I am 99% sure Hemorrhoid and a healing fissure... but need a second opinion
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Hey people,
Years ago under a colonoscopy I was diagnosed with stage 1 internal Hem. Ive also got a history with fissures due to diet mixed with heavy lifting.
3 weeks ago I passed blood and thought nothing of it but decided to get it checked by a doc. He decided he wasnt going to check my anus out and ordered a FOB test.
I had a very bad diet with very little water day a couple of days ago and blasted bright red blood on the toilet bowl and had a significant bleed on paper.
It resolved the day after but I had been a bit on edge, so today I decided to have a look at my anus with a camera.
First thing I noticed that freaked me right out is my Anus did not look like the "healthy" ones on google images and ive never seen my own Anus before, so I freaked out and thought I had warts.
Went down the google rabbit hole, compared my images to here and google images and im 99% sure I dont have warts.. Just Hems, tags and the fissure has basically healed (I havent passed blood for 3 days)
Would like a second opinion from this forum, see if anyone !
The first photo was about 8 hours ago after going to the toilet and when I first freaked out
After that, I went and got some Proctosedyl from the chemist and applied a healthy amount
this is now, after having a shower and cleaning up around and just before second application of Procto..
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In case anyone reviews this later.
I had this checked, it was all normal and just a skin tag
karla64573 anthony10166
i have internal hem too.. did it heal with no treatment? help please
anthony10166 karla64573
Fix your water, increase fibre and eat healthy.. Also get active.. Walk and jog as much as you can.. If you work a desk job.. Stand or kneel at your desk
They can self heal if you do it right... Also if you find theyre getting worse.. Go on water absorbent lax and use topical steroids and lidocaine..
Helps heaps!!