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Last year i planned a trip to Greece with friends. I never entered peri menopause until early this year. I am going through all symptoms my worst being anxiety, racing heart and panic attacks. I am so scared to fly 7 hrs, praying that i do not get a attack up in the air. Just the thought of being confined in the air scares me to death. Has anyone ever had a attack while flying ? if so how do you cope ?
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mamamia03 hopeforever
Sorry your feeling so bad, but you'll be fine. I find with my anxiety I make myself so much worse and actually bring on attacks when I over think things. On those days the anxiety is really bad and I need to be somewhere I take a KALMS , it takes the edge off so I can think straight. If it's a night time flight KALMS do a night tablet. Their all herbal and it'll relax you enough to help you sleep. xx
karen60759 hopeforever
hi - its so common, its why so many people just decide to get drunk whilst flying- so treat yourself to a few glasses of wine, or get some diazapam (5mgs minium) from your doctor - just dont mix them! I never drink, but i often make an exception for flying depending on how im feeling, it can make a big difference and allow you to relax a bit and get through the flight, good luck!
kelly55079 hopeforever
YES.. I just flew 3 hours. I was fine going but coming back I felt confined, hot and wanted out!! Even got a little nauseous landing. Perhaps I was a little over tired too and plane wasn't that big. I forgot my rescue remedy-- so make sure you have that just in case. They sell liquid and lozenges but I would buy the lozenge's to keep in your purse. That sounds like a great trip so just make sure you have stuff in your bag just in case. Peppermint candies are good I think too. Have a great time!! Greece and Italy are the two places I would like to visit someday.
juanita93228 hopeforever
I had a friend that flew to China. She has panic attacks. She has a great relationship with her doctor, he gave her permission to take 2mg of Xanax while flying. She was fine. She is no longer on the Xanax though.
pam90720 hopeforever
ask for the xanax. i am the exact same way. have flown all the time in the past.. when meno started my anxiety and panic attacks came back... then all of a sudden i was terrified to fly..... it will help. i promise and i know you will be ok ❤ i've flown three times since last July.. i was ok❤ please know you will do just fine and have a wonderful, fun and safe trip....
You women are all wonderful for replying. Your words mean a lot. Just knowing that you woman have flown having the same madness going on makes me feel much better. It sure is going to be a real challenge but one that i must take. Greece here i come whether i like it or not. Hug to all
ampat1 hopeforever
i know exactly how you feel. I had to take a long 14 hour flight and I was freaking out few days/weeks before flying because of all the peri anxiety and panic attacks. I ate a light meal before my flight , took some Nyquil Zz and dosed off for a few hours on flight. when I woke up I kept myself or my mind I should say occupied with some word puzzles, sudoku, reading and watched a movie. I would say try not to think about the flight and "what if" scenarios. If anything think about the beautiful Greece and what fun times you're going to have once you get there. And as someone mentioned above Calms is good, try it.
tina67303 hopeforever
I am in the same boat. The last few years I have been deathly afraid of flying and when my husband tries to plan a nice vacation for the family I tell him only plan on places with 5 hours and below plane trip, he just rolls his eyes. He isn't very supportive and thinks I'm being dramatic.
I have never heard of KALMS. I will have to look into that. I considered taking Nyquil but don't know how safe it is with my high blood pressure medication and high cholesterol medication. I will need to talk to my doctor if mixing those are okay.
I have never heard of diazapam either. Something else to ask my doctor. Xanax too but kinda scared about taking that one. 😦 I really want to fly again so that my family can have a nice vacation and not feel as if I am holding them back because of my anxiety!!!!
lori93950 hopeforever
omg had all this for 11 years !! sometimes its ok sometimes bad . can you not have a glass of wine and a xanax ? ive learned to live with it but believe its all hormones went on the patch for a while made me calm at first then stopped working . it also made me balloon up 4 sizes!! good luck hope you can get there ! try not to make it your main focus .