I am an ophthalmologist. I realised that the inconvenien...

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I am an ophthalmologist. I realised that the inconvenience of using hot wet face flannels twice a day was putting a lot of people off. So I looked for a better way of creating a re-usable warm compress. I don't want to use this forum as a marketing place, but want blepharitis and dry eye people to be aware of this product. It is called The MGDRx EyeBag and is registered as a medical device with the UK Medical and Healthcare Regulatory Agency. MGDRx stands for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction Therapy. It is a small handy black and silver-silk sealed bag, half filled with flaxseed. You microwave it for 30 seconds on 'high' and it stays warm for 7-10 mins. You can reuse it up to 200 times. It comes with a 14 page booklet telling you all about MGD and detailed instructions on how best to use it. The EyeBag is available from more than 80 opticians and eye clinics nationwide throughout the UK. I declare my financial interest in this product - I designed and patented it and set up the company to produce and sell it. I'm not telling any one to buy it, but I do want people to be aware that it exists. If you 'Google' the word EyeBag you can find the EyeBag website, or you can go directly to www.eyebagcompany.com. Most Opticians know about the EyeBag, GPs don't!

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30 Replies

  • Posted

    indeed as a Gp I am not aware of these bags.
  • Posted

    I can't find a Dr. who is interested in the cure for Blepharitis. Two people including myself no longer have it. Three Doctors couldn't find it in my eyes. This included the doctor who diagnosed it and prescribed antibiotics as I wanted to try and see if it helped.

    The ingredient is Benzethonium Chloride. My friend said it was working on her eyes and I jumped right on it as it was driving me crazy. I found this in the WET ONES. That is and antibacterial hand wipe.

    I tore it into 8 pieces and used 2 on each lid 4 times a day for a week or two. Then 3 times a day for a month. Then 2 times a day for the last 2 months. it took about 4 months.

    The Doctors said it would come back and I told them it had been 5-6 months. I am trying to let people know but would love a Dr. to take over and see if it works and write the paper for the New England Journal Of Medicine. Thank you.

    • Posted

      Thanks for this tip, I have just found that I have this so will try wet ones. Do you warm the eyes first? 
    • Posted


      Hi Mary, have you read this page about Blepharitis?

      From what I gather, those who use wet ones just use them without doing anything else to the eyes.  Be aware that on the tub, it tells you to keep them away from eyes.

    • Posted

      Dea Mary,

      I did not do anything except except use a small section (tore each wipe into 8 sections to cover the tip of my finger). I found out after why these wipes worked.

      Blepharitis is caused by staphylococcus. The Quats (Benzethonium Chloride and Benzalkonium Chloride UK wipes) kill staphylococcus and other forms of staph. You can google to find this info too.

      I also found that Quats need a contact time of 10 minutes to work.

      My friend used a facial scrub with Benzethonium Chloride in them and killed it. When I went to buy it, it had been reformulated. I googled to see what other products had Benzethonium Chloride in them and ended up using the wipes.

      That is 2 people who were desperate to get rid of it.

      In the mornings the doctor told me to use a warm wash cloth and I warm it in the microwave. He said it gets things going. He also said to take Flax for the eyes.

      There are people who should not use the wipes. They would be people who are allergic to shampoos, detergents, fabric softeners, handwipes or even spermicidal jellies. The wipes have lanolin in them and some cn be allergic to that  too. This is about 16.5% of 959 people being allergic on one document on the Quats. This means that 80% of people can probably use them.

      The wipes in the UK with Benzalkonium Chloride is what Honjon on this site used and he had the same results. They are both ammonium salts or compounds called Quats.

      Each person will know if they have allergies to these items and then should not use them.

      Hope this info helps you,


    • Posted

      Hi mary92247

      I just use the wet ones as they are no need to do anything to your eyes apart from cleaning them with them.as Lynda 79 said cuting them in to strips.make sure you wash your hands.i also use eye drops (optrex) for tired eyes. i still have days where i have a flare up but for me it is only been about 3/4 weeks and!! It is still betterthan using baby shampoo and cooled boiled water and i can use mascara again after (well to long) have had it since 2003/4  and it was my optican who said i had it at first!! well i hope you find some relief i did and i have Lynda79 to thank i am lucky i can call her a good friend!!cry      


    • Posted

      Dear Lynda, I found out this web page by chance, having blepharitis for i.e. one months and tried your cure with wet ones and  Benzalkonium Chloride. Now I ´ve been using it for 2 weeks, it seems to be a real relief, no more red and swollen eyes. I have a question concerning make-up. When you put on eye shadows or mascara, how  you clean the eyes with hand wipes? Or do you use it only before you put make-up on and after??

      Thanks for letting me know and many thanks for this advice :-)


    • Posted

      Dear Magda,

      I bought new makeup including new mascara and never double dipped. Cleaning the eyes with the wipes was seperate. I used disposable mascara wands and also disposable applicators for the eyeshadow too. I used a eyeshadow for the eyeliner (dark color) while I killed the Blepharitis.

      I used a regular eye makeup remover (gentle one). The main thing is to not reinfect your eyes. One eye could be getting along faster then the other too.

      I now use 1 disposable wand for both eyes now that the Blepahritis is gone. I just never double dip as a precaution.

      Hope this info helps.


    • Posted

      Dear Lynda,

      thanks very much for the info, I do not use the mascara now and only the eyeshadow. I plan to buy disposable wands but at the moment I clean eyes 4x a day so it´s better for me not to use mascara. I normally also use contact lenses but I don´t dare to put them in my eyes because of blepharitis. Hopefully I see a big improvement in one month period. Thanks very much for your advice with wet ones, it really helped me a lot.. I was quite desperate till I found out this web pages because my doctor told me it´s chronical and that I will have difficulties to get rid of it and now I see it´s quite easily possible.

      Thanks once again :-)


  • Posted

    When you applied this to your eyes did you rinse your eyes after you wiped them?
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    No, I did not.

    I had no problem with not rinsing. This problem seems to be deep into the roots of the eyelashes. It took almost 4 months. It was a daily thing. I did not skip a day.

    After that I had an itch once or twice in one or two locations on my eyelashes and I jumped on it with the wipes and then it was no more.

    • Posted

       hi lynda79

      did you apply it straight on to your eyes or did you wet your finger with the wet ones forgive me if i sound naive but new to this site i knew it was in the roots of eyelashes do you know of anything else that works or is it just the wet ones?

  • Posted

    I have had Blepahritis for years and am happy to use the hot flannel scenario!  I am aware of the eye bags too. 

    I only use preservative free eye drops.

    I was told by my Consultant Ophthalmologist, to use hot water, with a little baby shampoo [I use a drop of handwash because I am allergic to some ingredients in baby shampoo] andput a flannel in it, then place the hot flannel on your eyes until it cools down.  It is very soothing.

    He also told me not to put any creams on my eyes because this exacerbates the problem and blocks the ducts.

    Using the hot wet flannel loosens the crusting that is around the roots of the eyelashes.  You then wash your face.  Then, avoiding your eyes, put your creams etc on your face.

    • Posted

      hi mrsmop i to have used  the hot flannel and boiled water and baby shampoo washing with cotton wool since 2004.and some days my eyes would look ok and some days they would look really red and sore! i think it has to do with what suits every individual i have been using wet ones just for a few days and i have found a difference already. i am not aware of the eye bags to be trutthful i have never heard of them? i was using eye drops but stopped when i started using wet ones.iam pleased that you  find it works for you as it can be uncomfortable and sore hope to hear from you again smile 

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