i am 23 and have been suffering with cervical rib for 4 year

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hello i have had severe headaches and neck and back problems now for 4 years and last year my doctors finaly decided to give me an x-ray and discovered i had a cervical rib on the right side of my neck. they refuse to opperate and instead i have been given amitriptyline 25mg. i have to take between 5 and 8 of these a day and they dont seem to be helping. i dont understand why the doctors just give up on you if you have this problem and from what i hear here im not the only person who has begged and pleaded with there doctors for help i just hope one day they will recognise that there are a lot of people out there that are suffering and have been for years. the symptoms i have are severe headaches to the point it makes me sick, neck ache, back ache and sharp pains in my arm along with a new sympton of tinitus in my right ear i would like to hear from anyone who is suffering in silence like i have the past 4 years. sarah x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi just read about your experience,my son is 13yrs old all his life he has had headaches,numbness in hands,face neck pain and backpain to finally be told he has not 1 cervical rib but 2! he struggles on a dayily basis he also has raynauds which is a big problem am sorry to hear you to have ignorant drs
  • Posted

    I am so sorry to hear about your experience i was told i had 1 cervical rib but once i had it removed they found the other, i had that removed six months later, if you get the chance have the operations they are worth it in the long run, they only down side is the scars that are left behind, i have two beside each other on my neck which still havent faded, they bother me sometimes but i can use my arms which is brilliant, it took over 10years for my doctors to finally give me the operation i just wish i had them when i was younger.

    i hope your doctor pulls his finger out and gives you the surgery, its horrible pain which tablets dont touch.

    good luck to you.


  • Posted

    go and see an osteopath, it sorted all my rib problems out and the symptoms that went with it, (thoracic outlet syndrome with upper rib dysfunction) I have been like this for 3 years and the osteo has taken 10 sessions to sort it out but we are almost there now, it would have taken less time to sort if I had been diagnosed earlier!
  • Posted

    hi... sorry to hear about ur problem. im 20yrs old n i have 2 cervical ribs alongs with all the symptoms...headache, numbness n pain in arms etc....i wud suggest u to go 2 a ortho sugeon if u really cant tolerate ur problem.... n yea i am studyin medicine n will b a doctor soon so i thnk u can take my advice.... smile but personally i dont wnt 2 get operated 4 my ribs (wnt 2 keep my ribs as a gift 4m God)
  • Posted

    I had cervical rib surgery in 2002. For 10 years prior to this I was told there was nothing wrong with me, I should live with the pain etc. I was on crazy pain killers and life was shocking. My physio was a star and was the only person who believed that there was a problem. I had had previous surgery to attempt to remove the ribs in the 1990s! Finally I found an amazing Plastic Surgeon Mr ****** (Leeds). He took out the rib. No one actually knows what my previous two operations acheived! Yes I have a massive scar but who cares. My physio helped me with my rehab as I had severe muscle wastage in my scapula region which initially caused problems post surgery. Now, 7 years on I am a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist, I run and weight train. I will always have a weakness on my right side but I do work with it. Anyone seeking Physio in the Sheffield area contact Mr ****** (The Physios) or needing treatment then find Mr ****** in Leeds. There is hope post surgery honest.



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  • Posted

    I really feel for you guys. I'm 25 and have been sufferring with headaches since early childhood, and horrible back and neck pain /stiffness for about a year. This past week i had an xray taken and they found i have 2 cervical ribs. I was just starting to believe everyone when they said i was exagerating my pain and making it worse. I also get the tingling in my hands and numbness when i sleep so i've been reading about TOS. I guess i'm just writing to see if anyone whos been there knows where to go from here?

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