I am going to try bioidentical hormone pellet implants. Anyone know about them?

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I had a hysterectomy when I was 34, vaginal, leaving the ovaries. then at 37 or 38 I started having the crying and stuff, so doctor put me on the patches, which only stayed stuck on my skin a couple days, so got real expensive changing them out all the time.  Then tried pills, and after trying about 5 different kinds over a period of 4 or 5 years, I gave up. They just didn't work like the patches.   Never knew about weaning off them.  That would have been useful to know...  By then the doctors were all up in the air about the cancer scare so they didn't want to try anything else on me either.  So I rock along for 15 or so years, feeling like crap, you know, all the same symptoms, plus now I have osteopenia, and had hip replacement last year.  And I am just sick of not feeling like myself.  This is no way to live, the sleeplessness (which can cause one to get alzheimer's I have read) and the crying, anger, weight fluxuation, all of it.  For this long.  So my daughter told me they said just kidding about the cancer thing (nobody ever said anything to me?) and maybe I should try them again.  So today I go to the GYN specifically for that and was told that since I had been off for over ten years, that it is "too dangerous."  Really?  It is stuff that I had in my body all my life until menopause.  I told her I would rather die than to live this way for the rest of my life.   She just said she was sorry.  Really???   I am 64, and don't feel like I am just here wasting time til I die.  I am a contributing member of society.  She had the nerve to tell me I was too old to start them again, that I just need to take Paxil.  Paxil!!!  That stuff (yes, we went the antidepressant route too) was horrible and I would not give it to anyone ever....  I told her I didn't have a depression problem, it is hormonal.  Then she offered some cream for vaginal dryness after I had just told her it was not in use since over a year ago, due to lack of libido from no hormones.  Do they ever listen?  So I called and talked to the nurse at the doctor's office who does the bioidentical hrt with the little sub cutaneous pellets after blood work so they know what I need.  She said there is no reason to feel old if I don't have to.  I told her I don't mind feeling 64, but would like to feel like myself and not feel like a spayed dog.  Do any of y'all have any experience with this?  I am through feeling like this, and am willing to try just about anything at this point.  This nurse practitioner acted like I am just a drain on the system and should just accept feeling like this.  This doctor seems to at least care about the patients, and he does "men's health" also.  Any feed back would be much appreciated.  I am glad I found this site, because it is shocking to become aware of all the women going through the same thing and so many doctors just seem to not care.  I thought we had made more progress in society than this.....

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63 Replies

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  • Posted

    First, Kathleen, THANK YOU for starting this discussion. There's little to no consumer driven information about bioidentical hormone pellet info on the web that doesn't sound like a sale. What you do find is either one end of the spectrum or the other.

    I've been in healthcare for 18 years and had a transvaginal hysterectomy in my 30's due what turned out to be a hematoma...or an abnormal formation of blood vessels . Kept my ovaries and ligated tubes. At 40 I just didn't feel right. Grumpy, gaining weight, no interest in sex, poor sleep...sweaty. It all sounds awesome right ladies?!

    Well, I got the blood work and I'm pumping out estrogen just fine. But I'm not making testosterone or progesterone for crap. Like, at all. So, it's very hard to pin point your estrogen levels since I haven't had a period since 2009...but my level is 33...it would be > 125 if I were post menopausal. The way this clinic doses testosterone is a little different than what I'm used to seeing. General normals fir women are 10 to 70 and they like to have a range of 20 to 100 and not let you go above 300...which I think sounds REALLY high. Progesterone 15 to 25. Mine was .3 or basically non existent. So I just started sublingual progesterone and pellet testosterone yesterday. We'll see how it goes! The cost is high $2900.00 for the year)...but if my symptoms disappear it will completely be worth it!

    • Posted

      Hi, Holly,

      At first I was thinking, "hey, that is really expensive,"  but then I added up what mine costs, and it is $3000 a year, almost exactly the same as what you pay.  Where do you live?  How is it going so far?  

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      Hey! This whole thread ended up in my spam, so I haven't seen it all! May have been a gift though since I can give you my perspective over a year of treatment now. I live in TX, USA. I have lived in several other states and none advertised hormone replacement therapy like this one. I wouldn't have known if I hadn't moved actually.

      In a sentence; I'm extremely happy. HRT didn't do everything the commercial stated. I don't have glowing youthful skin, and I didn't lose tons of weight, or gain energy as though I was 20 again. I don't feel as though my mind is any sharper, but I wasn't feeling "foggy" prior.

