I been diagnosed with acid reflux .is that so serious and whats are the symptoms?

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I just went to emergency room last tuesday due to stomach pain and they diagnosed me having acid reflux. They gave me omeprazole and anti acid and it kinda help me a little. I feel sometimes lump on my throat and feel weak on my body sometimes. Now I feel headache too but I dont know if its still a symptom of Acid reflux or is acid reflux can turn to gerd easily??

I really wanna know someone if u are feeling the same way as I am or tell me some remedies and diet to help me out here..I wanna get well

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like all the symptoms are consistent with extreme acid reflux   Take the omeprazole in what ever dose the doctors suggested half an hour before you eat and top it up anti acids  but do take the antiacids near the time you take the omeprazole or it reduces the effect of the   omeprazole - ideally not 2 hours before or 2 hours after

    Reduce all spicy food, cut out caffeine, drink lots of water, once extreme symptoms moderate try reintroducing things to see what affects you most

    • Posted

      Hi Charie, do you get the acid coming up burning inside your mouth and a bitter taste? I have had this for 9 months now and it’s really getting me down, had Endoscopy which they found a small hh. 
    • Posted

      Hi everyone does anyone get burning acid in their mouth giving you a painful tongue and inside cheeks. It’s a very bitter taste and excess saliva 😢

  • Posted

    Continue to take the medication you were given for acid reflux; that is your remedy. Trust your diagnosis.  If you stress about it, it will make your symptoms worse and stress can cause headaches.  Acid reflux does not cause headaches; acid reflux causes burning in your stomach. GERD is more chronic than just the odd bout of heartburn.  It can be caused by a weak oesophageal sphincter.

    I have had acid reflux for years and I took omeprazole which worked.  Now I take OTC medication and it also helps.  I was told I had a weak oesophageal sphincter.  Avoid spicy, fatty and rich foods and don’t eat late.  Eat little bur often and don’t overeat.   Acid reflux is very common and treatable.


  • Posted

    You must take care of yourself and watch what you eat.  Going to a chiropractor will help.  Taking all those meds are not good for you.  Try pecide over the counter.  Also Papaya pills at Walmart will help.  
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    I would not go to a chiropractor.  I went to one and it eventually led to my IBS.
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    another little tip..always have your meals sitting at a table and not on your lap watching TV.

    Best not to eat late in evening and several small meals may be better for you and don’t have very hot drinks of tea etc.

    Good luck😊

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