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I have now discovered this IS a Mind Altering Drug and Not for My benefit! Plus from what Ive read on this forum..nobody elses either! Hate the Stuff.. Sooner Im off it the better! Since reducing, as Drug company ran out, My head's been messed-up, can't get to sleep, etc..Luckily, I "Keep it in my Head" that it's the reduction of VENLAFAXINE, That's causing me to feel bad.. It's Not Me!!! ANYONE ELSE FEELING BAD.. If... LOWERING DOSE...KEEP TELLING YOURSELF..IT'S THE MEDICATION! Not the Real You! You are Strong.. If you need other Medication..PLEASE GO BACK TO DOCTOR..Venlafaxine isn't the only Medication avail.. Take care All of You

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have taken venlafaxine and mirtazapine since July 2015 and it works very well for me. It gave me my life back after I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder with psychosis. I seem to be one of the lucky ones who hasn't had any problems with these meds.

    • Posted

      I have been on venlafaxine 112.5 for 6 weeks I started in October on 37.5  I have seen lots of improvement on 112.5 and starting to feel normal. I still have so so days and worry if I should go up to 150. Did you have blips before you fully recovered. What dose did you settle on.
    • Posted

      Hi Lynn. I take 300 mg , which is a hugh dose, but I recovered completely. My psychiatrist diagnosed my depression as treatment resistant is why my dosage is so high. I also take 15 mg mirtazapine at night to help me sleep , and I do sleep very well.
    • Posted

      Thank you Phyllis, did you have up and down days before you felt fully better, and how long did it take.
    • Posted

      It was about two and a half months before I really felt better. I didn't have ups and downs, I just gradually started to feel better until I was fully back to my usual self. My psych hospitalized me fir 8 days to monitor me while he adjusted the meds and dosages that work for me. I hope you will soon be feeling better too.

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