I always think im dying
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I am a 21 year old male and i have had quite a bit of visits to the doctor. So since a few years ago that i graduated from hs i have had bad anxiety and its getting worse im told. But about 2 months ago i woke up noticing a pressure feeling behind my eye and it would switch to the next eye the day after and so on and so forth. I went to my pediatrician first and they recommended a psychiatrist. After that visit i went to an eye doctor who told me that everything looks fine with both of my eyes. So after that it left me very confused. After this I went to my GP...told him about all the symptoms i am having and he said its most likely related to anxiety. I also have had a couple of high bp readings but they go up and down which he said is not at all concerned about. A little while after another visit to my GP with a psychologist accompanying him I went to the ER in a panic and demanded a cat scan. It came back normal. I asked him if i should get an mri but he told me no because a cat scan would have found anything wrong in my head at the age im at. Ive also been having chronic neck and back pain especially when i bend my head down or back or from left to right. I really think im dying and idk what its gonna take to calm down and not worry. I am on lexapro and a special headache and muscle spasm medicine. The headache med is working very well but im still having the neck and back pain. Please please someone give me some advice
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Needhelp_asap eli64369
I am exactly the same as you!! I am 19 and since i had to leave for uni to another city, i had a huge breakdown that came out to be GAD and severe health anxiety. I have had neck pain for a long time but it never worried me, I knew it was due to my bad posture for years.
For the past 2 months or a little less, it's back and it's more constant and it feels different. I was thinking of a million things that freaked me out, it makes me feel light headed and sometimes off balance ,sometimes i feel like i can't even hold my head right. I really don't know what t think, I'm currently waiting for an MRI scan of the brain and maybe neck too. I have visited a neurologist who didn't seem concerned, just ordering an MRI to put my mind at rest.
Since you visited your GP and had a CT scan and everything needed, I don't think you should worry about something deadly. Maybe see if you can have an xray of your neck? Even though I think you stressing so much over it, contributes to the pain.
I also have had that pressure in the eyes and head, went to an optician who thoroughly examined me and found nothing wrong.
If you get an answer, please let me know!
Best of luck!
eli64369 Needhelp_asap
I have visited numerous doctors and no one has an answer. I have tingling in hands and if i sit on my arm or leg it gets numb and tingly. These symptoms are non stop and they happen every day. What could this be? I keep talking to my parents about it and they think im crazy bc i want another ct scan but i dont know what else to do. Im so afraid i have an anyeurism or tumor in my head or something along those lines. What should i do? Does anyone have these symptoms? I cant take this anymore...all of these headaches and scary symptoms are affecting my quality of life
sixdeep357 eli64369
Anxiety can be extremely debilitating. Ask your doctor for some hydroxyzine. Miracle pill when anxiety attacks happen, and before you know it, all those crazy symptoms will slowly disappear. I'm almost 40 and have had every disease known to man. That is, until I go to the doctor and find out that I don't lol. Anxiety syndromes suck but if you can get the right meds, it'll make a world of difference.