I can't stop panicking right now. Can someone help me?

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I was eating cereal this morning and had honey bunches of oats for breakfast, but since I was rushing to get to work, I accidentally forgot to chew I think was a granola piece or a different park of the honey oats cereal, stuck in my esophagus and I can't stop panicking. I'm really scared right now if I might die. The cereal was already too soggy, but I know a granola piece won't become soft with milk so I can't stop worrying. It has been an hour since I ate it. I haven't choked yet, but I also don't want to go to the ER or urgent care for no reason as everytime I do feel food stuck inside my throat, they never find a piece inside, even with x rays done, they still don't find anything and told me it's mostly my anxiety that's causing that sensation and making me worried since they said normally if I'm choking I wouldn't be able to form a sentence, drink, eat and breathe right now. Should I believe them? I would really like for someone to respond and give me advice if I should get help or not.

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2 Replies

  • Edited

    gina you are not choking! you would not be able to breathe or even send this message if you were because you would be gasping for air and be unconscious by now. you ate it at least an hour ago or longer. When people choke, they gasp for air immediately! You’ve got to remember that anxiety can cause this sensation. Many people get it. You need to calm yourself down . Follow one of the short meditations for panic on YouTube. They will show you how to calm down. Proper breathing is essential. It will calm down your mind. Let us know how you are doing.

  • Posted

    ,Hi gina, as Jan explained, you're not choking and you're most likely fine. I understand how scary that can be, but anxiety is very powerful on tricking you into thinking something is physically wrong with you. This is just from my experience when I gone through thinking I was going to choke on my food, since I would feel sensations there, just to find out nothing is really wrong with me. This has happened to me a few times and even when I get checked out by professionals, they didn't find anything wrong with me, even through x-rays. The mind is a powerful tool, if you can eat, drink, breathe and swallow, it's safe to assume you will be fine. Please tell yourself you will be okay, because you will. Just remember that. Don't stress yourself. Take care and feel free to message me if you ever need someone to talk. I would love to help you out and give you advices.

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