have check because I just start last year going through all these wired thing. Skipping heart beats, insomnia, dizziness, shortness of breath, listing weight , back pain, joint pain, no period for server months. No Appetite I am just feeling crazy going through all of this.
Vix72 kim93615
Hi ladies,
I hope that you all feel better soon...seems that peri is worse for us when we have additional underlying health or emotional issues that inflame the symptoms or may even cause them....Its the most painful and oddest time in my life that's for sure....
mary27278 Vix72
The thing with me i didnt have any of this, perimenopause seem to bring on all of this stuff. Yes this is an awful time of my life.
mary27278 kim93615
My doctor did blood work on my thyroid and other hormones. She also checked vitamins, minerals , and a CBC .I will meet with her this week to get rusults of tbe latter. Having your hormones checked would be a good place to start.
mary27278 kim93615
anetta94863 mary27278
mary27278 anetta94863
Did you get thyroid problems during the perimenopause or did you already have it? I dont know why she didnt give me anything, but this has been very difficult for me to deal with daily. The extreme papitations, shakiness, weakness, etc . are awful. Any suggestions i can do, then i am one day away from time of period. I usually get relief once period starts. Everything seem to normalize. This is horrible!!!!
Gypsy014 mary27278
Hi Mary, yes thyroid issues are definitely common during peri/menopause hormones control all of your body, and when going thru menopause your hormones are leaving your body so your thyroid suffers your digestive system suffers your symptoms that you have are from hormones depleting.. Doctors don't like to test antibodies for thyroid but its important if they haven't I suggest you insist that will tell you its hashimotos if antibodies are high, if they won't I believe there is a test you can order yourself for the antibodies, but when they're high its hashimotos very common during menopause and you control it by diet, doctor s usually won't even give you medicine for it because your thyroid swings back and forth between hypo and hyper until what they say is your thyroid burns itself out.. And I don't know about you but that little thyroid runs your body too and I don't want mine burning itself out so I follow a strict diet as many things food and enviromental affects the thyroid, basically your body is attacking itself so the need to eliminate triggers is important, so read about hashimotos thyroid diet of what foods to eat and what not to eat , and what environmental things that trigger thyroid issues as well, for me soaps and shampoos and perfumes strong chemicals all give me reaction from headaches to feeling like I can't breathe.. My antibodies were 1300 I haven't had them rechecked but feeling much better after eliminating a lot.. Hope this helps good luck.. ?
mary27278 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 mary27278