Hypertensive Crisis
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Have any ladies out there had a hypertensive crisis? I had a colonoscopy Tuesday and Wednesday felt dreadful. I had a CT angiogram booked but couldn't get it done because my heart rate was too high. When I got home from the specialist which is an hour from home I went straight to bed as I felt unwell. By the time my husband got home from work I was feeling pretty rotten so he took me to the ER. I felt extremely nauseous and felt warm all over and like I could pass out I honestly thought I was going to die. My BP was 186/139 so I was put in a ressuss room which scared me even more. My BP eventually went down but not to normal levels. I am medicated but my BP has been high over the past couple months. I am off to the doc again in the morning for another check up. Over the last couple of weeks I have felt off with light headedness and that rocky boat feeling and I had that light crawly feeling on my face. Has anyone experienced this I'm wondering if this could be due to peri menopause or I may have had a reaction to the anaesthetic?
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charlotte57631 kylie01267
Prayers for you..hope you feel better..I can understand blood pressure rising under stress..mine does the same thing..I noticed when my anxiety is high I experience a similar feeling..probably associated with this dreadful menopause ☹..praying one day all this will pass.
tracy01120 kylie01267
Lightheadedness, nausea, feeling like your going pass out elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, erratic vivid dreams, sleeplessness for me were all due to peri/menopause. Im no doctor but try your best to stay calm, worries and anxiety only make it worse. Try yoga, find a hobby, simple walking can even help, breathing exersizes. Trust me you are going to get thru this, I promise you. I am 52 and it started for me last year. All those symptoms as well as lump in throat feeling, ear pain, back pain, fatigue. I simply decided I wasnt going to worry about any of it and chalked it all up to the dreaded Meno Monster! Im a year into it now and most symptoms have subsided....most, but not all. I take life one day at a time and stay positive. This too shall pass.
rachel13481 kylie01267
Yes, I have had episodes of extreme blood pressure. You may have had a reaction to the anesthetic. But you said your blood pressure was high before you went in...... You probably are not on the right kind of blood pressure medication or correct amount. Please go to the doctor! My spikes have been better maintained with blood pressure medication. Not to scare you, I eventually got diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia. I take something called a beta blocker for that and it has really helped me. That number is way too high and you get a stroke from that. I hope the doctor helps you! Also, if I had an event of high blood pressure, it always took a few days of rest and low salt diet to calm it down. Hope you feel better soon.
thankyou everyone for replying I have been to doctor today and have additional meds and he has referred me for more tests. I have to say ageing is not fun haha x