I can't leave my house.

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my anxiety has gotten so bad that I can't leave my house.  I've been in my house (never really leaving my bedroom as it's the only place I feel safe) for two months.  I can't even go to the doctors which is a 30 second drive from my house.

i wish I could explain how badly I feel.  I cry constantly, I have no friends and my family don't understand why I am like this and I am really scared I'm going to end up having a mental breakdown.  

At least three times a day I am in the corner of my bathroom rocking back and forth sweating, crying, racing heart, feeling the need to run but I have no where to run too.  I am literally stuck and I can't pick myself back up. 

I have no idea what to do, I don't want to go to the doctors because I'm scared and I am already on so much medication (venlafaxine, mirtazipine, diazepam and propranolol) I wake up every two hours in a cold sweat panicking... I don't know what to do.. How do I get help? Who do I talk to about getting the help I need?

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37 Replies

  • Posted

    Thats alot of meds.....you need to talk it out.Dont keep it inside!
  • Posted

    Can anyone help I can’t leave my house it’s started last October 2017 I can only manage to go to my doctors which are not listening to me I keep telling them basically I was in a volatile relationship he did some terrible things I got free but he stalked me again I had no support from anyone I am a single mum to three in June 2017 my mum had a massive stroke and was on end of life I didn’t leave her side when I was 4 she had a brain tumour and this day was always going to come from damage to the brain sorry to go on anyway mum started to respeoned so they took her off end of life she can’t talk walk eat or drink it breaks my heart to see her like this I was on edge the hospital for month incase o lost her now she is home being cared for I live far away from her so I have guilt that I can’t help everything just hit me I won’t leave the house I panic I have gained weight my blood pressure is shooting up I struggle even to get up I am 41 I feel 91 I can’t tell my kids I feel so embarrassed and a failure to my kids I couldn’t even go to parents evening I can’t be around people the doctors won’t listen to me I feel I have nobody can anyone tell me what to do what’s wrong with me so sorry for moaning 
    • Posted

      Baby steps.  Start by going on a walk every day even if it’s just to th mailbox to begin with. Then venture out farther and farther each day.  Even just a 20 minute walk can help our brain so so much. Eventually, drive to a nearby drug store or gas station or grocery store. My psychologist says to get out once a day at least. Repeated exposure, afterwards give yourself positive reinforcement. Get sunlight when possible, the vitamin D really helps mood. Get the proper nutrients and vitamins through diet and take supplements. Vitamin B-12 is really good and also Omega 3 are both good for mood, energy, anxiety, depression, etc. Look up the benefits (omega 3 is also good for high blood pressure). Drink green tea or matcha tea, they both have L theanine in them which is very helpful for mood, anxiety, sleep, etc. It is very calming. You can also take a L theanine supplement. It sounds like you need to see a new doctor as well, I know this is tough but if they aren’t listening to you then you won’t progress. Maybe try seeing a therapist or psychologist, talking to others can really help. I know all these things are easier said than done but try try try! You have made it this far, you are not a failure!!! You can overcome this. 
    • Posted

      what if we dont want to do any of that, cant do any of that... i saw a cartoon of an adult plug with 2 prongs for a head pointing to his kid with 3 prongs for a head to fit into a regular 2 prong outlet... (if that makes sense) as in people can say baby steps and tell you to walk but thats not going to make you do anything...

  • Posted

    I have been in my house for over 10 years due to Agoraphobia. I have tried meds, Therapy, TMS, Spravato, Hypnosis, Accupunture, and I have had the Ganglion nerve block done 3x. Nothing has helped me. Its hard to accept that i have missed out on so much life, its just horrible. It harms my physical help as well because i cant get to the Doctor. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! ty!

    • Edited

      do you know what brought this on? i only leave my house when someone comes to pick me up for supper and only take garbage out at dark when nobody can see me. i now barely leave my room. and also have not replied to a single message or call from anyone in over 6 months....

  • Posted

    i see these are 4 and 5 years old i am wondering if things have changed as i am now going through something very similar and am going crazy because of it

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