      Here's the benefit. I like sex. Like, a lot. That's fun. I am less angry, sad, irritable. This one is big...I was feeling downright rage sometimes over things like dirty dishes. It was irrational...but go ahead and try and tell me that.

      I sleep better and sweat less. I did move to TX...so sweat came with the move! But it's weather sensible...not bed drenching weird.

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      Also...lab work. I get it done every time before a new pellet insert (approximately every 2 to 3 mo.) and they're running around: Testosterone 100 to 150. I remember saying I thought they kept the levels high for women who would generally run therapeutically at 10 to 70 in a normal state without replacement premenopausal. I specifically requested not to be taken above 150 and I'm glad I did. Off hand I can't remember my progesterone but I'm taking 100mg sublingual a day and it's perfect. Labs are steady every time WNL and symptoms are managed. My own estrogen is still producing itself just fine so there's been no adjustments or additions. I do wish the pellet inserts would last longer and that insurance would start recognizing more and more of these services as more than just "life enhancing". When women are comfortable, stable and healthy the whole world benefits from it!

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      Hmm ... I wonder if that is why I was feeling so cranky for a while! We have both been too tired to want to wake up enough! 😃

  • Posted

    I used estradiol (bio identical) pellets for years after a full hysterectomy successfully and happily.  Then they stopped making them and I had to move on to patches.  My body uses up oestrogen quickly so the 100 mg original pellet would only last me 9 months.  No problem my enlightened dr at the time, said, you can just get a new pellet or top up with patches/gel until I renewed.

    With patches the 2 patches per week would not last the whole week so I have to top up with gel on the 7th day.  Patches were annoying, coming off sometimes, itchy, and never quite enough oestrogen, and a couple of hours late of replacing the patch had me feeling a wave of depression or anxiety until I remembered to replace my patch.  After a bit of research, I discovered there were compound chemists making the estradiol patches at not much more than the original pellet cost.  A script is required.

    After some major hiccups because the 100mg pellet was running out at 4-6 months, because my current gp interfered by insisting I take progesterone as well (an antagonist of oestrogen - remember I don't have a uterus, so I don't need it), it took some years to get back on track.  I also discovered that the 100mg has nothing to do with strength because it actually controls the length of time the effects of the pellet last in my body.  The body only takes what it needs when it needs it and it is different for different times of the day and there is no see-sawing of symptoms.

    So last implant was 2 x 100mg pellets and so far so good.  I will see if they are going to last me 8-12 months.

    I highly recommend them.


    • Posted

      Sheryl, I had the same thing with the patches, which started my taking the pills instead, and started the 20 year downward spiral of hormone deprivation.  I feel much better now than I did before.  I just hope I can continue paying for these pellet implants.  They are expensive.
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      .....and I am fixing to turn 66 next week and do not plan on stopping this hormone replacement.

  • Edited

    Hello! I'm 37 and have had 2 rounds of the Biote pellets. My testosterone was super low when my blood work was done, so that was the main focus..boosting my testosterone. I loved the idea of the pellets and couldn't wait to try them out. My biggest complaints prior to getting them was my non existent sex drive and lack of energy. The first insertion I felt no difference. I was hesitant about a second round but my dr assured me that it sometimes takes a couple insertions before you feel the benefits. So in December I had my 2nd pellet insertion. I know she boosted my testosterone even more on that 2nd one. The first month was horrible. I was moody and irritable constantly. That has subsided but I have not felt any different. Still no sex drive. I am disappointed and will not get another pellet. However, I still have a fairly large lump at the insertion site. Its starting to worry me because it's been over 3 months since the insertion and I would've thought the lump would go away as it did the first time. It has not reduced in size at all. Has anyone else had this issue?

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      It has been my experience that they start working at least 3 weeks after insertion. I have never heard/read that it takes a 2nd insertion to feel the benefits. But mine is Oestradiol 100mg.

      What hormone/s is Biote replacing - it is not obvious when I google it?

    • Edited

      Not all bio-identical hormones are created equal based on my experience.

      That being said, I have read all your replies and have a few comments.

      20 years ago I started on the quest to relieve the symptoms of my declining hormones.

      Long story short, I have been doing the pellet implants for the last 12 years: estradiol and testosterone. As the years go by, the dose increases but still get replenished about every 3-4 months, depending on how many times I go to the gym per week!

      My doc installs them in my upper rear hip area. It has plenty of fat to fully hide the pellets and has good blood flow when I exercise. We alternate hips with each implant. I cannot feel a lump where the pellets are located so they must be well buried. It rarely bruises or bleeds. I put an ice pack on it for the first few hours after implanting so it will reduce any swelling that may take place.

