I believe I have a very tight foreskin, can I have sex comfortably?
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I believe my foreskin is very tight. I have provided a picture of it as well. That is the maximum I have ever been able to stretch my foreskin. I have heard about stretching exercises and I've tried it for a brief period, but personally I just can't see it working in my case - my foreskin just feels too tight.
This issue has been troubling me for the past three years, ever since I came to know about it. Can I possibly have sex comfortably? Will my ability to father a child be at a risk due to my foreskin? Just for information, I am twenty years of age. I can comfortably ejaculate and masturbation is also not a major problem. I don't want to consider extreme steps like circumcision right-away.
Sometimes, I feel like I might not be able to satisfy my future wife because of this issue. This has obviously contributed a lot to my depression. I feel insecure and embarrassed about myself. I know it is not my fault that I was born with this foreskin, but the possibility that I might end up incapable of satisfying my wife makes me feel under-confident and worthless. Any kind of advice or experience would be very appreciated from my side. Thank you.
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kim12266 sr06903
if the stretching exercises are not working for u u should discuss your options with a doctor there are creams etc that can be applied on prescription if they dont help u should consider surgery or keep doing the exercises there are only a few options in this cases the main one is doing the stretching other than that there is not alot that u can do at home to correct the issue as this is something that u state u have had for some time in cases like this when someone has had it all there life and its not suddenly happened it may be more difficult to treat with natural home remedies and general stretching exercises
if your condition does not cause any discomfort u should have no issue having a normal sex life and also being able to have children as it does mot effect how the penis works should u consider to do nothing about it it wouldnt cause an issue in that respect
its certainly worth visiting a doctor to discuss things as even if ur not willing to think about surgery at the moment they may have other things u can try as an alternative
sr06903 kim12266
Thanks a lot for the advice. I have never had any discomfort while masturbating or ejaculating, so it's good to know there's a chance I can have a normal sex life and fatherhood. I'm still a college student and not financially independent yet, so it's very difficult for me to visit doctors privately. But once I am independent enough, I'll definitely meet one. Maybe till then, I can continue with stretching exercises...
kim12266 sr06903
ye at least give them a good try
james16984 sr06903
Can I ask how old you are? My foreskin was incredibly tight when I was in my teens. I went to the doctors when I was about 16 and was told to stretch it and if it didn't do the trick they would remove it for me. It took years of effort and stretching but it eventually loosened up enough to retract over my glans.
sr06903 james16984
I'm twenty years old. Did you do the stretching without any cream or with one? Also, may I ask how long did it take you to retract the foreskin? I don't want to consider surgery; that'll be my extreme last resort. As mentioned earlier, I'll continue with the stretching exercises and hope it works. Otherwise, I'll see if my condition affects my sex life or not...
james16984 sr06903
I must admit it took years of effort and a lot of time before my foreskin finally worked as it should. I first began to notice mine wasn't right aged around 11 whilst playing with a friend but never said anything till I was 16 when I finally visited the doctor. My foreskin wouldnt retract at all unless I was completely soft and in the bath at this age. The doctor recommended retracting as often as possible and if it didnt work to go back and they'd operate on it. When erect it wouldnt go back at all but I kept on stretching it over my glans and over the years it loosened. I was probably in my late twenties before my skin would retract when i was erect. By my early thirties it worked fine and retracted on its own as soon as I got an erection, luckily it still does to this day!
Wee_Dugie sr06903
The vast majority of tight foreskin and short frenulum issues can be resolved through stretching alone - all you need is the determination to achieve it and have a regular stretching routine that you develop and practice everyday,
You should at least look at the detail by doing a keyword search with the following terms:
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