Hypertension with citalopram withdrawl
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my husband is suffering from citalopram withdrawl symptoms. He has the crazy, bad anxiety, the sleeplessness, the irritability, etc.
My question is....does anyone else have extremely high blood pressure as a result of withdrawl? What did you do about it?
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Sissy63 joy02064
The high blood pressure is probably a result of the extreme anxiety from the withdrawal, especially if it was fast. Does his doctor know what is going on?
Sissy63 joy02064
He was on Citalopram for 10 years.
His doctor doesn't know about this. His doctor told him he could never get off Citalopram. He wouldn't even discuss it as an option.
dawn66355 joy02064
I'm so sorry you went through that and weren't able to get off the meds. I hope you're feeling better now.
So far, he is handling it okay. He is taking detox baths, drinking lemon and grapefruit water, taking magnesium, getting massages and using essential oils to help calm him.
I think the sleepless nights are the worst part for him right now.
dawn66355 joy02064
Thanks Joy, yes I am getting there ;-) Sleepness nights were the only side effect i did not have, in fact I slept better off them
katecogs joy02064
He could reintroduce maybe 5mg to help ease it, and when stabilised then spend a good month coming off that by increasing 1 day, 2 days etc etc inbetween each tablet.
May I also suggest that when he is completely off the meds to try taking a natural SSRI called 5-HTP as well as l-tyrosine. I came off Citalopram and went on these with excellent results. He will need to have the meds out of his system though as you can't take both together.
There a good book called 5-HTP The Natural Way to Overcome Depression, Obesity by Michael T Murray ........ it's a really interesting read.
You need to be off SSRI's completely before starting 5-HTP as they must not be taken together.
Hope he's ok xxx