I am miserable.

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My upper eyelid outer area is inflamed. Feels like its burning. Seems like an allergy. Many of you here take antihistamine but my eye doctor INSISTS that antihistamine dries out eyes. She refuses to prescribe it. I am willing to try some over the counter but I don't know which one. Also may be cold compress would help. 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, antihistamines can make your eyes dry which won't help most of us. However you have to weigh up your symptoms.. the itchiness gets so bad for me it's worth having drier eyes and no itch.

    I am in. A huge group on Facebook called blepharitis support - almost 2000 people in the group and it has helped me a lot. I currently use tea tree oil (watered down) -'s manuka honey to help itching (and anti histamines when I'm desperate xx

    • Posted

      Emma Dear,

      Recommendation to look at Face book for the Bleph is precious.

      I'll definitely look up there.

  • Posted

    Hi hon,when my eye burns i use ice wrapped in a wash cloth,just run some water over it to moisten it,then i leave it on my eye a few minutes at a time,really helps the burning. I believe someone on here mentioned Clariton. I mentioned the allergy meds to my eye doc,I have dry eye and mgd/bleph,he said i could try it,also said maybe a nasal allergy med might not be so drying to the eyes. I also have allergies which makes all my stmptoms worse. Seams alot of people on here use allergy meds with no problems.
    • Posted

      I have purchased Zaditor at the local pharmacy. It's antihistamine. Instructions are to drop eyes only twice  a day. I got some relief but my eyes are half my  -before bleph size and they are red. I don't wear  eye make up. 

  • Posted

    Have you consulted an ophthalmologist about this problem?

    I would never adviseabout putting anything in ones eyes unless an assessment has been made by a specialist.


    • Posted

      Sadly even specialists know very little about this condition. Each person that has it can also have totally different symptoms and things that make it better and sadly it is generally trial and error to find what helps you which means sometimes doing things away from your doctor.
    • Posted

      Thank you, Jane

      What my doctor prescribed is not helping. She has no other suggestions.


    • Posted

      Dear JANE I did consultwd an ophtamologist but learn much more from this site. Thanks for the advice anyway.

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