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Just looking for some thoughts from you lovely ladies. Just about every woman in my family has had a hysterectomy at an age younger than I. I'll be 51 in December.
Was told at 22 that I needed one, due to severe endometriosis. I wanted to have kids, so had laparoscopic surgery by the 2nd gyn I consulted, to remove the adhesions. Had my son 10 years later. Bled heavy again until almost 2 years ago, when I went through menopause. Peri menopause was hell since about age 43.
Now my lining is about 2x what they say is okay as far as cancer risk. I've been living a menopause hell. Don't see why not to just have the hysterectomy and be done? I'd like to get on bhrt (after the procedure), as I don't like the idea of horse urine (hrt), and I've decided that pellets just aren't for me. I'd rather try compounded creams or just live with the BS these golden years have become.
Thank you in advance for reading this, and any words of wisdom/advice. My best wishes to all of you!
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JReady64 nancys21
I am 54. hysterectomy at 43. Only started feeling all this crap a year ago. I started bhrt in March.. and it IS pellets. Hasn't helped yet but I can how it would take time to build estrogen and help since it's been gone so long.
nancys21 JReady64
Thank you for your reply! I talked with another woman on this forum who said pellet therapy changed her and her husband's lives. I'm so desperate at this point, I'm about ready to try anything. Just basically don't see the need to keep my useless organs. Guess the cancer risk is scaring me. I hope you feel better soon. PLEASE keep us updated!
claire38123 nancys21
i had mine at 39 but they left my ovaries in i had horrid periods for over 10 years my womb was 3x thick lining,fybroids and full of polops and got told after opp i was high risk of cancer with the state it was in, iam now 47 and peri hit me like a ton of bricks in jan this year to the point i had 8 weeks off work with peri menopausal anxiety thought i was dying with all the symptoms i cant take HRT in any form as mum and nan both had cancer so iam learning to live with all this crap hot sweats,palpitations,aching joints,no sleep,anxiety and all the rest of the rubbish menopause chucks at you so good luck to you and big hugs xx
nancys21 claire38123
Thank you, Claire. It sure does suck! Hugs to you too! I had to stop working part time. It's hard to have to deal with all of this. Just not the women we used to be. I find it very sad.