I am terrified I have lymphoma and just looking for some positive stories.
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To start, I am a 23 year old female. The last 9 months of my life has been absolute hell. I have a wide variety of symptoms, and the more I research them, the more it screams cancer. To start with, I woke up one morning after a gastro endoscopy with a sore throat only on my left side. Along with that came a swollen lymph node also on that side. I ignored it, I thought it was from the camera they put down my throat. However, it did not go away and only seemed to get worse. Fast forward to now, both sides of my throat bothers me, along with neck pain like a stiff neck that comes and goes. The node under my jaw is still there, has not grown in size, but is fixed in place and rather firm. Looking back now over the years I have had symptoms that I chalked up to other things, for example terribly itchy legs at night that I assumed was dry skin or just from my clothes. But here lately the symptoms have really kicked off. I have shortness of breath when doing anything even mildly exerting, like walking to check the mail or picking up my 2 year old daughter to carry. I still have itchy skin. My throat is still sore and the node is still there. I still have neck pain that comes and goes. And I am always running a low grade fever, the highest it has ever been was 100.4 but it's usually 99.5, which is low grade for me as my temp never went above 98.6. I sweat a lot, like literally every day I get hot flashes and sweat. I do not have night sweats. I have been to an ENT that did a scope/CT scan with contrast and said no enlarged nodes were found, only "mildly prominent tonsillar tissue." Over the years I also had lumps I could feel under the skin in my armpit and groin that were very small and firm and did not move. but strangely enough, those lumpswent away and I can no longer feel them. Also, I have had CT of my abdomen/pelvis which found nothing. I have had a CT of my brain/head which found nothing. What really worries me is the shortness of breath and the fever I can't seem to shake. I have an appointment with a specialist on the 25th but my anxiety is eating me alive. The thought of not being here for my 2 year old is terrifying enough, but this whole situation is terrifying. I'm just looking for some positive stories or maybe someone who was like me and didn't end up having cancer. I am a hypochondriac, but I am very in tune with my body and I know when something is not right.
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