I can't take it anymore
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Good morning all,
I feel like I have reached the end of my rope with these symptoms. Today I have that full bloated feeling under my breast on the left side of my rib. It sometimes moves to the center of my chest and also in between my shoulder blades. It feels like a rubber band is wrapped around my midsection. I've been feeling panicky and anxious too. I just want these symptoms to go away. Anyone else have this combination of symptoms?
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serena11274 sharcerv52408
ive had terrible bloating this morning, mine feels like pressure near sternam area and makes it hard to breathe also pushes my heart rate up, only relief is laying down for me, comes and goes
sharcerv52408 serena11274
Yeah that's how it's been for me too, it comes and goes. I feel panicky, nauseous, wobbly legs, stomach is upset. My daughter wants to play with me, she's 6 and I tried but I just can't seem to pull myself together. Why does menopause have to rob us of even the simplest things?
serena11274 sharcerv52408
this is the worst ive ever felt in my lifetime, we just dont get a break, im over waiting for doct to help so ive contacted a menopause assoc who actually understand and go by symptons not bloods
pamela2016 sharcerv52408
yes my digestive system is a mess for awhile the bloating and indigestion its horrible nexium i tried it helps some but then i get this burning hungar sensation no win situation
hopeforever sharcerv52408
I have been feeling unwell, called my dr and she told me to get a probiotic more than 10 billion and take magnesium and eat fresh fruit and vegetable. Surprisingly it helped. Gave me a good bowl movement. I feel such relief. I will continue because my digestive system has been a complete mess since Feb. I also take omega 3. I highly recommend this. Hope you feel better soon. God bless
jo0808 sharcerv52408
im feeling the same today. for me i keep getting pain in my elbows then a blue nettle rash covers my arms like im cold when im not. ive phoned the doctors today complaining about sinus pressure in my ears nose had it for months now and ive just about had enough with getting fobbed off with nasal spray. i want antibiotics frig the spray he can keep it. i wasnt getting off that phone until i got some. i aint had antibiotics for 10 years I WANT THEM!!!!! wished id have mentioned my arms again cos now they've started to hurt. sometimes i think its a combination of anxiety too. came on again and bleeding like hell.... its only 17.30pm in England im already bathed & PJ's are on just to see if this rash goes with heat. hate my life right now, one day im doing ok then the next im a horrible mess. so glad im single i couldnt handle a bloke at this point in my life it would only add to the many other horrors i face daily.
hopeforever jo0808
Be careful with antibiotics a lot of peri/ meno women including myself have serious reactions to them. I wish i knew this last Jan when my dental dr gave me them to take 8 days before my apt. It almost killed me. I broke out in hives/ throat closing. Had to be rushed to hospital and be admitted. I could of taken them before peri but not anymore. Please take serious caution.
sharcerv52408 hopeforever
Yes this true. Antibiotics are a no-no for menopausal women. My sister is post+menopausal four years now. She was put on antibiotics on two separate occasions and both times she broke out in hives and sick for a few days. Stay away from them if at all possible!
priya82066 sharcerv52408
that is exactly how I feel like a rubber band is wrapped around the area around or beneath diaphragm. I also have chest pain sometimes one point sometimes pins and needles right and left sometimes under left rib and also in the middle at times. it scares the hell out of me.last month had ekg xray blood tests all normal. now cant even go to hospital due to the corona scare.
extreme weakness as if im going to faint, need deep breaths, . today my legs and hands are so weak to the point I cannot even walk properly on top of that my new symptom is loss of appetite . im living in prayer every second . miserable condition. and anxiety is through the roof.
sharcerv52408 priya82066
It doesn't feel good to be going through these harrowing experiences but it is good that we can identify with each other with having these things. I understand how you feel about having to go to hospital in the middle of this pandemic. Thankfully my doctor says she is available for video visits. She also called me yesterday and asked if I was okay and staying safe.
loonarider sharcerv52408
I am going through exactly what you are going through. It really is ruining my quality of life where I feel like I'm going to die everyday. Night time is the scariest as it seems to get way worse progressively throughout the day.
Like you, t feels light tightness around my diaphragm, struggling to take a breath, sometimes I get congestion in my nose as well but that usually comes on at night, so it feels like I'm drowning. This is no way to live. I don't know what else to do.
You are not alone in this. I just wish there was a remedy, my GP won't put me on HRT as I'm still getting periods so I'm stuck, and afraid to take anti-anxiety meds.
So sorry, all I can suggest is to try breathing exercises. which seem to help a bit.