Hysteroscopy under General Anaesthetic
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Hello Ladies
I had a hysteroscopy on Tuesday with a General Anaesthetic to investigate post menopausal bleeding. I don't know what the consultant did but I am feeling so sore inside and out. I found it uncomfortable to sit down for the first couple of days afterwards and I feel bruised inside and out. I have been bleeding, although that is slowing down now.
I am wondering whether he used an instrument that was too big for me and forced his way in. That is what it feels like. I usually have the smallest speculum when I have a smear test as I find it so painful. After a couple of days I decided to have a look with a mirror to see what state I was in. I have a huge gaping hole at the entrance to my vagina when it is normally closed. My question is - will the hole close up or am I damaged for good? I am definitely not happy with how the procedure has gone, especially as I have had one before with a GA and had no problems at all.
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Guest marie86421
Is it possible that he dilated you?
marie86421 Guest
Yes, he had to dilate me as I had already had a failed hysteroscopy without GA. I became unwell during the procedure and they had to stop. I had a female consultant on that occasion and she was lovely. She was very gentle and spoke to me throughout making sure that I was comfortable, but she could not gain entry through my cervix. I knew once that failed what I was in for.
LouiseScotland marie86421
I'm so sorry, poor you, this must be so uncomfortable. For immediate care I would try sitting in a warm bath, and add some salt and some bicarb. Don't dry the area with a towel, try a hairdryer on a gently warm setting and move it around as you are doing so. Also, try patting on a small amount of Sudocrem to the external area after bathing. If you are at home in the day, and overnight, go without any underwear if the bleeding will allow, or use a soft pad and change frequently. Take an anti inflammatory such as ibuprofen if you are able to. Moving on, I would contact the hospital as soon as poss and tell them what's happened, and ask if you can be examined by another consultant. I'm hoping that what you describe as a hole in the area is simply swelling and bruising and that things should return to normal once that settles down. I had a hysteroscopy done about 2 years ago and had no anaesthetic and although it was obviously uncomfortable, and painful at one point for about a minute or so, I was totally fine afterwards. Just a little bit of spotting that day but no bruising or swelling...I actually wouldn't have known it had been done and I went shopping afterwards, feeling just as normal. From that, I take it that you could be right about the instrument being too big for you, but it must be difficult to know, with the patient being asleep. Take it easy today, keep us updated, and hopefully you will feel better soon xxx
marie86421 LouiseScotland
Hi Louise
Thank you for your kind reply.
I tried a warm bath last night but I didn't put any salt in. I'm not sure that I could manage being examined, still so tender and sore. I checked this morning and the vaginal walls are closing together much to my relief.I really thought that I had permanent damage, such a shock to see your body in such a state. I have a constant ache today inside my vagina, probably all the bruising, if it continues over the weekend I shall contact the hospital. This whole thing has left me feeling a bit emotional as well. Had a few tears and feel better for that. Trying to be positive and move on. The good thing is that I now have a diagnosis for the post menopausal spotting - vulva and vaginal atrophy. I am waiting for the results of the biopsy which the consultant seemed to think will be normal. I hope he is right because if I need any further treatment it won't be with him. Interestingly, I told my doctor that was what I thought it was as all the symptoms seemed to fit but she didn't think so. The consultant has suggested Vagifem but I am not keen on using HRT because my mother died from a blood clot when she was only 47 years old.
I had this same procedure done three years ago and although my cervix had to be dilated, I had no after affects whatsoever, only slight bleeding directly after the operation. I felt good, like you did, and was rather surprised as I had been told that I would be in pain etc. I was expecting the same this time but I guess it depends on the consultant. I had a different one this time and I think he must have been a bit heavy handed.
Many thanks for your support.
LouiseScotland marie86421
Hello Marie, so glad things have improved, even if only a little. A cry definitely helps too! No one should be left feeling this way after such a simple procedure though.
Interesting that you mentioned Vagifem...I had my hysteroscopy because I had very slight brownish post menopause spotting. It was so occasional that I wasn't worried but a diligent practice nurse insisted I see a GP who referred me to a consultant. Ultrasound was inconclusive so a trans vaginal ultrasound was done, and showed a thickened endometrium. Hysteroscopy was fine, as were biopsies done at the same time, and the only thing of note was fibroids which are not causing any issues and lessen with age. I was prescribed Vagifem for the spotting and was told it was not HRT. I opened the pack and the info leaflet said it WAS a form of HRT! I'm not keen on that at all as I believe the menopause is entirely natural, so did not take the Vagifem. Interestingly, I've had no more spotting, and that was over 2 years ago.
