I am 38 yes old and have a irregular pain in my right breast for about 2 months

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I have a pain in my right breast with irregular pattern for about 2 months but it got regular for about 2 weeks. I feel a little painful lump and pain goes to armpit.

My right breast nipple is hot and feel pain when touches. There is no discharge from the nipples. I have a feeling size of right breast is slightly bigger but it may be my feelings because been reading a lot about breast cancer in the past few days.

Please help me to understand symptoms I have explained above resembles with breast cancer? and what should I do until to get my ultrasound date confirmed by the breast clinic (there is a delay in test because of covid 19).


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7 Replies

  • Edited

    You are getting to an age where your breasts can really start to swell up, get lumps and be very painful. When I started to experience really painful swollen breasts, I really was worried. Sometimes it would feel like they were on fire. Keep a note of when you have your period and when you ovulate and see if there is a pattern. If there is, it is probably cyclical breast pain which is really common when our hormones change. You maybe just about to start your perimenopause. I was told if your lumps are painful that is usually a good sign and it usually means it is hormonal. The worst thing you can do is read up on breast cancer symptoms because you can convince yourself that you have some of them and until you can get an ultrasound there is nothing you can do. Breast lumps and pain are very common and are usually nothing to worry about.

  • Posted

    thanks for sharing the experience. I will certainly go over breast cancer symptoms too.

  • Posted

    Hi there, I am 36 and have noticed a change in my breast symptoms for the last couple of years. As we speak, I've been having some pain on the right side of my breast and my arm pit feels inflammed. Of course, I did exactly what you did and im worried about breast cancer or lymphoma. I am worried about my immune system with all of this COVID crisis and my symptoms are all that I can focus on!

    I did have a tele health appointment with my OBGYN on Friday and she thinks it could either be hormonal or a swollen lymph node. I did start my period yesterday so I am hoping it will resolve on its own. If it doesn't by next Friday she asked that i give her a call so she can see me. That worries me!

  • Posted


    I am 39 years old. No children. About a month ago I had a strange sensation in my right breast, really out of nowhere. It comes and goes but is very consistent and always there. The feelings is pretty much all over my breast. I have felt a pinching weird sensation that shoots down my arm sometimes. Like pinching or pressure. No lumps that I have found. This month it has mellowed but I have had bouts of burning, intense tingling, almost like an inner itch? Tickling, prickly too. Also, feelings of heaviness and at points it felt like my boob was infected from the inside ( feelings/sensations ) but everything looks normal. I've had a few episodes of shooting pain, sometimes burning. I've noticed these sensations around ovulation and into my PMS window but the feeling lingers even after my period. I know what period boobs feel like but this is new --- mostly just a overall strange sensation, not so much painful but a lot of discomfort in my ONE TIT. I am sure anxiety is elevating my symptoms.

    After 2 weeks of this, I was able to get an appointment at the breast clinic. I received a mammogram and a breast ultrasound. My doctor cleared me and said my breasts look normal. I am completely stumped and am still very anxious about it. What could this be? I'm hoping that it will just go away but I am keeping an eye on it. I have a follow up in a few months with my GYNO.

    Hormonal? Nerves? Diet? Allergies? Ageing? Pre cancer tumours growing?? Dr.Google is terrible and i can't seem to find any information on what I am experiencing. It all points to cancer. The fact that I've spent an entire month on the internet searching has led me here to post a discussion. I'm not sure if it is useful but I'd grasping for some piece of mind.

    Has anyone had this experience?

    Thanks for reading this.


    • Posted

      hello, just checking how your pain is now? are you doing ok?

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