I am so anxious about my erosive gastritis foe almost a year

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Thanks God i have found this forum where i can see similar symptoms with mine., heartburn, flatulence, reflux in my throat, beelly pain, diarrhea. I am so anxious what is happening to me. Despite the nexium, antacids , lifestyle change i made after my endoscopy which has a finding of EROSIVE GASTRITIS and positive for H Pylori., thrre was no relief from my symptoms. I have very restrictive diet just to avoid offfending foods which in a way caused my weight loss. Does anyone experience tingling of hands and feet . I have hypocalcemia and maybe i have vitamin b 12 deficiency. I suspect i have low stomach acid. Anyone who has this symptoms of tingling of feet and hands. Pls share to me

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sweetie5

    Tingling hands and feet is an indication of B12 deficiency...go to doc and have a B12 blood test...or start taking B12 supplements if you are under 50 years of age...over 50's can't usually absord B12 due to declining protein intrinsic factor in the gut that helps absorb B12 through gut and ileum into the system..

    • Posted

      Thank u mary19068 for the reply. I am having supplement for both vit b12 and calcium right now for almost 3 weeks. But i am not getting any relief.i have read that these deficiencies can be caused by low stomach acid. I am on ppi for almost a year already. Could it be caused by my ppi use? The ppi is not helping me w my heartburn, abdominal pain and gerd
    • Posted

      Hi Sweetie5

      B12 will not absorb through your gut if you are on ppi's...they will block absorption. You can get B12 spray or patches on line. I would go to your doc and tell him/her B12 will not absorb when taking ppi's...google 'B12 absorption when taking ppi's'.....

  • Posted

    Thank u mary for that
  • Posted

    I have tingling, throbbing and stabbing pain in both arms and hands along with numbness.  It was diagnosed as neuropathic pain caused by injuries due to a fall and a blood test injury.  When you say hypocalcemia, do you mean hypoglycemia which diabetics get.  With diabetes, you can get diabetic neuropathy which causes tingling in hands/or feet.

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