I hope your immediate pain gets better soon, the body is a wonderful healer. I suggested salt in a warm bath as it has natural antiseptic properties, and bicarbonate of soda as it is very soothing to damaged or inflamed areas. Beyond that, I hope you don't require any more treatment.
I hope you feel much better over the next few days xx
marie86421 LouiseScotland
I have the same brownish post menopause spotting. It started three years ago and was very hit and miss. I would go weeks, months without anything and then I would spot. I had been in menopause for six years at the time so my doctor thought it needed investigating. I had two failed attempts to get a biopsy and then had to have a GA. My endometrium was 4mm and I have one fibroid. As the lining was 4mm that needed the biopsy. When the results were normal I went away and thought no more about it as the spotting was so sporadic, but just before Christmas last year, the spotting was a bit heavier and was happening two or three times a week. I had to start wearing a panty liner as I was spoiling so many of my pants. I don't really want to be wearing a panty liner as that is the beauty of being in menopause, no periods. A visit to the doctor and I was referred again. My lining is still at 4mm and the fibroid has shrunk. Had to have another biopsy (the one I have just had) because lining was on the borderline of normal. The consultant has suggested my doctor give me Vagifem. I have looked on line at the list of side affects and one is that it can give you thrush. I used to get this a lot and not sure that I want to try the Vagifem. I feel that I might not have any choice if I want to stop the spotting. I have decided to use toilettries that have no perfumes, parabens etc., to see if that makes a difference. I know this is going to sound crazy but I have been spotting since dying my hair. The first time that I started spotting was in 2016 and I had begun to use an ammonia free hair dye that I put on myself. A couple of months in and the spotting started. Eventually, I found it difficult to get the colour on properly so went to the salon. They use dye with ammonia and it stung like crazy. The last time I had to ask her to remove it because it felt like my head was burning. I went to the salon just before Christmas and then a month later I am spotting two to three times a week. It may be just a coincidence but I am going to stop dyeing my hair and see what happens. One never knows what all these chemicals do to your hormones. I am healing slowly and feeling much better emotionally.
Best wishes
patriciawil3 marie86421
I WENT THrough a similar procedure and the found previous scar tissue and fibroids and remove it but wound tearing me inside. I went to an inexperiece doctor and wound up with a bad infection and high fever. My sister who is a nurse at the hospital had reccommended a better doctor but at the time was booked out 6 months . I CHANged doctors immediately and it took a couple of months to heal but the first doctor did damage . I COULD not prove it but I know from my sister and others who had problems . IT MAKES a difference in who you go to all gyns are not the same and as careful when they are inside and will never admit it . BUT trust yourself and listen to your body. I HOPE YOU FEEL BETRER SOON
marie86421 patriciawil3
Hi Patricia
Sorry for delay in replying, I don't seem to get any notifications anymore. I am convinced that he has damaged me inside. It is four weeks on Tuesday that I had the procedure and I am still feeling the effects of it. I am healing slowly but it seems that each day brings a new symptom. The bleeding has stopped and I tried Vagifem as my doctor said that it would help with the healing process. I inserted the pessary before I went to bed and low and behold I was bleeding the next day. Used it for two more nights and the bleeding got heavier so I stopped using it. After three days I am back to no bleeding. The soreness on my vulva is very slowly improving but I get a feeling of heavy discharge and feeling wet. When I go to check I am bone dry and no discharge. I am wondering whether he has damaged my nerve endings in that area. Apparently, there are a lot of nerves there. I am still getting abdominal pains and when I finally got round to checking what I am like inside I wished I hadn't. The only way that I can describe what I felt is like a bag of jelly. Very painful to just insert my finger. Going to see my doctor and see what she thinks. I saw her about a week after the procedure but I couldn't bear to let her near me. I really think that the gynae that I saw should not be doing this procedure. Strange thing is that I looked him up before having the hysteroscopy and it turns out that this is his specialist area!! Are you in the UK? Where did you have your procedure?
Best wishes