I am livid
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Tingling started on my vag around 3 days ago. I feel it in my legs now and I'm uncomfortable. I did go the Dr to tell them about it and they did a standard STD screening via urine sample. When I asked about getting tested for HSV, I was basically told that it's so common that they don't typically test for it. At the time I was too afraid to tell them to do it anyway. I'm afraid of the potential results. Could the tingling possibly be due to something else ?
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bas78905 ri02521
please insist on doing STI test. We are so focus on HIV that we ignore STI's
the sooner you know the better it is so you dont endanger someone else and you can begin mentally to prepare yourself for how you move forward
ri02521 bas78905
They did the STI test. Awaiting results
ri02521 bas78905
williej ri02521
yes u should. i hope u went already
ri02521 williej
i only did the blood test bc they couldnt swab them. I'll know something next week. He said they were ingrowns .
williej ri02521
you should get the hsv test anyway. I'd rather know thn not. I have tingling as well but all my results 4 cumin bk negative and has bn for the past 4 months. so idk