I am scared
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Hello my dear ladies
I am very glad to be part of this forum, to read about all we transition to peri/meno/post menopause,
i am post menopause, due to total hysterectomy 10 years ago, did not have these flushes. Now, it is sickening what I am going through, I feel either cold or hot, awful with dizziness and nausea, head pressure. When I check my temperature, it may be 98.7 or 99.0. My question is: can hot flushes raise the temperature for few minutes? My dear Lord, what is going on?
The symptoms are on and on, everyday is a new symptom. Even my breasts now hurt with my nipples. Can someone relate to these bizarre symptoms, please.
I thank you very much.
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jo67532 seraphine51433
Hi Seraphine! I can definitely relate to feeling either hot or cold. sometimes I feel like I am on the verge of shivering and other times I feel like a fever might be coming on. I have them for a few minutes at a time and sometimes on and off for what seems like the whole day. I get the nausea feeling sometimes just turning in my bed and it sets the entire morning for me and I end up having anxiety over it. I get some head pressure, but that isn't very often...maybe a few days a month. I get used to one symptom and then i'll get a different symptom to obsess over. My family and doctor tell me to stop googling my symptoms, because I am fine. I've had all sorts of tests and they all come back normal. This perimenopause can drive you crazy if you let it...I'm trying hard to push through it. I just wish I knew how much longer I will be like this!
seraphine51433 jo67532
Eliaimee1970 seraphine51433
I did get nauseas in the morning, dizzy . I m late on my period and the past 3 days from my belly down my legs I have this weird feeling like hot,tingling and my feet feels like been wet and feels tingling and went away and today like now I have this all over itch like creepy crawlers.
My breast did hurt , I get headaches , mental disturbance, blur eyes, joint pain from left shoulder to hips, legs , ankles.
You are not alone this is crazy journey
Nettie261962 Eliaimee1970
I too get the weird hot tingling sensation from my waist down in addition to the foot stuff. Every day a new symptom happens which brings on anxiety and panic for me as well. I need a break as I’m sure you feel the same way.
Eliaimee1970 seraphine51433
I did get nauseas in the morning, dizzy . I m late on my period and the past 3 days from my belly down my legs I have this weird feeling like hot,tingling and my feet feels like been wet and feels tingling and went away and today like now I have this all over itch like creepy crawlers.
My breast did hurt , I get headaches , mental disturbance, blur eyes, joint pain from left shoulder to hips, legs , ankles.
You are not alone this is crazy journey
2chr2015 seraphine51433