I can't take it anymore!!!

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I don't understand why this is happening to me why why me why now. I was starting to feel human and here we are all over again. I went to dentist on Thursday because my tooth hurt and the doctors told me again that I will have to take them out at some point, I don't have an infection I just don't have bone and my molars and tooths were supported by my gums. Great just other wonderful news. I had a horrible emotional response and my anxiety caused my blood pressure to go up out of the blue probably because I cried to much. I had to call my doctor and now I am taking everything from before the synthroid plus HRT plus lorazepam and the doc gave me blood pressure medication that the first day worked miracles because I felt that I was dying, but today in the morning I took a half and I felt so bad omg. I don't know what to do anymore I can't even see a window at the end of the tunnel. I turned 50 and everything went to sh....

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Dear Marcia, I am sorry for what you are going through. You are not alone. There are so many women like you going through this. We must simply say to ourselves this will pass. Because it will. If you search the forums you will find posts from those who have been through it all and come out the other end fine. If you are now on HRT it should start to make you feel better after a while. Hang in there. We are women and we are strong and we carry on! Can you imagine if men had menopause?!?!?! I mean, they think they are dying when they get a cold for goodness sake!!!
    • Posted

      Hi, what is the average time for it to pass and if you are on HRT - is that just prolonging it?  If you go off HRT in let's say 15 years - then do you get the symptoms?

    • Posted

      Suki girl you are adorable thanks for give a smile. It is 3:06 am and no feeling ok I went to restroom and find out that I am bleeding again, my body is totally unbalanced I will call my OBGYN again in the morning. I really want to be positive, that is my real me happy, grateful and positive I don't really know who is using my body right now and I am just sad about it all the time. I usually complain that my husband is not very clever or he doesn't do the things properly or the way I see them better, you know not perfect but great ma. Who also has his issues and only think lately in sex 24/7 😂. However this days I have to complement him how he is in his capacity coping wifh me because I am not Placent to be around. I don't want to be touched or talk or whatever means breathing near me, I just don't feel good, and he is being nice and paciente a least trying 😩😊

    • Posted

      Hi Van-j thanks for your reply, looks like you have a lot of questions for your OBGYN every woman is different and we are here sharing hour most intimate feeling and sharing the experience that we have about same situation to help each other. In my case I am 54 and I suppose to be in menopause because my hormones panel test but what I am is a roller coaster.i start using Duevee prescribed by other doctor and now I am using Premarin and Progesterone prescribed by my new doctor, plus I have another issues in between. Your body will express in a different way maybe you need to ask your doctor for a complete blood exam including a complete hormone panel before deciding your way to go. Good luck and hope you also feel better 
    • Posted

      No, the HRT helps you through the peri menopause (pre menopause) period. Once you have had menopause (a point in time one year after your last period) then it is finished and you are in post menopause. HRT doesn't delay menopause it reduces the impact of the peri menopause symptoms on you by maintaining your hormone levels. Why some women opt to suffer the symptoms of perimenopause without the help of HRT is because HRT carries risks such as increase risk of blood clots or breast cancer (won one who have already had breast cancer cannot use HRT), is can also have side effects such as weight gain

      You cannot stay stay on HRT indefinitely, due to the associated risks, so when you agree with your doctor that is it time to come off you have to come off it very slowly to give your body time to adjust. You cannot go cold turkey, the sudden change in hormone levels will give you serious symptoms. There is advice on the internet about coming off HRT safely and symptom free. For example on the women's health network.

    • Posted

      No, the HRT helps you through the peri menopause (pre menopause) period. Once you have had menopause (a point in time one year after your last period) then it is finished and you are in post menopause. HRT doesn't delay menopause it reduces the impact of the peri menopause symptoms on you by maintaining your hormone levels. Why some women opt to suffer the symptoms of perimenopause without the help of HRT is because HRT carries risks such as increase risk of blood clots or breast cancer (won one who have already had breast cancer cannot use HRT), is can also have side effects such as weight gain. 

      You cannot stay stay on HRT indefinitely, due to the associated risks, so when you agree with your doctor that is it time to come off you have to come off it very slowly to give your body time to adjust. You cannot go cold turkey, the sudden change in hormone levels will give you serious symptoms. There is advice on the internet about coming off HRT safely and symptom free.

    • Posted

      The average time for perimenopause is suppose to be 4 years. It can range from a few months up to 10 years, although, recent news has said that it can last up to 14 years.
    • Posted

      Thank you Marcia. I don't feel very adorable. I've just been plucking my chin hairs out! Flipping heck I knew old ladies had chin hairs. I didn't know when you enter peri you start sprouting a beard!!! I am naturally blond with fine hair but these are thick dark stubble hairs! I bought one of those laser hair zapper things. Lovely hairless legs and armpits now, but these chin hairs just keep growing. One day I won't be able to see to pluck them out, then I'll have to shave them!!! Thank goodness my hubbies eyesight is failing, he has to wear bifocals so if I stand really close to him or far away when he's not wearing his glasses I still look great!

  • Posted

    I can't take it anymore either!!   I was in the dentist chair about a month ago and he said I needed a crown for a cracked tooth...  And I have 2 cavities!!  I just cried right there in the chair!!   He asked if I needed a Valium..  I was so embarrassed BUT I'm like what else is next..  Feeling blah and tired all the time, seems like I can't get anything done and I'm gaining weight!!  Have looked into some kind of hormone diet but need motivation.   Oh and my son usually points out if I have a hair or two on my chin..  ha ha ha  I can't see nor do I care..  He also says I have peach fuzz.. UGH   So yes, it just one problem after another..  

  • Posted

    I agree, after 50 it all turned to sh@%!!!!!

    Wish I would've know, I would've enjoyed my 40s more! 

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