I can’t take it anymore , time to reach for Zoloft!
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There for a couple of days i felt "ok", not great by any means but i was hoping i was turning a corner, but now the past 3 days have been hell!! Absolutely no appetite, i felt nervous for no reason, very low mood, sleep issues....i havent had a period since July. I just cant take this hell anymore! Ive been going through this for years now....im so done. I feel so weak and beaten down it just makes me want to cry. Im caving in and i think im going to reach for Zoloft, true it will add even more horrible symptoms but at least i will be numb and walk through life as a zombie....cause right now i cant even get the energy to leave my house and pretend that im ok. Maybe Zoloft will help me fake it much better. There is no end to this.
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sharcerv52408 Guest
Hello Brandy,
Believe me I know these symptoms are awful. After the night I had last night I would feel like giving in too. But we have to try to be strong. Is there anything you are fighting for? For me it's my kids. They need a mother who is always there for them. They are young and I sometimes worry that these symptoms will really do me in but then I have to get control of myself and stop thinking that. For you it may be your kids, or your partner/spouse, the dog or whatever. But we have to be strong through this. This has been the fight of my life but I am determined to see it to the end. Zoloft is a horrible drug! I was on it and I got right off of it. May I suggest that you try some adaptagens? Herbs like chamomile, lemon balm and supplements like 5-HTP help with anxiety. Look around on Amazon for anti-anxiety supplements. Anything is better than these crazy drugs they try and prescribe. Before you know it, you will be fine. We all will!
Guest sharcerv52408
Hello there, oh trust me i know Zoloft is an awful drug, i have tried it like 3 times now....each time horrible side effects, the worst being nausea & appetite loss, but it helped with the anxiety so i could get out of the house. I just feel like im at my wits end, i have been hanging in there for my kids, but its getting to the point where now im so embarrassed by how sick i am. I dont know of any moms around me that are going through the same thing. All the women i know say perimenopause is no big deal!!! I hate to say this but i want to punch them in the face when they say that garbage to me. I have tried herbs, vitamins....you name it! even talked to a shrink for the past 6 years...nothing helps
sharcerv52408 Guest
I'm so sorry that you are having a bad time with all of this. I hope that you can find a method that works best for you.
jane66356 Guest
Have you tried melatonin for sleep? I was having some of the same problems you are...I was waking with my heart racing, bad mood, hot flashes, etc. I finally tried melatonin (actually tart cherry supplement which provided melatonin) and have had great results. Getting proper sleep can help address the low mood, anxiety, etc. 5-htp is helpful also. I take the melatonin (tart cherry) 1/2 hr before bed. I have been sleeping better, waking less and have felt calmer throughout the day. I was having loads of anxiety and some panic attacks before. My "fitbit" scores have been in the 80's (good) as opposed to 70's & 60's (fair to poor)
I felt lightheaded the first few mornings after taking it but I have adapted over the past week and a half.
I have not had a period since Aug...I'm on day 87. I'm almost 53 and think I'm at the "finish line" so things have really ramped up for me the past 6 months.
mary27278 jane66356
I haven't had a period since Aug too and is 53 too. I wake up with shakiness, more like internal. I've tried the melatonin and it worked for awhile but stopped. Before I 've gone 7 months with no period and the longer I went the better I started to feel. I'm praying it's the same this time. My period returned and symptoms returned. I just started cbd and I hope it helps. Are you having digestion issues?
Guest jane66356
Yep tried it, my sleep really isnt the issue its the nausea, no energy, low mood & headaches. I still get 6-7 hours of sleep a night its just some times i wake up and have to force myself back to sleep. I just dont feel like i used to and it makes me so miserably sad!
jane66356 mary27278
i am having digestive issues...mostly daily constipation...not fully constipated but somewhat. I eat a lot of fiber and never had this problem before a few months ago.
jane66356 Guest
that's no fun! You were thinking about taking Zoloft. Have you been on Zoloft before and did it help?
Guest jane66356
Yes ive tried zoloft a few times, i always quit it cause 2 months in the nausea and headaches never go away, but yes it did help with the anxiety and depression
NothinforNothin mary27278
Hi Mary,
I just started a high potency probiotic along with everything else otc I take ha and it's really helping. Have felt better since adding it to my daily supplements. Very good for digestion issues.
kelly55079 Guest
I feel like this too but I know I'm super low on iron.. It is hell--- tired and low mood. I sleep but wake up like a zombie still... The holidays are coming and I just want to hide under the covers like you were saying I feel numb. My kids have sport games but I get nervous about going to them, I know weird!! I'm having a D&C next week so NO vitimins for me this week. I'm hoping to be on my way to meno after this but still a little concerned about how my body will react.
Guest kelly55079
Good luck on your D&C! I know what you mean about getting nervous! Im nervous just sitting in the comfort of my own home but if i have an appt or have to go shopping i shoot right up to ordeal mode. I get so anxious i literally vomit! What is up with that!? I hate this crap!
Eliaimee1970 Guest
Hi Brandy:
you are not alone in this . Im 49 yrs and I been prescribe Zoloft 25mg for 8 months and i havent try but i went on vacation and I start getting depresed and I start taking them so i feel better the downs is that I have to cut them in half due to hurts my stomach so i have no ansiety. now im dealing with left hip pain for 2 months is deabilitating with knee and ankle pain . im so sick of dealing with pain , I hope you feel better and you are not alone in this