I am applying for PIP. So worried with what I am reading about the process

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I wonder if anyone can help please. I have sent forms back for transition from DLA to the dreaded PIP and wonder what the time scales are? they received forms on Friday just gone 25 Nov 2016. The irony is that my new car is waiting for me at the garage and Ive said to hold it as it is not worth me paying for it then losing it! I was on high rate DLA...such a cruel and horribly stressful thing the way this government have changed the rules! When they said indefiite DLA i thought at least it was one less thing to worry about...alas it was not meant to be for so many of us. I think it is sad the way people are too upset and stressed to apply for PIP and how so many are failing to get an award! And the lies being told on reports? How do the assessors get away with it? Surely it is illegal and fraudulent on the assessors part?

?Can I get help on the time scale from forms being received to the next stage please? Any good success stories? Or has everyone had a bad tme re applying for PIP?

?Thank you, I have so many diagnoses I seriously cant list them all and on 6 pages of repeat meds and see numberous amounts of specialists for nearly every body part!

?Thank you in advance

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  • Posted

    Too right, don't give up as that gives them the impression that you have claimed DLA without good reason and you know you haven't so get writing, there's loads of very knowledgeable people on here so there's answers for every question.

    Also there are 10s of thousands claiming that succeed and this site is a very small example of the system

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      I would agree with that.  If the claimant does not apply for PIP within the time limit for transferring from DLA the whole claim is closed.  If the claimant changes their mind and then makes a claim later on, it makes for all sorts of difficulties when the DWP check their records because as you rightly say, the assumption is that they didn't claim PIP because their claim for DLA was dodgy and they assumed they wouldn't qualify for PIP. I also think that the claim process is deliberately challenging and stressful to put off all those people who simply can't face it - and there must be lots out there.  Anyone with mental health issues is particularly vulnerable.  

    • Posted

      It is sad but to be eligible you have to play to there rules evidence, evidence and then some, and then its not just about saying I have rheumatoid arthritis, lots have it and literally have no problem and then others have it and are so disabled they need a wheel chair.

      I was diagnosed with it 14 years ago, for about 5/6 years no problems at all, so good I thought they were incompetent and had got it wrong, I then had a flare that knocked me sideways, I was so bad I could do my job properly, I was a chef, I was a lucky one though cause I had good staff and they carried me for a year, so because you have a disease it doesn't guarantee you the benefits, you have to prove that you need it, and that you are entitled to it.

  • Posted

    Suzeelew, I apologize for being a part of the group who seem to have hijacked your thread, hope I'm forgiven, I think that you have a really good case to win and get back the benefits you have had taken away, don't be put off by a small minority of claimants who sadly don't achieve the results they would like but continue to the tribunal if you have to and also remember dependant on your given disabilities there are many groups out there with qualified professionals who give there time freely to help individual make a claim for a given benefit no matter whether its PIP, ESA and any of the other benefits and grants available.

    Apologies again

    • Posted

      Aww Alexandria of course you are forgiven.....I feel a little calmer now Ive sent the forms and evidence all back....What will be will be eh...no need to apologise but i thank you anyway as to be honest I stopped reading the answers as it did seem to go right of my original question ....I hope everyone who is genuine and in need gets treated fairly...there is a lot of scare mongering but also a lot of people treated totally unfairly. I think the key is to be calm and make sure we all record everything and take a carer or family memver with us at all tmes!!! Then any lies or information missed out can be witnessed....good lcu Alexandria and all x
  • Posted

    Hi All well an interesting thread to say the least,,,,I have been really unwell so didnt come back for a few days....I do feel like ive been side stepped but then again I spose the answers all help in one way or another....If anyone is readng this can I just have an answer to the following questions please??

    ​How long do you wait for a decision or F2F after sendig the original forms back....they received my forms 2 weeks ago?

    How long and in what stages are the stages for the process from DKA to PIP?

    And may I ask how many of you received the same benefit amount you were getting on DLA? Who had their amounts increased or decreased? And has anyone lost their claim completely and been awarded nothing??

