Posted , 4 users are following.
Can Hyperplasia cause post menopause bleeding?
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Posted , 4 users are following.
Can Hyperplasia cause post menopause bleeding?
1 like, 17 replies
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kelly83044 carolrd
Sochima822 carolrd
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
Have you heard anything on yesterday's sonogram & ultrasound?
carolrd Sochima822
Sochima822 carolrd
Yes, a lot of things can show up. But what showed up is your uterus lining showing it's thickness, this is why you're going in for a biospy. I meant to say transvaginal ultrasound.
carolrd Sochima822
yes, I know the transvaginal showed the thicken lining and thats why I have to get bisopy , but what I'm asking is when she ran it on my stomach looking for ovaries if something else was there in my lower stomach like nodule , tumor would it of showed?
Sochima822 carolrd
deidra40034 carolrd
Carol...did you google this? I did...that's why I asked. Just wondering, because googling these things can scare the heck out of you! Try not to worry too much until you get the results. I just don't want you to make yourself too upset, because it really could be something very easy to take care of. I worry about you worrying!
Sochima822 deidra40034
deidra40034 Sochima822
That's one way to scare the heck out of anyone. If you start looking up symptoms...you can think you have anything! The doctors will tell you it can be dangerous. I can see why, when I looked it up!
deidra40034 Sochima822
I was hoping you were out there missy!
Sochima822 deidra40034
Yup, I'm here! said in my southern accent
deidra40034 Sochima822
Sochima822 deidra40034
:-D Hope you'e having a nice evening.
deidra40034 Sochima822
Sochima822 deidra40034