I am waiting for an GCA temple artery biopsy referal. A little worried about what to expect
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Hello, I am 40 years young, so a baby in these circles. I have been diagnosed with PMR 5 month ago by my reumatelogist. He has put me on 20 mg of prednisone. After weeks of agony and dozens of tests.It was bliss as within 3 days all the stiffness and pain sup sided. I have been on 15 mg now for 2 month and would have been on that under his direction for some more month to come. Here is the thing. 3 days ago, after feeling run down for some time I started having pain in my jaw especially when eating. I also have a fuzzy / blurry vision and I am sore in my temple area. I went to see my gp who put my prednisone to 60 mg and refereed me to the opthemoligist for a biopsy. So now my question.... I am a bit nervous and not good at waiting. I try not to let it worry me to much . How long will this take and I suppose ot will be done under local anaesthetic? Kind regards D
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claudia75644 groovy_chic
groovy_chic claudia75644
claudia75644 groovy_chic
somersetsue groovy_chic
groovy_chic somersetsue
bedilia groovy_chic
As far as your vision goes it could be caused by GCA or it could be side effects from the Prednisone. I too have/had visual disturbances and had my eyes checked by the opthalomologist. My vision tested 20/20 ,. no glaucoma, no retinal damage, and the circulatory system of the eye was perfect. I did/do have very extreme photo sensitivity. I find myelf keeping my eyes closed a lot. This can be embarrassing when in Church! Sunglasses help as do those yelllow tinted glasses for night blindness.
Christine in So California, USA
wendy5050 groovy_chic
Please don't worry about biopsy. I had mine last year and it was fine. You will have a bit of hair shaved on your temple (which can be covered by hair on top of head)
and then given a good local anaesthetic which takes a few hours to ware off. You will be feeling relaxed and theatre staff will keep you amused. It only takes about 20-30 mins. I felt no pain at all. You will have dissolving stitches too. I had similar symptoms like you. So try and not worry.
Take care
groovy_chic wendy5050
wendy5050 groovy_chic
Thats good your in hospital. Glad they have fast tracked you. No hope of that happening in Aberdeen. Our hospital is useless.
Take care and sleep well tonight. Let me know how you get on.
wendy x😉😃
groovy_chic wendy5050
wendy5050 groovy_chic
O poor you. My vascular surgeon had a pair of tiny paddles that detected my artery. It made the sound of a baby heartbeat which I found amusing.
I was given my results by my eye consultant. I had to stay on the high dose of pred. too.
Take care x
wendy5050 groovy_chic
At the height of my GCA I do have dizzy spells but have not been told its vertigo. I do need to use a stick when out as I am unstable. I was told it was reaction to steroids and feel that it is true cos on reducing it has gone. I am now on 10mg and seen doc today and ESR and CRP both sitting at 4. Am feeling well and staying on 10 till November when I will be back from Australia.
Its good to have a scan. My biopsy was inconclusive too which happens a lot. It doesn't mean you dont have GCA
Wendy 👵
groovy_chic wendy5050
wendy5050 groovy_chic
You know your body and know when something is wrong. My last GP was the same and said that it was all in my head. Just stay positive. My thyroid is misbehaving as well and have had my thyroxine reduced to 100 mg. Make sure they check it.I know only too well how frustrating it is. Everything is such an effort. Try to concentrate on what you can do rather than what you can't. I took up jigsaws and that helped.
Keep your chin up
bedilia groovy_chic
Unfortunately, a final dx of PMR or GCA is often difficult. My labs were negative for so long and then suddenly my ESR and CRP were off the charts. My ESR is coming down, but my CRP is still quite elevated. I space my activities throughout the day. I also try to do them in the early morning, as this is when I seem to feel the best. I also make use of "deep tissue massage" whenever I can. I have a massager that does just this and some days I use it 3-4 times during the day. I also take Tylenol and Norco to manage my pain. If I take these meds on a routine basis, rather than an as needed basis, I am quite successful at managing the pain.
It is good that you doctor is checking your thyroid out. Sometimes the symptoms we have are also symptoms of thyroid malfunction. Take heart my dear, things will improve. It may seem as if it is taking forever but things will improve.
The number one thing that helps me the most is my ever abiding belief in God and the power of prayer! I am constantly "talking/praying" to God.
Christine in So. California <3
groovy_chic bedilia
groovy_chic wendy5050
wendy5050 groovy_chic
Well done
Wendy x