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Dear ladies, I have an hysteroscopy in a few weeks . I am bleeding a lot and the womb is thickening. I am soooo scared! especially I am afraid of sedation. Please, any experience?

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    I had mine last week, i was terrified beforehand but it turned out fine, it really doesnt take long at all.

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    I had a hysterectomy.. there's nothing to be afraid of. They'll give you the sleepy drug and you won't even remember being wheeled back.. haaa.. and you'll feel soooooooo much better afterward.. My periods had gotten to be like overflowing rivers, so at 43, I had a hysterectomy. Best decision ever....

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    I'm having my 2nd one within 6 months on Friday

    Honestly you will be fine, i had complications but that is because my sats always drop with general.

    I'm worried with my womb thickening & again a polyp i hope it is anyway but the scans picked up something, this is all within 6 months


  • Posted

    Hi Lena..

    I just had a hysteroscopy on July 23rd this year. I was so very afraid...of the procedure and the outcome!! I was not under general anesthesia, it was local and then what they call "twilight". Basically, I was really high!! I was awake and my dr told me to look at the fibroid that we knew was there. No thickening, nothing else sinister...thank God. But she wanted to do it to be sure and it put me at ease to know I'm having bleeds at 59 because of fibroids and heredity.

    You will be fine. Hugs!

  • Posted

    dear ladies, thanks for kind words. i hope the procedure will help me a lot. last week I bled terribly for three days, now I feel weak and depressed. the procedure is due in November.

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    I had a d&c for uterus thickening and excessive bleeding 3 1/2 years ago. I too was apprehensive about sedation. Felt 100% better afterwards. Unfortunately, I had a fibroid that continued to bleed so 2 years ago I went back for the hysteroscopy and they shaved of the fibroid that was protruding into my uterus. That went fine too. My uterus is still unusually large and I'm still bleeding @ at 55 so will probably go the hysterectomy route but I tried the less evasive approaches first.Good luck! I hate going under too. I chickened out of a hysterectomy last year but I feel so bad now I'm willing to try.

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    So I am the third day after the procedure. Anesthesia was OK, I woke up easily, and it did last long. Had a bit pain, like menses pains, but it ceased after a while. At night in the hospital I did not sleep well, felt a bit depressed, probably as the result of all the stress and my fears. The next day I got breakfast, and went home, and today I am almost fine, a bit weak, but no pains, etc. I feel like healing.....Today I eat well and drink a lot of water. I hope that the results will be OK.

    Everybody in the hospital was so kind to me. The doctors, the nurses, they were so nice.

    • Posted

      So glad it went well for you and the professionals who took care of you were nice. That helps so much. I'm sure your results will be good.

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