I always feel anxious and depressed the day after heavy alcohol drink

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I always feel a bit depressed and anxious on Mondays after l ha ve been drinking during the weekend, it takes about 2 days for me to get back to normal, l have no hangovers though is this normal or its only happening to me, please help.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello Richard. How much are you drinking over the weekend? And do you not then drink until the next weekend?

    It is a common reaction to coming off alcohol and may well be due to your drinking, but a bit more information about what you are drinking would help to determine that.

    • Posted

      Paul thanks for your reply, l drink 2 bottles of wine on friday, the same on Saturday and Sunday and nothing from Monday to Thursday.
    • Posted

      I think the only way to work out if the alcohol is causing the problem is to try a weekend without drinking wine and to see how you feel on the following Monday and Tuesday.

      Are there other reasons you might struggle at the beginning of the week? For example a job you are not enjoying at the moment?

    • Posted

      Hi Paul thanks for your replies, when l do not drink l do not feel anxious at all, l will be fine without any worry in the World.
    • Posted

      That begs the question 'why drink at all?' but I know it is never as simple as that smile See if you can work that out smile
  • Posted

    Richards,Anxiery is the number 1 reason most people drink.. Drink more then more till they find relief as the body and brain becomes resistant and more alcohol is needed to achieve the desired effects.

    i hope u can PM Paul he is in the UK . I am only a mom with the story I posted here of my alcoholic son. Over 20 years my son has batteled alcohol. Some day I hope he will find sobriety.

    if UR interested he started out drinking as a teen he had anxiety.. Which has lead to more and more alcohol as the body builds up resistance. There is so much pain in my heart . I am sick physically to see him hurting and suffering so bad. 

    No one deserves to live a life of an alcoholic the pain, fear and anxiety thrives on depression a vicious circle for the alcoholic.

    i hope u can find help for sobriety it is the life u deserve. confused

    • Posted

      I am sorry about yo son, l was also like him drank for 20 years bçoz of anxiety l have recently got a bit of help l know longer drink everyday hence when l drink l spend the next 2 days feeling anxiety, and sad, l use to drink everyday for 222 years, everyone is shocked l manage to cut down, lam sure when the time comes your son will one day stop, how is your son s liver, wish u luck.
    • Posted

      Thank you for UR kind concern. I have the same for you as u have for my son. I hope u sray on the road to subriety. It's the best way to live and opens up many doors . 

      If u need to see a doc for treating depression and anxiety try to find hat it takes to help give u courage to break the curled of drinking , depression and anxiety.

      My son is in the 3rd stage of kidney disease and much worse in all the other alcohol related diseases. Mental illness issue from alcohol.

      Anxiety is the number one reason for drinking... Self medication is usually how drinking starts .it grows of control & the addiction has it's hold.

      You have been thru a great deal yourself. I am so sorry u have suffered so much. No one suffers as much as anyone with this disease. Sometimes the imbalance in brain chemicals need a little help to stabilize our nuero transmitters into following pathways in the brain to clear thinking and a better understanding .

      Alcohol just buries the problem. Some anti anxiety meds can help initially until the alcohol transmitters have been broken and the new neuron transmitters in th brain can give peace and loss for cravings. 

      See he MRI online of a alcoholic brain compared to a normal brain. It will help u obtain additional insight to how powerful alcohol is on the brain.

      PLZ  keep in touch. I'm always here . There are a lot of kind and caring members here that can help u along the way. I hope u have support and that u have all that u need to sustain you thru this journey. 

      HOPE4CURE confused


    • Posted

      Thank you so much l saw the mri scan of a alcoholic brain,it is frightening it is really scary this will surely keep me in check in my bid to stop alcohol completely,they is a big difference between the 2 scans, thankyou again for the information.
  • Posted

    i second what Paul said, try to stay away from alcohol this weekends and see the results.
  • Posted

    It's a common reaction to drinking, if you hate it try to cut off. You don't drink too much ao to me it looks fine. Maybe try to only drink on saturday and give up on it on sunday. Then you'll be ok on monday. 
  • Posted

    I used to drink heavily "weekends only" and somewhere along the line, my "weekend" started to include a Monday and a Thursday and before I knew it I was drinking every day. To compensate, what I did was lower my daily alcohol intake so that I could manage working/kids/home etc. I hate the term functional alcoholic but that best described how I coped for so long (couple of years). But of course the more you drink the more you need to get the "buzz" so naturally over time my alcohol intake increased. I have got to a stage where I know I have to stop. I listened to advice on this forum, went to my GP, now have medication and have been AF for 4 days and I'm feeling positive.

    So my advice to you is simple: you seem in control of the alcohol at the moment, but please be on your guard and don't let it slip/spiral any further or you'll end up like me sad and trust me it is not a good place to be.)

    Good luck.

    • Posted

      Good to hear that you are dealing with the alcohol issue needhelp smile Sounds like you are doing really well. Keep going! smile


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