I am 16 and I have been suffering with sciatica badly for 4 years

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My journey started when I was eight, I suffered from minor back pains. If I attempted to pull my trousers up from my ankles by bending over the pain would be too much. Later I suffered from bad joi inflimation and growth spurts as I was 3 months premature.

In the last 4 years I have suffered from lower back paim around the pelvic area. Two fixed areas above the bum cheeks either side of the spine. I have problems with a dull ache in my coxis. I get pains in both legs running down the back (never at the same time- it varies) . I give way a lot due to the pain when walking and occasionally result to using crutches. The pain is significantly bad. I struggle to sleep at night, there is usually a dull ache in the back when laying still and pains in the legs when tossing and turning. I have spent most of the night crying.

The pain is worst when I dont move for a while (sitting) especially when getting up. I get some relief from paracetamol and neurofen but sometimes there is mo relief. Hot water bottles sometimes help.

I went to physio as my doctor subscribed me, its never seeme beneficial. My doctor said the pain was simply 'growing pains' the matter was put aside and I carried on suffering. I saw many doctors and it never felt like things were taken seriously until a doctor opted for me to have an MRI. Early this year I was diagnosed with sciatica.

However no doctor has discussed any treatment options (injections or perhaps further physio) I have an oppintment next week to hopefully discuss this.

What concerns me is how I have sciatica and im so young

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    If you have a talk with one of the senior physios they might be able to discuss your condition in more detail and give you some idea about how to handle everyday life.

    I was 46 when I got sciatica so I am very sorry to hear that you have been affected at such a young age.

    You and maybe a family or friend need to make the situation very clear to your doctor, he/she needs to be aware of how severe your pain is and that it affects your walking. This isn't a normal condition for a 16 year old and there are other medicines you can try, Gabapentin is commonly prescribed long term and there are other medicines they can try.

    I have a bit of a short fuse, my doctor was like yours until I told him I wouldn't leave his office without adequate pain relief! If no joy, see if you can find a GP with some humanity.

    • Posted

      I think it would be a good idea to talk to someone, I have questions I want to ask and a doctor has never fully explained the condition. I found out everything I know about sciatica from online.

      Thank you for your kindness, I was shocked when I found out it mostly occurs with okd age and makes me think if it is sciatica or there is more to it.

      im not sure I find it hard to talk to doctors but I guess I dont have a choice but to really lay the cards down and explain the situation. Yeah I just hope that they try and solve the problem by subscribing some medicines to try as I need some relief.

      I guess im just worried and I feel slightly defeated as if nobody is actually listening to what im saying.

      Thank you for your support!

  • Posted

    Hi Estelle,

    Reading your message breaks my heart. To hear someone so young suffering so badly just brings tears to my eyes. I struggle day to day with my sciatica and the pain I feel sometimes feels like it is breaking me mentally and physically. I imagine how difficult this would be for my daughter who is 9 to have to go through this and I pray that she never has to suffer this horrendous pain.

    I hope that you can get to the botttom of what is causing your sciatica and eventually get a cure. Can you ask your doctor to get you some hydrotherapy? 

    Do you have someone to take to the appointment that can press your case for you and insist on some treatment right away?

    No child should ever have to suffer like this. I've been through child birth and I can quite honestly say that this pain is much worse than giving birth! 

    I really hope that things work out for you very soon. Best of luck.

    Beautiful name btw, my daughters mIddle name! 

    Take care and stay in touch on here, there is a wonderful support network of people happy to help with advice, tips and just to lend an ear when you feel low.

    Rachel smile 

    • Posted

      Hi Rachel smile

      Yours words have made me feel 100 times better. I guess it is bad that im only 16, but for me it has become a part of my life. I can't imagine what it is like suffering day to day. Occasionally this occurs, recently 3 or 4 days in a row. Just out of interest what medication or treatment do you have. Well it never really used to bother me but I would say in the last couple of weeks ive felt it is destroying me mentally not even physically. Recently I would lay in bed crying and im not in any pain its just the stress of feeling so alone in the situation and the fact that it brings me down. Yeah I would noy wish this on anyone as young as me or even older as it is extremely painful.

      Yeah I hope to find a solution soon. What is hydrotherapy?

      Yeah I will be going with my dad to the oppintment and im going to explain to him how I need some kind of progress from the oppintment.

      At least I dont have to worry about giving birth when I have children haha. But yeah is horrible to suffer with the pain especially when nothing can partically be done to give any sense if relief.

      Thank you! After my oppintment next Wednesday ill be sure to write something on any progress etc.

      Awh thank you, yeah it is French for star. Be sure to tell your daughter she has a lovely middle name aha <3

      thats very sweet, yeah i think i will stay in touch on here. i only really came across the site when i was researching more about sciatica. i think its good because everyone listens and are very helpful.

      thank you again, estelle thats="" very="" sweet,="" yeah="" i="" think="" i="" will="" stay="" in="" touch="" on="" here.="" i="" only="" really="" came="" across="" the="" site="" when="" i="" was="" researching="" more="" about="" sciatica.="" i="" think="" its="" good="" because="" everyone="" listens="" and="" are="" very="" helpful.="" thank="" you="" again,="">

      thats very sweet, yeah i think i will stay in touch on here. i only really came across the site when i was researching more about sciatica. i think its good because everyone listens and are very helpful.

      thank you again, estelle>

    • Posted

      HI Estelle,

      I'm taking Gabaoentin (which is a pain killer aimed specifically at Nerve Pain) Tramadol (an opiate based pain killer, makes you feel very fuzzy but it really hits the pain) I don't recommend Tramadol as you are so young and it has terrible side effects.

      I also take Parcetamol and Ibuprofen alongside te other 2 meds. All of the above eveyday for the last 8 months. 

      Try asking about Amitriptyline (it also works on nerve pain and is a mild antidepressent) it could really help and has no real side effects that I know of.

      Your doctor will be able to advise on the best meds for your age group.

      And remember the painkillers that work specifically on nerve pain take a few weeks to start working usually 2-3 weeks and they have an acumulative effect so the longer you take them the better the result.

      Hydrotherapy is like physiotherpay (light gentle exercises) in a really warm pool. It's a one on one thing where you are in a small heated pool with a physiotherapist and they get you walking through water and cycling your legs etc. The water supports your muscles and takes the pain out of the exercises. 

      When you have your appointment ry to be firm about what you want, if you feel you need a physio treatment plan push for it. You need to emphasise that this is impacting heavily on your day to day life. If you don't lay it on thick they think that you are coping and send you away with nothing. 

      The fact that it is ocassional now doesn't mean that it will stay that way, things could get worse so you need to nip it in the bud now so to speak. 

      Have you had a physical examination of your spine? 

      Also it could be good to ask for an MRI scan to see what is happening internally. 

      Write a list of questions that you have about medication, physiotherapy, your general well being, and what they plan to do to help you. This way when you arrive you don't get overwhelmed and forget what you wanted to ask.

      I'm glad you have your Dad with you as it's sometimes hard to get your point across alone expecially if you are feeling emotional or upset.

      Stay strong and press hard for treatment, you are too young to be on the path to long term pain.

      Buy yourself an electric heat pad and maybe some of those Curaheat stick on heat pads from the chemist, heat will help relax the muscles and hopefully lesson the pain.

      Sending big hugs to you! xx

      Rachel  smile

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