I am 46,have PCOS, 6 weeks since last period.Dr says menopause

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Hi I am new here and was looking for some help. Dr reckons I am starting Menopuause as do I. I am 46, have PCOS and for the last 16 years have had regular periods usually every 4-5 weeks. Last year after an emergency appendectomy my periods began to be every 5 weeks and now from Jan, it has now been 6 weeks and counting. My breasts are sore and i've been weepy and up and down...and for the last 5/6 days I have had very very slight bleeding only once a day when I wipe after going to the loo. My anxiety levels have been up for years and also feel i've had depression, but I am battling through it as best I can with a decent diet and exercise routine with plenty of walking. I just feel uncertain about the future and one day i'm up, then next day very down..I can't take HRT as had a pulmonary embolism a number of years ago.I literally have no idea what to expect from this moment on..I am trying to be positive..but would appreciate any help at all. Thanks very much in advance!biggrin  X

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Lynn you have come to the right place for help and support, my periods pretty much behaved like yours only for a few years before they started to behave eratic i had dreadfull heavy ones. i didnt actually start the menapause till 57, had sore breasts in my 40s lots of cysts which were painfull which i had to have drained but well worth the relief.  First thing i can tell you is dont panick, things will settle, i to dont take HRT, im having anxiety too latley more so and i dont know why. Sounds like your sdoing all you can with exercise and diet. Dont look to far ahead it could all settle with you and you have a not so bad time, i personaly had my worse in the pre menapause stage. See what the coming weeks are like, keep in touch with us on hear, Jay will be a good one to ask for the best advice at to what your experiencing when and if it happens. Most of us seem to find the anxiety and the aching legs troublesome. Hang on in there, your be ok with all of us behind you.


    • Posted

      Thanks so much for your reply and your help, its very much appreciatedbiggrin
  • Posted

    Hi Lynn 

    You should talk to your doctor about antidepressants SSRI's like Paxil, Zoloft, this can help with your depression and anxieties. It will also help with menopause stuuf too. 

    I to have suffered from depression and anxieties I am on medication for anxieties and trazodone for depression and sleep and my medical doctor was talking to me about a small dosage of zoloft. 

    This is what I suugest and find a threapist to talk to

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