I am 98 % sure I have gentile herpes. The pain is awful. Help !
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I am 28 years old, have been with the same partner for over 2 years, and have just started to show signs of gentile herpes a little over a week ago.
I didn't know what I was coming up against, except for the fact my vagine burns when I pee.. BADD. so bad that I stand on my tip toes when the iron touches the affected areas. I thought this was caused from the new feminine wipes I started using, or razor burn that would subside that day.
That night, I could not even sleep on my side from my vagina touching the sores just laying there. It was excruciating. My symptoms started to get worse and worse as time went on and started to notice bumps where before, it was just red in that area as of it was from chafing. It has even spread to my anus area. ( Has anyone else had this)I thought it was a hemroid because of the symptoms. I still knew in my head this couldn't be herpes since I have never signs and my partner and I have been together for a long time. On Sunday, I called the pharmacist to see what they would reccomend since by on office was closed, explaining I have never had herpes etc.. she told me try jock itch relief. Nothing helped. I have tried Neosporin, extra strength pain relief. Still nothing. It just got worse. Called the ob on Monday and she said it sounds like herpes. She then asked all sorts of questions and got down to it. I told her my partner is faithful and I was so confused. She then asked if he has performed oral sex lately. I said yes. She then asked if he had a cold sore on his lip. DUH ! why didn't I think of that ??? The day or 2 after his blister showed up on his lip, was the day he had performed oral sex on me and that was my answer. I then knew what I was facing. Long story short, I am out of town for Christmas vacation, made an appointment to be seen with my ob on friday, but she went ahead and prescribed me valacyclovir and I started it ueayerday. I have had 2 tablets yesterday and one today. I am taking 4 Motrin around the clock for pain and nothing has eased up. I have had leaking from the vaginal area. Is this from the sores or the infection coming put of my vagina trying to heal ? I have had several bumps on both sides of my vagina lips in the same spots. Nothing I mean NOTHING will ease this pain
I slept 30 min last night in all. How long will this last and what can I do for relief ? I have literally been on bed rest for the last 3 days. To even stand up kills me. I have to pee in the shower just for the water to rinse the affected area quickly. The bumps have started to scab. But I noticed today that there is a soft slimy film on the outside. Is this the healing process or is it from me being in eater and the scans coming off ? It has been over a week since the initial outbreak. Please ! Help !
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jessica93013 n_32881
n_32881 jessica93013
I've been taking Motrin as much as humanly possibly without it being too much, but it just doesn't seem to do much. All I can do is continue on prescription and just let this thing take its course. I' have heard and seen from quite a few people that the first oitbreak is the worse. How soon after the first have you seen or anyone else, the next outbreak. What were the symptoms?
jane80952 n_32881
Birdy1752 n_32881
I am literally just going through your exact situation! About 2 weeks ago, my boyfriend of 2 years gave me oral sex, he had a small coldsore on his bottom lip but I didn't think anything of it. I had shaved earlier that day in preparation for a night of fun, and had actually given myself a small cut on my outer labia. I thought it was odd when it was still sore and inflamed after a week, then on Tuesday I noticed that there was an ulcer looking thing right where I had cut myself....and on closer examination there were lots of red bumps around my genitals. Later that day suddenly I developed a fever. Had pains shooting down my left leg, my glands in my neck ballooned, felt sick and dizzy, and rather uncomfortable 'down there'. I was at work and actually don't remember driving home that night I was so dazed and fuzzy headed. I spent the next 2 days in bed sleeping, cold sweats, waves of goosebumps that felt like my skin was crawling. During periods where the ibuprofen would work a bit (most of the time they did nothing) I was googling (trying to work out what was causing what were now oozing sores that burned like hell when I went for a pee) then I stumbled across symptoms of herpes. Matched exactly what I was experiencing. I couldn't believe all this could be caused by his one little coldsore! My sex education must have been really bad as I don't remember ever being told to not do that kind of stuff when someone has a coldsore! Anyway, feeling a little more human today, still no appetite and still in pain but fever has pretty much gone. Just my pride that is a bit dented. Funny how the same virus in different places makes us think differently. Hopefully these sores will heal soon!
n_32881 Birdy1752
Wow, although I would never wish this kond of pain on anyone, I am glad to know we are not alone. I have always been so cautious of "stuff like this". The doctor said this is something that will stick with me for the rest of my life. That's unbearable to accept. I do not have insurance at the present moment so every prescription is out of Pocket. Does the doctor prescribe meds that is part of your daily life, forever, i wonder ?