Hyperventilation Syndrome.. Feel Horrific.
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Edit: Not to take away anything from this post, but I have been experiencing some pretty bad sinus issues for around a year and have a significant case/diagnosis of deviated septum. I am wondering now if this is a root cause of Hyperventilation syndrome. I have seen that other patients have mentioned a similar situation. It makes sense to me but I can also see how one can condition can affect the other. Either way, I hope I can be further examined soon and find a solution to this. I definitely am in need of real support and evaluation at this point.
Hello everyone
I made a post about 2-3 months ago about what I've been feeling for almost a year now. I have tried hard to overcome this, some days were better than others, but it has come back in full force now. I'm having extreme difficulty breathing.
This may not apply to everyone and I have contemplated whether or not to talk directly about but maybe I should. I was on Ativan for about a month up until a few days ago. I decided to stop taking it abruptly as it was never really helping me, slowly stopped working completely and made me feel worse. I didnt realize how much it was hurting me. I've been feeling really depressed and crying a lot.
June is historically my worst month and it will be a year soon since this Ive been dealing with this monster and I cant take it anymore.
In the past month I have managed to get some tests done on me, all which have come back negative. I was considering going back for more tests but lately Ive been feeling so bad and even more demoralized than before. Ive almost given up. Its hard not to feel like giving up when you feel this way.
My mind and body is plagued with anxiety and panic. Im wondering why it has come to this and why I deserve to go through this. I hope withdrawals have something to do with this but even 1 month ago I was struggling so much, definitely not as much as now.. even though I never imagined this situation would, worsen it did.
I know this is a lot to read but anyone who has experienced this knows what im talking about, especially when drug/withdrawal induced depression/anxiety may be a contributing factor as well. I dont know what to do right now. I hope my mind and body can recover a bit. I just wish this all would end.
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raymond2222 johnny16880
u not alone im struggling harder this month as well
johnny16880 raymond2222
Appreciate the reply. Something has just gone wrong this month.
raymond2222 johnny16880
i hope god bless u with a full recovery truly i hope u still hot sum fight in u