Posted , 15 users are following.
Hello...Does somebody suffer from hypochondria??? it is destroying me
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Posted , 15 users are following.
Hello...Does somebody suffer from hypochondria??? it is destroying me
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rehreh78 sabrina68781
yes me with every symptom i think the worst illness . right now i have deep pelvic pain and grion pain on my right side am thinking i am dying . i was not like this 2 years back but now my mind just plays games with me . i hate it my drs now put on my records i have healthy anxiety . x
christine-Perim sabrina68781
yes. if anyone saw my google search they would haul me off to the funny farm. we just gotta ride this out. life is a rollercoaster, menopause is the worst part of the ride. but we are all in it together. just hang on and smile.
susan39015 sabrina68781
Hi Sabrina, I posted not too long ago- How is it possible that someone could literally feel so bad, like theyr dying, but every dr says theres nothing wrong. I can relate wth what youre saying. Ive been to so many Drs, the last visit my pcp looked at me wth a smile and his bow tie and said there was nothing else he could do for me. Wanted to shove his bow tie up his ass haha. The non stop racing thoughts- literally non stop, over stimulation and EXTREME heightened senses are a killer. I understand how ppl snap. I even find myself saying ok susan your not feeling anything, your fine its in your head. Yeah it doesnt work. Dont even get me started on the physical symptoms...
Do you find that you cant get out of your head? you talk to yourself a lot?
These symptoms we feel are very real so its very hard to just say "ok im going to change my thought process and focus on good things and live in the present moment" They chalk everything up to anxiety. I will say tho stress is a killer. Hang in there youre not alone- I hope youre feeling better soon. Hope we are all feeling better soon. Hugs to all:)
rehreh78 susan39015
omg thats what the last drs visit said to me we cant do anything for you just like you wanted to smack her one . yes and its was lady dr . your comment made me lol shove hes bow tie up his arse hahha x
2chr2015 susan39015
lol. the bow tie made me laugh. we have to laugh at ourselves this stuff is so awful! The mental stuff is way worse than any physical symptoms to me!
2chr2015 rehreh78
i see a nurse practitioner that is younger than me. i don't even try to explain any of this to her anymore. It is a waste of time. She has no idea.
2chr2015 sabrina68781
Yessss! I am so sorry you are suffering too. It can be paralyzing. You are in good company here. We all understand. I am so thankful for you ladies.!!((hugs))
susan39015 sabrina68781
Glad i could make you ladies laugh!!
xoxo ❤❤
Woodlands1 sabrina68781
YES YES YES. Its health anxiety. I literally convinced myself last fall.that I had pancreatic cancer. didn't eat for a month, lost 15 pounds. Finally went to ER because I really thought I was dying. blood tests, etc. and then cat scan. once results came back normal, I was starving and wanted to eat! That did it. I knew it was all in my head. what i learned is to stop looking up things with Dr Google, get out, exercise. read, socialize. Take your mind off yourself. Once you have had good clean check up, try to tell yourself all the little things that keep coming up are part of this transition... my husband is a saint. I still struggle with health anxiety, but try to reign it in knowing its probably peri. take care!
pinkcatfairy sabrina68781
Yes unfortunately it is another thing that happens in peri/menopause, I have had terrible health anxiety through this transition, it does get better but still can happen now and then four years into post menopause!
lisa17089 sabrina68781
Omg everything you ladies have said is like reading about myself. My health anxiety is just horrific and I Google constantly. I just can't hp myself. I suppose I'm looking for reassurance but that never happens and of all the things that come up cancer is always there and I just home in on that. I literally have had every cancer going and have taken myself to A&E on more than 1 occasion because I felt I was dying. I too lost a lot of weight and had no appetite, once I knew I was OK my appetite came back. Now it isn't cancer so much but fear of dementia and mnd. The thing is the physical symptoms I get are not in my head they are real and that's what makes this so hard. Bloating, wind, regular cystitis and thrush, muscular and joint aches and pains, stiffness, arm fatigue were I can hardly lift them above my head, muscle twitches, I could go on and on., and don't even get me started on brain fog. The amount of mistakes I make at work just isn't funny, I'm worried I will lose my job because of it. My most recent thing is a overwhelming. Fear of losing the ability to swallow, I think it's because when I googled twitching mnd came up, I was petrified, I didn't see all the other things it could be, I just focused on that, when I read the other symptoms my heart was in my mouth. It mentioned muscle fatigue and losing the ability to swallow. Since then I have become more aware of it, and now feel as if I have to much saliva and that I'm going to choke on it. Its that bad that I go to sleep practically sat up for fear of choking. When I'm talking to people I'm aware of it and think I'm going to drool so have to constantly swallow. It's taking over my life and I'm actually thinking now is this all in my head. I'm really not sure. My Google search is all about illness it's all I ever do. If this is peri omg it's horrendous. Thank god for you ladies being in this group makes me feel that little bit better, even if for a short while. Big hugs everyone xx
rhonda64529 sabrina68781
yes, i do, and it has been devastating in the past. i found that CBT really helped.