Hysteroscopy procedure
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I am 45 and peri-menopausal and had some spotting, over the last 2 weeks. My doctor sent me for a Ultra sound and I called today and they want to do a Hysteroscopy I am really scared about it as the doctor has said as I am so young and they haven't much history on me they are going to get me in to get it done in 2-3 weeks! I am so scared about this! Has anyone experienced the same?
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becky221 Babs70
jamie50513 Babs70
marie86421 Babs70
I have been in menopause now for 6 years and recently had some spotting. I was fast tracked to rule out cancer and was sent for a biopsy. I am still waiting for the results so don't know if I am in the clear yet, but I did have a problem getting the biopsy. Due to being in menopause for 6 years and childless, my cervix would not open. The first attemp at biopsy was with a pipelle, the second by hysteroscopy with a local anaesthetic and finally by hysteroscopy with a general. I had got myself stressed out three times to get this biopsy done and think that having the general was the best for me.
Are you having a local or general?
If you have a local, the cervix is numbed by injection and the hysteroscope is passed through the cervix to your womb. I was hoping that I was going to see it all on the screen but because my cervix would not dilate we had to abandon it.
Having the general was better in the end as I did not know anything about it. I was given the picture shots to take home. I was told to expect some pain and bleeding afterwards. I have not bled that much and a week on I think I can do without the panty liners. I did not experience any pain, be it period like pain or backache afterwards.
Try not to worry and I know that is easier said than done, because I could not think of anything else until it was all over.
Let us know how you get on.
Babs70 marie86421
daisylady Babs70
please don't worry. I had one done recently and it really was ok. You can have a local anaesthetic probably as I did many years ago when I was younger. Alternatively there is general available. I chose not to have a GA and had a spinal instead but that's not for everyone. They went in twice to try to remove fibroids to no avail but I can say hand on heart there was no pain either during the procedure or after. There was some bleeding afterwards but it was minimal. Let us know how you get on xx
marie86421 Babs70
After the consultant had taken the biopsy and had a good look round in my womb, he told me that everything looked normal. I got quite worried about the endometrium (lining) thickening as this can be a sign of cancer. To be sure though, I need to wait for the results of the biopsy.
I hope all will be well for you.
seggy Babs70
marie86421 seggy
Before I was referred for hysteroscopy, my doctor felt that my spotting was hormonal rather than anything serious. I have been in menopause for six years now and don't really want to start taking any hormone treatment. I shall have to wait and see if the gynae makes any follow up suggestions.