HysterOSCOPY/ polyp removal

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has anyone had a hysteroscopy and removal of polyps or fibroids or cysts in an office under twilight sedation? If so, how long did it take for you to recover? I’m so scared it’s cancer my lining is 11 MM Up from four MM three months ago. I really hope it’s just the fibroids causing bleeding post menopause. If anyone has experience any of these things OK give me some encouragement or just tell me what happen I would appreciate it

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    hi my lovely! i recently had a hysteroscopy to remove polyps and sort my womb lining exactly the same as you. i suddenly started passing huge blood clots and was terrified like you. Its hust an awful time.

    I had my hysteroscopy under general aneasthetic and after a very stressful few days my results finally came back all ok. the relief was incredible.

    i completely understand your worry. The 2 weeks waiting before my op were just hell and my mind was in overdrive. sleepless nights and paranoia etc - imagining the worst. BUT my consultant did stress although there is always a risk it is still fortunately very low and you are definitely doing the best and right thing having it all sorted and tested now. If, and I stress IF ,there is an issue they can then sort it straight away.

    I am SURE all will be well but i also know how hard it is until it is all sorted too. Be mind to yourself- You will come through this and i am sending all the positive and loving thoughts I can to help somehow.

    thinking of you xxx

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      thank you did you ha e thickening lining too? mine is 11mm

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      yea i did have thickened lining too. I believe they sort that out too when they removed the polyps.

      I had period type bleeding after the op for around 7 days then..... all gone. Im now back on HrT (gel and tabs) and will get everything routine checked again next year.

      Thinking of you as I know the waiting is truly horrific but try to think positive (I know its not easy ) and focus on the fact that they know what they are doing and its all to help you get sorted.

      Peri/Meno is such a difficult time but youll get through it hun.

      Sending hugs and love xx

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      are you post menopause? thank you for your kind words that was so helpful. i am stressed yes so scared of cancer. sounds like your doctor is great mine has stressed me out.

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    Did you get your results back?Today I went in for Ultrasound--- 3 smal fibroid, thick lining in the 20's I believe and some kind of mass (she thinks it could be polyp). Anyways I have to go back in a few weeks to get more testing done to see what's going on...UGH just annoyed at all these tests, just hoping they find some things out... Did they also have to do an D&C? She mentioned that I would have to.

  • Posted

    hi just to say im 52 through menopause had 2 occassions where ive bleed had biopsys ultrasounds and D&C my lining is 9.9 had a merina coil ti thin out lining its working for me and so far im happy worth a try good luck

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