I can't seem to figure out what are these.
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I have these white pimple looking things on the inside of my foreskin.
So far they didn't cause any trouble, no pain, no itching, nothing.
Also, over time there seems to be more and more of these.
What the hell are they? And will they cause me any trouble in the future?
I'm 18 btw and a virgin.
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michael34979 jack68284
hello jack, it looks like your just building bacteria,do you pull your skin down when cleaning your penis?
jack68284 michael34979
Yes I do, and I clean it regularly every day.
michael34979 jack68284
ok, do you use soap, or just water?
jack68284 michael34979
Just water.
Wee_Dugie jack68284
Jack, what these could be are something that are naturally present on the top of the shaft / foreskin of your penis. The most common thing they could be are Fordyce Spots. However, what you need to know is that they look quite severely irritated.
As the other responder Michael has mentioned, when you wash this area YOU MUST use water only, and this is because of the potential irritation effect on the skin of the area, generally. It could also be a skin condition you have developing - you need to carefully watch this for further worsening, if this occurs you need to see a Doctor to get the correct treatment put in place.
In the mean time, wash with water, get yourself a towel that only you use and make sure the entire foreskin and head of your penis is completely dried after washing, after a shower. Masturbation is also a high risk time when your skin is like this. Again, you MUST do a full clean up afterwards - all traces of pre-ejaculate and semen must be completely cleared away. Start with clean tissues for the main clear up, then go wash with running water only, then use your own clean dry towel to carefully dry the head and entire foreskin area.
If you have any further question on what to do then simply get back to me, as I have been dealing with a severe skin condition on my foreskin for around 10 years +.
jack68284 Wee_Dugie
These spots came around a few years back , but they have been spreading very, very slowly.
Don't know about this irritation though, ever since they showed up, they always looked like this; which is why I thought they aren't fordyce spots, but it seems they are. And like i've said, they don't cause irritation, itching, pain, or anything like that, I was just curious if they would cause any future troubles.
I will look out for them, and do the more thorough cleaning part, then we shall see how it goes.
Wee_Dugie jack68284
Just to emphasise, these are likely to be something that is naturally present in this area of your penis. Whether it is the photo not showing them sufficiently clearly, but they could be slightly irritated. Use water only to clean, make sure the entire skin of the penis is completely dried after washing or taking a shower.
If these are naturally present they will not cause future problems.
it is possible these will continue to develop further in the next 6 years or so. If you become concerned that they are not as they should be at any time, seek a professional opinion such as at a Sexual Health Service, or a GUM Clinic at your local general Hospital if you live in the UK .......
james16984 jack68284
They look like common fordyce spots to me. My penis has loads of them on the shaft and on the skin by the frenulum. They are quite normal and nowt to worry about.