I am 17 and i took a edible once and my life has never been the same since...
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Howdy I am 17 was 16 when I took a medical edible ever since then I have not been the same. That edible has made my life a living hell and I keep shifting through different fears non stop one day it's cancer the next its my heart then the next its the thought of what happens after death and when am I going to die. Life seems to just pass by like a blur for me now and it is getting increasingly difficult for me to even feel happy heck I don't even feel alive anymore everytime I breath it feels like I'm breathing in a void of nothingness. My anxiety attacks don't even increase my heart rate that much anymore they just make me dizzy and feel sick and here I am at 3 in the morning afraid to go asleep because my chest feels uncomfortable and I'm afraid I am going to die in my sleep. please tell me someone out there has something similar to me I just want to feel real again or atleast for a moment.
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jan34534 jacobi01530
Jake up first of all you are not going to die. any anxiety symptoms are not harmful even though they are scary. Also you will not die in your sleep because the heart is an automatic function. I’m sure that it feels really strange to have those anxiety symptoms. Sorry you are going through this.
My recommendation would be for you to speak with somebody who can help. Such as a counselor or therapist. They deal with these type of issues every single day. it’s very hard to do on your own.
Another thing I would suggest is when you are feeling that way or even when you’re not, it’s very important to know how to manage it. So if you want to feel better for the moment, get on YouTube and search for either anxiety and panic meditations or proper breathing meditations for anxiety. These will really relax you. And your entire body. especially if you were awake at three in the morning.
you are young and you have plenty of time to recover from this. I know it’s difficult right now but remember this is just a small snippet of time in your life. One day you’ll look back and willl see how far you have come
also, stay away from edibles and anything associated with that. Eat healthy, get a little exercise even if it’s just walking, live a clean healthy life!take one day at a time and please get that support! Take care ❤