    With regrds

    ​Suzee x

    • Posted

      Hi Suzee,

      I had to transfer from DLA to PIP and had my F2F about 4 weeks after sending the forms in.  I sent for a copy of the assessment report just a few days after my F2F and received that around 10 days later.  I then received a letter saying that they had all they needed to make a decision,  I rang them a couple of days later and was eventually given the decision over the phone.  The whole process took about 7 weeks. With DLA I had MRC and HRM and on PIP I now receive high rate on both care and mobility.  Hope this helps. x 

    • Posted

      Hi again suzeelew 4 weeks for me from them receiving forms to receiving decision, went from low rate DLA to high on both due to major change.

      Good luck

    • Posted

      Sukes thank you. so when I go for my f2f what do i di then? Im sorry I am so confused. Do i then ring them a few days after f2f and ask for decision?? Or do I have to wait? Do they give an honest answer as to the decision or can it change? with regards Suzee x
    • Posted

      wow thats great Alexandria! after F2F what did you do yourself? I cant wait for this to be all over, the worry and stress is making me feel unwell x
    • Posted

      I tansitioned from DLA to PIP in early November. I had high mobile and care with DLA indefinitely. I was given 0 points for PIP. Didn't realise that I could appeal until it was too late.

    • Posted

      Hello Suzee,

      I rang the DWP a few days after the face to face and asked them to send me a copy of the assessment report, which they did.  (you will not be given a decision at this point)    When the report arrived I was able to read how the assessor scored me.  These scores are what the DWP base their decision on.   It was a couple of weeks later that I was actually given a decision.  

      It is a nightmare Suzee and so unsettling for you over the Christmas x 

    • Posted

      to go from high rate on both indef to nil  points is incredibly rare im sure....i dont understand in fact how it could happen other than the person had dramatically improved or maybe with criteria changing u lost it all...and its a shame u didnt know about appealling??
    • Posted

      No it's not rare, it has happened to a lot of people. The criteria for PIP is much different to that of DLA and if you don't do your research before your assessment you won't know.

    • Posted

      well in my opinion it is rare...ive never heard of it happening to be quite honest until Billy messaged....I also dont think it is ''much'' different...yes different criteria but the basics are very much the same....the only thing im fearfu of is loing my car as I see numerous specialists and some in other parts of the country...my carer uses the car to ferry me around...and I can not use public transport....but if it goes pair shaped ill appeal and if all else fails then theres not a lot i can do...im not going to let it ruin my christmas as ive been upset and stressing about it all

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Sukes for your help and kind words....we can only be honest and hope we have a fair assessor...im goign to take my carer...do u know the rules on recording the whole assessment>>?? do you have to inform them or can it be recorded on a fone> xx

    • Posted

      Hi Suzee,

      yes you can record the assessment, but I believe you have to get permission from the DWP and you would have to provide 2 identical copies of the recording at the time.  I have heard that some people have recorded it on their phone, but this is apparently not acceptable to the DWP.  There are others on here who would be able to give you much more information on this, so watch this space. x

    • Posted

      I heard on the radio this morning something about the government wanting to reverse the steady increase in mobility cars being taken back. They quoted that there are 700 cars being repossessed each week by mobility because people are losing their high rate when going from DLA to PIP. It has something to do with anybody that gets any rate of mobility PIP can have a car from mobility. Can't see that working myself as the standard rate is less than half of the enhanced rate. But wait and see I suppose.

    • Posted

      Hi Billy,

      the following is something I read on the Benefits and Work website a couple of weeks ago.  It said other things also, but anyone can see the full article if you hop over there.

      Penny Mordaunt, minister for disabled people, told MPs last week that she was planning to:

      Allow claimants to keep their Motability vehicle whilst appealing a decision that they do not qualify for the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP.

      Allow claimants to continue receiving the mobility component of PIP if they are abroad for more than 13 weeks, even where the reason for absence is not connected with medical treatment.

      Allow claimants to access the Motability scheme even if they are not in receipt of the enhanced rate of the mobility component of PIP.

    • Posted

      Billy, it doesn't have to be quite as specialised as the police type of machine.  You can record on two separate tape recorders.  They didn't have a problem with mine not being PAT tested.  I had to plug my recorders in the other side of the room and the assessor can be heard clearly but I am fairly quiet and I was facing slightly away from the recorders so at times it's hard to hear what I said.  I would take a fairly long extension lead if I'm assessed again in order to prevent this happening again.

