I already have ibs but have I got something more?!

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I am 18 years old and have had ibs for many years but officially got diagnosed about two years ago. I have suffered with stomach cramps,  nausea and  frequently needing the toilet. Recently it has made me quite depressed. I am scared to go out and will only go out when I have to. I struggle to get to work sometimes and its ruining my life.  I went to the doctors the other day to ask for more tests as I have only had a blood test to diagnose ibs and I also want to see a speacialist. when I went to the doctors he wanted to feel my stomach and as he pressed anywhere on my stomach it was hurting in betweem my chest so much that I gasped in pain. After that I was in a lot of pain , burping and hiccuping frequently.  I drunk a milkshake and felt really sick but luckily managed to keep it down . After that I havent felt sick much more but I have noticed that I have been a lot more bloated than usual , I look heavily pregnant and it is so uncomfortable! Im not sure if this is due to my ibs or something different?  The doctor sent me off for a blood test and said my stomach is tender. Sorry that its so long but I really want to know, it really gets me down!  Thanks in advance x

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Chloe. It is unusual to get ibs so young. I believe it is all down to the gut flora and if you get this right then it "goes away". Ibs merely means that they do not know the ca\use so it is not much of a diagnosis anyway. Bloating is another sign of the gut flora being wrong. The doctors do not understand about this so no good leaving it to them to spot it and tell you what to do, it is about the right diet. Nutritionists are usually the ones you go to about this and even they do not understand it. A naturopath would but you would have t pay them per consultation privately. You can find all you need online for free. I suggest you a good probiotic and make sure you have a lot of prebiotics. That means things like oats, honey and onions, because these help kill the bad bacteria and let the good bacteria multiply better and quicker and it is better to have a lot ofthem and a little biotics than lots of biotics added.
    • Posted

      Hi carmel,

      Thanks for your reply. I know it is usually diet so I do keep an eye on this however I havent really found any foods that particularly triggers for my ibs apart from alcohol. I will try with the prebiotics and see how that helps.

      Thanks again smile

    • Posted

      Hi Chloe. It is not abotut food it is about how you probably have more of the wrong bacteria in the gut. The onions, oats, honey etc build up the right bacteria just as the biotics replace them. It is best to do both. Eating oats or honey or onion about half an hour before you take biotics is the ideal way. If you want to do it properly also cut out sugar,

      cut down to no fruit or very little fruit and always eat fruit on an empty stomach with no other food for at least two hours after.

  • Posted

    Try doing a food diary that obviously lists your daily food and drink intake. Don't do anything else to start with apart from grade how you feel and how your stomach feels. Do this for a few weeks and it should start to show you correlations between diet and flare ups of Ibs.

    Quit sugar and breads at some point aswell. 

    Ibs seems to take time so this stuff needs to be done for a few weeks before you may notice improvements... But you will improve! Monitoring your diet is important. I neglected it and disregarded food diary as a way to help... How wrong I was. The food diary help massively.

    • Posted

      Thanks I  will try the diary and see if that helps and thanks simba ill also try the ginger and garlic together.
  • Posted

    yes chloe I do agree u are quite a young tot to be suffering from ibs,  boil some garlic

    and ginger in a kettle drink it hot. for two days all day make some more and every day drink at least three cups it can be cold or hot. however you prefer it , garlic heals anything in your stomach and ginger will stop  the bloating and cramps. stay away from all dairy products because it is ovious you had issue with milk. keep drinking the garlic and water throught each day. this will help your tummy isues, get a piece of fresh garlic no lomger than youor second finger and a whole clove of garlin peeled and minced both them bring to a boil and let cool then drink each day it wont hurt you try to drink at least 4 to 5 cups each day,  

    • Posted

      Cannot see how it is obvious shes has issues with milk. If it is due to the gut flora then it has nothing to do with diet at all, it is down to getting the gut flora right. Garlic is great for gastritis etc and it wont hurt but its unlikely to help for this. Her stomach lining is not damaged. It is the gut flora that is the problem. Changing the diet etc has nothing to do with that. Nor does trying to heal an undamaged stoma\ch lining.
    • Posted

      Thats good , and like you said you had an 

      Milkshake and felt sick so to me its obvious you need check out of dairy for awhile to see whats up. Good luck and hope you get some relief soon because when your stomach is messong up it ruons you day.

    • Posted

      Hi carmel , we are here for each other for similar issues with our stomach , we are not doctors and we are just sharing our experiences and remedies  that has helped us. Yes its possible it could be the flora of the gut but drinking ginger tea and garlic will not interfere with the gut flora. It definitely will not hurt, it can only help so again drinking this tea will bring some comfort to anyone who is having issues with their stomach where there is bloating and discomfort.This is a natural remedy that works. Maybe you should try it also.
    • Posted

      Hi Simba. Of course we are all trying to help each other. Some of us are medical professionals so please do not assume that everyone here is just a patient, that is abig mistake. It is up to whoever if they wish to try ginger etc. but that is for the stomach lining, which is different to ibs etc.

      You are right when you say it cannot hurt. But with some it might be a waste of time and money. A lot of pepole get sick and tired of tryinig things that cost them money and do not work. Bloating etc is usually becaue of gut flora.

      Ginger does not help with gut flora, biotics and prebiotics do. I dont need to "try it". I had problems with my stomach and resolved them. I hope you feel better soon too.

    • Posted

      Thank you and i am better and also a bio nutrionist and of course probiotics do help in all whether ill or not..You have a nice day.

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