i am crazy!!!
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i am having an agrument yesterday and my husband had the nerve to say you are getting out of control and this needs to stop now!! he tells my kids that i am mad and get upset because of menopause and there is nothing we can do about it. does he really think i enjoy having these moods swings weight gain not being myself how dare he says that to me. he has no idea how i feel and i wish to god i could change it but at 52 i cannot change it. plus last month i had colon surgery 8 inches were taken out and reconnected so i am also dealing with that and trying to get back on my feet from that. the dr. had to cut me open and this was the first time i ever had surgery and it is not pleasant at all and i am dealing with this and menopause and right now i cant tell you how very low i feel and i am rwady jusr to give up. of course now he is sorry but the damage is done when you are yelling at me that i am out of control and this needs to stops!! you know hasnt stop my tears!!! thank you for letting me vent and i know someone out there must understand how i feel thank you!!!
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robin67880 kathy8894
So sorry that you are going through all of this.. especially the lack of support! Do you think your husband just does not understand? I wish we were tought this stuff growing up! No one prepares us for Peri/ Meno moods etc.. Good luck! XX
sharcerv52408 kathy8894
Fudgeybear1 kathy8894
chriselora4321 kathy8894
We're not machines, we try to cope the best we can.
Without doubt, men haven't a clue how to cope with ' the menopause' and all the awful, weird peculiarities involved. They feel helpless and frustrated because they can't fix it and so say things that are downright insensitive to us. They may be sorry afterwards, but by then the damage is done.
When you're menopausal you feel fragile at times and stuff bothers you where before it might not have. I'm sorry to hear you're going through an awful time just now, but as we said before, we all support each other, so you are not alone.
I hope things improve for you, maybe at some point when you're feeling a bit better you and hubby can have a heart-to-heart and let him know how you're doing/feeling and you know he can't really do anything except be there for you, even if it's a hug, when you need it. I had the heart-to-heart with my husband and he understands just a little bit better. Love and hugs, xxxx
sandra01691 kathy8894
Bobbins059 kathy8894
Take care & be kind to yourself, keep in touch. Sending Hugs 💖
ps, hope I didn't offend about the mad club, I have a warped sense of humour, sometimes a laugh helps to soften the edges.
susan21149 kathy8894
you should get out and look for a support group and your husband should be more understanding but guys just don't understand what us ladies are going through with getting into our moods and not sleeping good and just not feeling good either