      Suzeelew, if you do want to record your assessment you must let your assessment provider know in advance, not DWP.  Assessors have the right to refuse to be recorded so the provider will need to match you up with one who will agree to it.  Their tape just gets stored after the assessment and wouldn't even be listened to unless there was a problem.

      If you want a copy of the report the assessor writes you can phone DWP the day after your assessment.  It might already be there but if not they'll make a note that you want a copy and send it out when it arrives.  This is the one occasion in the whole process for me that DWP were efficient.  I received the report the same week that I had my assessment.  

      Have you got a date for your assessment?  I hope it goes well and you get the award that you are hoping for.

    • Posted

      Hi Scally

      ?Ive been so anxious and stressed that I didnt come bk here until now...I had my face 2 face 3 days ago....the 4th of January....It wasnt as bad as I expected to be honest...she just seemed to keep it brief and even the physical test was over and done with in about 2 minutes...I have provided a lot of evidence tho...so not sure how it will go...She seemed very pleasant....or maybe a case of the '''smiling assassin'''??? They do seem to ask some strange questions though but anyway I can ony wait and see now....Im not holding my breath as a lot on here thought it had gone ok but it hadnt....thank you all for your replies

    • Posted

      Hi Suzeelew,

      I'm so glad that the assessment is over for you, you did all you could do, now unfortunately it's the waiting game.  I sent for the report on my assessment a few days afte the F2F so maybe it would be worth you doing the same, at least you will have an idea of how the assessor rated you. keep us posted. x

    • Posted

      Sukes thank you....ive rang for a copy of the report, the man was very kind on the phone...do the assessors actually write down the points they have allocated do you know?? how are the reports set out?? omg isnt it such a worry!!! how did u get on in your claim?? hope everything worked out for you!!! thank you x
    • Posted

      Hello Suzeelew,

      yes the assessor scores every descriptor and there is a well known benefits site that you can  cross check your form with to see how you MIGHT be rated by the DWP,  I say MIGHT as nothing is definite.

      I was lucky, my report was viewed positively by the DWP and I received enhanced on both counts.  Good luck to you. x

    • Posted

      Hi Sukes....sorry Im in a brain fog againand a little confused...What do you mean about a well known benefits site to check the form?? and do the DWP have the final say on the assessors report? So the assessor could be favourable but the DWP can alter the points?? oh goodness...this is all very complicated x so glad you were successful tho!! Just shows there are some good endings!!! xx
    • Posted

      Hi Suzee, it's a benefits and work web site where you can do the self test and see what you think you may score. Yes the decision maker has the final decision. The report is just to advice them. Nothing is final even with the report and it could still go either way. Both my decisions were the same as my reports though.

    • Posted

      Yes Denise i answered one of these self test forms on line, according to results i would get enough points but the form they send you asks a lot more than the on line one and detailed explanations as well
    • Posted

      The more detail a person can go into, the better for the PIP forms.  I did seperate sheets of paper for each question and really explained how I was unable to do a certain thing and what happened if I attempted to do it etc. I was lucky that I came across this site before I completed the forms and took notice of what people were saying.
    • Posted

      Oh well smiling assasin was she!!!The absolute discrepencies and blatant lies in the report are unbelievable!!!

      ?Apparently Im mentally fine and have not had any of my meds changed for 5 years? There has apparently been no psychiatric input?? Even tho i had to be seen as emergency about 2 mnths ago because of what i did and wont discuss on here.... Also if i was lost Id get in tocuh with my son to collect me?? Hes autistic and how he wud collect me i have no idea? also I get on with my family as they are so supportive?? Really?? Aparently my IBS is totaly under control and I see no specialist for that?? I can go into supermarket but have to stop at end of every aisle?? I have no memory loss and there is no evidence of blackouts?? Last one im lucky i didnt drown as I could of blocked the plug hole but according to this ''expert'' it didnt happen?? Seemingly she knows everything about my numerous diagnoses and knows more than all the specialists ive seen in the last 18 years?? she must be an absoulte genius as she knew all this in the 45 minutes she saw me??

