I am due a hip replacement
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I am due a hip replacement as my arthritis is painful .I am having the right hip done first as that one is the worst .I am in constant pain and can't wait but at the same time I am scared stiff about the operation.... Does anyone have any comforting words or advice please would be very grateful as am very anxious about surgery :-( x
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Guest vanessa88276
vanessa88276 Guest
sue1957Geo vanessa88276
i had one they put it in once i was out, never felt it the only thing i have to say, on the day after my op, my two physios came, one was the most gorgeous looking guys i was flattered and old enough to be his mother. He carried my bag i wanted the floor to open, i know it was nothing to him, imjust wanted to die😕😊☺️
cathie38426 vanessa88276
but the alternatives, especially if you are bone on bone.
are first, crutches then wheelchair. Go for it I'm glad I did,
Hailea vanessa88276
Welcome to the forum
I have had my left hip done and will be going for the right hip in December. even though I have had the first hip done I am still scared so you are not the only one
I hate hospitals and have a really bad needle phobia from previous experiences as a child. But things are much better now and they are not allowed to do anything if you don't want them too..
Hip replacement is the best thing to happen, Yes you will still get a little pain at the start but it is a diffewrent pain a pain you can cope with with less pain killers and you have to be careful. But if you really want your life back and yuou don't want that constant nagging pain that just wont go away we have to go through it.
You wont regret it. It is hard at first with good days and bad. you will feel tired. Just sleep when you need to it is the best to heal and do everything you have been asked to and you will be fine. Come summer you will beging to forget you had an operation. I just hope your other hip doesn't give out on you before they can get you in for that one like mine did.
Just keep thinking positive anything that worries you when you go in just talk to your surgeon or the nurses. They will explain any worries you may have.
vanessa88276 Hailea
Hailea vanessa88276
I am am scared even though I have been through all this once. But I hate hospitals and had a bad experience when I was younger and it takes a lot for me to trust anyone in the medic lie profession.
sue1957Geo Hailea
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea
Hope it all works out OK for you.
Hailea sue1957Geo
Hailea Rocketman_SG6UK
Rocketman_SG6UK Hailea
No problem, it was a long time ago now (over 36 years), but the memories are still there, and right now I'm just one year older than he was at the time.
Sorry to hear your dad is nearing the end, and you cannot get to see him, that is a shame for you both.
That's a great idea, make a bonfire of the dreaded TED stockings
, I'll be glad to see them go up in smoke.
Hailea Rocketman_SG6UK
I hope you do build your bondfire and burn them. It is the best feeling ever to see them go up in flames. They make the best fire starters too.
veronica58657 vanessa88276
I had a Right Total Hip Replacement 2 weeks ago, I had a spinal block, plus sedation for the operation. I felt, heard, saw nothing. Numb from the waist down for 6-8 hours after the op, so no pain whatsoever for the first 8 hours. After that they give you pain killers every 4 hours to keep on top of the pain.
First 2/3 nights are difficult, after that much better and certainly bearable. They get you up to do some physio and to go to the loo and wash.
I stayed 5 nights in hospital and then home. Each day I do the exercises that they gave me at the hospital 4 times a day. I'm now walking around with just one crutch and I cannot believe how easy it's been and how good I feel.
Like you I was petrified! The fear of the operation is much much worse than the recovery. I think I've been so happy since I've had it done because it's now behind me....such a relief.
Riley429 vanessa88276
Welcome, my very first recommendation to you is to use this forum to connect with your fellow hippies. Everyone's experience is different and everyone progresses at a different rate. Having said that, you will feel a sense of comfort being able to reach out to people who have had many of the same experiences. People on this forum are happy answer questions, make helpful suggestions or just lend an ear. The first week or two are rough but manageable with pain medications. Prepare you home. Have a supportive, firm but comfortable chair to sit on. Get a raised toilet seat for the first week or two. I'm makes life a lot easier. A grabber and a device to help lift your leg in and out of bed also come in handy. Propping pillows under your legs while in bed helps. Also, use your ice pack, A Friend of mine said every day gets a little better. I would say a day or two better then maybe a day the same or back. You will feel better if you measure your progress week to week rather than day to day.
Good luck! Let us know how you are doing. 🌻