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Hi girls, doctor wants me to get hysterscopy done. They call it D and C also here. Is it necessary to have blood sugar normal for it ?
My blood sugar is giving me a lot of problem now. Fasting reading is much higher than post food. Ive changed my diet to suit diabetic needs and also go for walks. Please tell me what to do ? thanks
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Gillian1956 menopolized
you need to discuss this with your doctors cut out all carbs do exercise as well as walks
katyD211 menopolized
Hysteroscopy sounds scarier than it is, i had one a year ago because my age is 60 but i am still having erratic bleeding. All is fine. But dr ordered bloodwork too, because i wanted to be sure of where my body was in this journey. so I would say ask your dr about blood sugar levels,voice your concern .
Thanks girls for your replies. I have been to the doctor, he has returned me and said to get my sugar in order before I get hysterscopy done.
My fasting reading is way too higher than normal but my PP is too low, Im scared with medicines i might experience hypoglcemic attacks during the day.
Im already prone to hypoglycemia off and on.
maddysmom2015 menopolized
If it is suitable, make sure they give you the medicine that softens and relaxes your cervix before the procedure. They just wheeled the cart in for me and jammed the probe up my business without so much as a 'by your leave.'
I'm sure you'll be fine. We're here for you!