      Because of her lies i have now been reduced to low PIP on bith components...in fact DWP over ruled her thoughts that i should get NO care component??

      ?So now it for appeals and tribunals and yet even more horrible stress!!!!

      GREAT EH !!!!

      ?such a civilised wnderful country we live in!!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Suzzee, i'm sorry to hear this. Did you send in evidence to support your claim? I don't just mean evidence about all your diagnosis's. A diagnosis doesn't really matter with PIP because it's all about how you you are in daily life. A person could have 10 or diagnosis letters but without the backup of how your conditions affect you daily the chances would be a lot slimmer of a successful award.

      I see you were on high mobility for DLA which means you'll lose your car at least for now. It is very sad.

      You only have 28 days from the date on the letter to ask for the MR. Please call them on Monday. You'll then need to put it in writing just incase. Anything you send DWP please send copies only. MOst MR decisions remain the same so be prepared to take it to tribunal appeal. Just don't give up! Good luck!

    • Posted


      Oh Suzzeelew, I'm so sorry, I would love to know what is going through the minds of some assessors.  I did hear that they get paid a bonus for everyone that gets refused PIP, but I have no idea if that is true or not. 

      More stress for you, just what you need - NOT.   As Denise said, request an MR on Monday and definitely put it in writing.  Hang on in there x


    • Posted

      "Also if i was lost Id get in tocuh with my son to collect me??"

      The descriptor is "Cannot follow the route of a familiar journey without another person, an assistance dog or an orientation aid."  It seems to me that their reason why you don't have a problem with this is actually evidence that you do because they've said that you would need the help of another person!!

      I had a similar comment on mine.  They are once again completely ignoring the reliability criteria of "reasonable time period" too.

      Their own guide states "In a reasonable time period – no more than twice as long as the maximum period that a non-disabled person would normally take to complete that activity."

      Ignoring the fact that your son wouldn't be able to collect you and making this more general.  A person is making a journey from A to B and part way there they get lost and have to contact a family member or friend to come to collect them.  Fair enough, that helpful person drops everything and heads out immediately (possibly on foot or by bus, not necessarily by car) but unless the lost person happens to be only a minute or two away it's going to take some time for them to get there, and the person may have already been lost for a period of time.  All this adds up and it's likely that if the person feels able to continue on the journey to point B that they'll end up taking twice the time that it would take a non-disabled person and should therefore fail on the reliability criteria.  Often, simply having got lost is very upsetting and the person may not feel able to continue on their journey and do what they had planned to do, or they might have missed the an appointment, so they'll go home.  Again, not really following the journey that they'd planned as the journey was supposed to end at point B.  

      The assessors and DWP still appear to only award points for the following a route criteria to the subset of claimants with cognitive, sensory or developmental impairments.  It's so wrong that if you clearly show that you can't follow a route, provide examples or evidence and seemingly meet the criteria that they then change the criteria.  This is supposed to be about what you can do by yourself, not with the help of your son.  

    • Posted

      Hi Scally. It was her who suggested I'd call my son. My reply was I wouldn't be lost any where as I can't n wouldn't put myself in that predicament due to many factors which I explained. My son is autistic and suffers with anxiety n panic disorder so I wouldn't even call him? She just totally put words in my mouth. There were so many lies and discrepancies it's unreal reading her report. I'll have no problem proving her to be a liar. I sent in piles of evidence. Yet she used one letter from 1999 n one from 2015?? Bizarre to say the least

    • Posted

      Are you able to go out if you have someone with you or would you still find that difficult?  You would get more points for being lost on a familiar journey and needing someone because of that than you would for not going out at all due to anxiety.  It sounds like you might fit both.

      I also got the "No specialist input" for mental health which obviously means I'm fine rather than I refused to see the psychiatrist the last time my GP referred me.  I told her but she decided not to mention it on the form!  The assessment is not supposed to be based on that single day but for the mental health side of my claim she gave zero points and the reasons are that I went to the assessment, answered the questions and she didn't recognise that I was anxious because I wasn't trembling or sweating.

      I have started the process for my MR but haven't sent all my evidence yet.  I took so much time getting everything together for the claim and now it starts again trying to get more to support the MR.  It won't cause me any anxiety though because they told me I don't suffer from anxiety!

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