      If the hormones are from a good source, within 3 hours I feel the deep sigh of "all is well in my universe". For the full effect, it can take a couple of weeks - again, depending on my gym/activity schedule - more exercise = faster/more effect. Though you should take it easy for the first 3-4 days after insertion so you don't cause more bruising, pop out the pellets, etc.

      On the other hand, a couple of times I have had insertions of pellets from some pharmacies that just didn't give me that feeling and I felt emotionally edgy, distrustful, scared, depressed, with little confidence, like the world was folding in on me. When I had that experience, I began questioning the docs about where the pellets came from, etc. before I would let them do the implant. For me it was trial and error to learn which compounding pharmacy I could trust with my emotions. Previous to pellet implants, I used oral compounds (sublingual drops and troches) and found them to be in consistent as well, depending on the source.

      Emotional well-being, physical health, and emotional stability are why I continue bhrt. I had no idea how governed I was by my hormones until my cycles were extended to every 3 months instead of every month. My relationships are steady, I approach my work with confidence and fulfillment, and have had only fleeting feelings of hopelessness whereas before, it was a constant "friend", ready to jump into my consciousness at the least provocation.

      I use bioidentical progesterone cream for about half the month as well. Since I do have a uterus, I do bleed after I stop the progesterone cream, once a month. progesterone does make me more hungry and sometimes teary-eyed, but it is necessary for the program.

      I am now 66 and really not going to quit bhrt. I have a very compelling job that keeps me on my toes and mentally engaged. I find that regular exercise is part of the RX that keeps me stable... get those hormones in circulation!

      You must take responsibility for your health care. No one will be affected as much as you will be. Go for feeling good!

    • Posted

      one thing I forgot to add is that I do yearly blood tests of my hormones to make sure the levels are reasonable. Also do it before increasing the dose.

    • Posted

      di67391, I can't help but be curious about your yearly hormone tests. Do you mind telling what kind of levels you are running at age 66 with your pellets?

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      I hesitate to put them online because I do not want them to be prescriptive for you and others. What goes online stays forever. They are the levels when I feel good. Too little, I feel wimpy and tired but can't sleep; too much, I get pounding headaches and anger for a week.

      I get bloodwork done about a month before I go for my next installation.

      My hormone doc says her personal "happy place" is different than mine.

      BTW, my hormone doc has the same GP as me so there is good trust and cross communication about the process between all of us.

      Yes, it is expensive. No, insurance does't pay. Yes, to me and my beloved, it is worth it. At one point I flew to another state for each insertion.

      Hope that helps a little.

    • Posted

      Good one Di, I am also wary about where the components of my oestradiol (would not use anything else) pellets come from. While the compound chemist makes up the pellets from these ingredients, I am still suspicious. I am in Australia and legally the ingredients should be above board and not acquired from a country which puts rubbish into the ingredients, but I still ask. However, I keep using the same compound chemist but just put in an order from a different one to try because someone else gets more time out of hers from that chemist.

      I always order 100mg ones as they are meant to last longer (nothing to do with strength going into the body), and previously, as I was going overseas, I had 2 x 100mg inserted so that I did not run the risk of running out while there. Life would have been a nightmare. My body uses up oestrogen fast. (I had a hysterectomy and oopherectomy at age 39 - not necessarily the reason. My build I think - I have boy hips and thighs.) In fact, I have asked my doc for a pathology request to check my SHBG. If high, it binds the oestrogen and prevents the oestrogen from getting to the tissues that need it, even though there is a lot of oestrogen circulating in my veins.

      The only answer that I can find is Boron (apart from eating a mountain of broccoli, a serving of which I eat every day anyway). The compound chemist which I have just ordered from supplies Boron, hence my change.

      BTW, I am going on 68 and intend to use oestradiol forever too.

    • Posted

      I started this thread a while back, and now months later, I feel much better than before. I get the implants at the doctor's office and they do bloodwork shortly after to check levels, and it costs me $350 each time, and $750 for my husband's implants, but men don't have to get them as often. I didn't get the implant for about 6 months because of money and being so busy, and I just felt crappy, non specific crappy. Then I read something that I had written while I had the implant, and thought to myself, "well, Kathy, why were you so f*** ing happy????" I told the doctor when he was writing in my chart and he laughed and said he has lots of patients who say the same thing. I am happy with my decision.

    • Posted

      Yay! Happy to hear. Pity about the cost though. A tip - if unable to get another pellet for a while, have an oestradiol patch prescription on hand to fill in. It is best to keep the impetus going.


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